
No 119684
著者(英字) Alexander,Pichura Clemens
著者(カナ) アレクサンダー,ピヒューラ クレメンス
標題(和) 現象としてのイノベーションとその国内建設産業の情報伝達モデルの変化に及ぼす影響
標題(洋) The Phenomenon of Innovation and its Influence on Changing Project Delivery Models in Construction in Japan
報告番号 119684
報告番号 甲19684
学位授与日 2004.09.30
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第5889号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 建築学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 野城,智也
 東京大学 教授 坂本,功
 東京大学 助教授 松村,秀一
 東京大学 助教授 曲渕,英邦
 東京大学 助教授 野口,貴文
 東京大学 特任教授 Marcotullio,Peter
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

1. English Abstract

This dissertation is motivated by the desire to understand a phenomenon - innovation - and its implications for the construction industry. It spans a bow between the phenomenological developments of the concept over the theoretical discussions to its particular implications in the construction sector. Lastly, an empirical application level was chosen that reflects a most recent development in the Japanese construction industry.

The general business environment is under change. Globalisation has fully exerted influence on developed countries as well as on lesser developed countries. Individuals, firms and industries have taken actions to react on the changing environment. The shifting of development, production, accounting and marketing activities due to technological progress to almost any place in the world became possible. Highly developed high wage countries in many industries have suffered the loss of many basic production or administration activities to lower wage countries. That poses the question what are the remaining core firms in the highly developed countries still good for if production can be done cheaper and of equal quality in low wage countries?

The answer for many industries is innovation. Innovation is not a new word. However, it gained new and greater relevance due to the before mentioned developments. Years ago we were talking about improvement and progress. These concepts were the answers to the general problems of their time. They did not become redundant but our cognitive insights increased. Progress is a concept that exerts a high degree of positivism and dogmatism. Innovation is a minor paradigm shift in our reaction to the developments and understanding of changes in the world. From the Enlightenment, which put science and development on the basis of reason, empiricism, universalism and progress over many stages to industrialisation, which allowed almost unlimited development, these concepts got a shock by postmodernism and the understanding of Thomas Kuhn that science also produces a lot of waste. The absolutism of progress, which also delivered the nuclear bomb, is relativised by innovation which puts invention into relation with the markets' needs and perceptiveness.

This dissertation develops the phenomenology of innovation why it is such an important issue to our time. It systemises and puts the existing literature and research into perspective as a comprehensive overview is missing. Its particular implications for construction are developed. The Japanese system of construction innovation is discussed and put into contrast with Germany and the U.K. Lastly, the relationship with the most recent interest in changing project delivery models in Japan is empirically scrutinised. Japan's construction industry is dominated by Design-award-Build and Design & Build delivery systems with lump-sum fixed prices. Alternative models are gaining attractiveness to reduce costs - the share of construction costs in relation to land prices for a building project has increased and thus created cost pressure on construction firms - and increase transparency. Various alternative models exist and are imported and investigated by Japanese construction firms.

The outcome of this dissertation is to most comprehensively develop a systemised 'map of innovation', a decision matrix for determining construction innovation parameters, and to identify which might be the influences of changing delivery models on innovation and technological improvement in construction in Japan.

The answer to the latter issue is ambiguous, as the typical delivery model with its closely managed supply-chain entails many opportunities for innovation but, at the same time, limits innovation based on direct competition.

It is recommended to slightly loosen the closed organisational structure of major general contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers for more direct competition by retaining the advantages of the supply-chain management.

New delivery models can play an important part in this development to foster innovation.

2. Japanese Abstract



 このような観点から、多くの産業においてイノベーションに注目していくことになる。イノベーションは特に新しい概念とは言えない。しかし、それ以前に述べられてきた発展に関する議論を経て、徐々に重要な今日の状況へ適切な対応を確立していくことになる。ここ数年来、改良と進化について言及されてきたが、これらの概念はその時点での必要な問題を捉えたものだった。それらの持つ重要性は、われわれの感覚的な洞察力を深めてきた点である。進化は、実証主義と独断主義を高度に内包する概念である。イノベーションは、世界中で起こる発展や、その理解に対するわれわれの反応の中で、非主要な概念である。啓蒙主義は、留まることなく発展してきた工業化の多くの段階での、道理、経験主義、普遍主義、進化に基づく科学と発展を拠り所とした概念である。この啓蒙主義により、改良と進化の概念は、ポストモダニズムと、科学は多くの浪費をも引き起こしてきたとするThomas Kuhnの考え方によって、衝撃を受けることになる。核爆弾をも可能とする進化の絶対論は、発明をマーケットのニーズと鋭い知覚の関係性の中に置くイノベーションによって相対化される。






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