
No 120902
著者(英字) Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi
著者(カナ) ベルナディア・イラワティ・チャンドラデウィ
標題(和) 都市間協力の評価 : アジアにおける経験を通じて
標題(洋) Evaluation of City-To City Cooperation : Case Study Experiences within Asia
報告番号 120902
報告番号 甲20902
学位授与日 2006.03.15
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6179号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 原田,昇
 東京大学 教授 北沢,猛
 東京大学 教授 マーコトゥリオ ピーター ジョン
 東京大学 助教授 城所,哲夫
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Cross border cooperation among local governments has increased in the recent past. Specifically City-to-City Cooperation (C2C) is currently a vehicle for learning from other local governments and sharing knowledge about mutually perceived important projects. Approximately 70 percent of the world's cities were engaged in C2C activities. C2C also offers a direct and cost-effective mechanism for improving urban living conditions. As such this cooperation claims to be an effective tool in enhancing management capacities of participating authorities. However, surprisingly little research and few evaluations of these programmes have been undertaken. This paper begins to address these research lacunae by examining C2C, and key elements for its success. An evaluation of a city network is included to understand the objectives and rationale intra urban cooperation through networks. As a case study, a chapter is dedicated to evaluate a 9-year technical cooperation and exchange programme between Penang Municipal Council (Malaysia) and Yokohama City (Japan) in the areas of city planning and management. It outlines the successes and limitations of the cooperation.

This study highlights key elements for successful cooperation and argues that C2C has potential to support urban development. Five key elements based upon Nigel Ringrose were used to study those elements. Moreover, the C2C analytical framework introduced by UNHABITAT was applied to review the city network of CITYNET. Nine (9) key elements are found to be important to the successful undertaking of C2C cooperation within Asia. These elements include commitment, community participation, understanding, reciprocity, results through real examples, support from national/stage governments, free flow of information, cost-sharing and cost-effectiveness and consistent leadership. The free flow of information is considered the most important element for success. Local governments in Asia rarely engage private companies and academicians when implementing C2C cooperation.

There are several outcomes from C2C cooperation, one of which is capacity-building of local government officials. In Asia, one finding was the importance of C2C work in the fields of urban environment and health. C2C has less affect on capacity building for gender and poverty reduction programmes. Moreover C2C cooperation also affects a number of different aspects of urban management, including: policy development and implementation, good governance, managing change and using external support. In term of modalities of external support, the documentation and dissemination of best practices was considered important.

Local governments in Asia have high expectations for continued C2C cooperation, as an important development tool. The implication of this finding is that donors and development agencies may need to explore the possibility for inclusion of C2C cooperation as one of the components in urban project deliberation.

The demands for C2C cooperation are high amongst Asian cities that are small and medium-sized (less than 1 million inhabitants). Those cities in South Asian demonstrate the highest interests in C2C cooperation, but interest is growing in cities from the cities in South-East Asian sub-region.

From the case study, the cooperation between Penang Municipal Council and Yokohama was successful in that it brought the important concept of pedestrianization and comprehensive urban design planning to inner city area of George Town, Penang, improvements to road maintenance and management, and the implementation of a recycling programme and solid waste data collection activities. At the same time, while the cooperation has had positive impacts for Penang's local government, there has been a relatively marginal role for local citizenry in this cooperation. Five key elements of Ringrose were found in the cooperation between Penang Municipal Council and Yokohama, however there are also additional elements contributing to its success. These are political support from higher levels of government, consistent leadership, cost sharing and cost effectiveness and free information flows.

The study has policy implications. From the findings several recommendation can be drawn including: 1) when local governments consider engaging in C2C cooperation they should first examine whether any or most of the nine (9) key elements for successful cooperation exist; 2) bi- and multilateral development agencies should review their policy for possible inclusion of C2C component in the urban projects especially in small and medium-size of cities, since both C2C cooperation has been found useful and these cities were found to be most interested in participating; 3) C2C cooperation should focus on capacity building of local government officials in Asia particularly in the field of environment and health which can be linked to poverty reduction and gender. Lastly, this study provides only preliminary results. Given the complexity of C2C cooperation, further research needs to be undertaken to refine and enhance these findings and recommendations.













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