
No 120975
著者(漢字) 伊部,昌宏
著者(カナ) イベ,マサヒロ
標題(和) 超対称性の破れのゲージ伝達模型における素粒子現象論および宇宙論
標題(洋) Particle-Physics Phenomenology and Cosmology of Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Models
報告番号 120975
報告番号 甲20975
学位授与日 2006.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第4775号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 助教授 久野,純治
 東京大学 教授 風間,洋一
 東京大学 教授 江口,徹
 東京大学 助教授 松尾,泰
 東京大学 教授 駒宮,幸男
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model is one of the most motivated candidate for beyond the Standard Model. Supersymmetry is a symmetry which transforms bosons into fermions and vise versa, and it is thought to play crucial role to answer the hierarchy between the weak scale and the scale of grand unified theory (GUT) or the Planck scale. In addition, it naturally provides the lightest superparticle (LSP) as a good candidate for the dark matter of the universe.

The phenomenological and cosmological feature of a supersymmetric Standard Model de-pends on how supersymmetry is broken and how such breaking effects are mediated to the particles in the supersymmetric Standard Model. Hence, to determine the mediation mecha-nism of supersymmetry breaking is the most important task to construct a supersymmetric Standard Model.

Among the mediation mechanism proposed so far, gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model is one of the most prosperous mediation mechanism. In the model, supersymmetry breaking in the "hidden"sector is mediated to the supersymmetric Standard Model via stan-dard SU(3)c×SU(2)L×U(1)Y gauge interactions. Since gauge interactions are independent of the flavor the supersymmetric Standard Model, the infamous supersymmetric flavor problem is absent automatically. This is one of the main phenomenological advantage of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model. It is also remarkable that all the scalar particles except for Higgs bosons are guaranteed to have positive masses squared, while electroweak symmetry breaking occurs naturally due to the right size of radiative corrections.

From a theoretical point of view, gauge mediation model is also attractive, since it is free from the details of unknown fundamental theory beyond the Planck scale. Namely, gauge mediation model hardly depends on the non-renormalizable interactions at the fundamental scale. This is remarkable when we compare it to the situation in gravity-mediation model where its predictions highly depend on such uncontrollable non-renormalizable interactions.

Another distinctive feature of gauge mediation model is the existence of light stable gravitino. Such gravitino is known to lead very distinctive signals in collider experiments. In addition, stable gravitino may be a good candidate for the dark matter. However, as a solution to the dark matter, stable gravitino faces some difficulties. Thermal history of cosmology with such stable gravitino is completely different from cosmology with unstable gravitino, and in some cases, such stable gravitino leads to stringent constraint on the reheating temperature after inflation.

In this thesis, we study phenomenological and cosmological aspects of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model. In the former part of this thesis, we review the distinctive features of phenomenological aspect of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model. In addition, we also discuss new insights on the little hierarchy problem in gauge mediation model.

In the latter part of this thesis, we discuss cosmological aspect of gauge mediation model. If gravitino is light and stable, the upper bound on the reheating temperature TR is known about 106 GeV when m3/2〓10 MeV for instance, and it even reaches TR〓103 GeV in the case of the light gravitino m3/2〓100keV. Such stringent upper bounds on the reheating temperature is unpleasant when we consider an origin of baryon asymmetry, such as thermal Leptogenesis, which requires very high reheating temperature.

However, we show that by pursuing a gauge mediation model which has stable vacuum and no exotic stable particles (other than gravitino), we can reach a model where the reheating temperature is free from the above upper bounds. There, the model includes a scalar particle which has very flat potential which causes "mini"inflation well after inflation and the reheating. Then, the problematic gravitino is diluted away and the above constraints can be evaded for 100 keV〓m3/2〓10 MeV. Therefore, we find that the problem of gravitino and the reheating temperature is not a problem any more, and the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model is also viable from the point of view of cosmology.

As another possibility, we also discuss another gauge mediation model which has peculiar spectrum with stable vacuum. This model is interesting since we can achieve very light gravitino with mass range m3/2〓16 eV where gravitino is known to cause no cosmological problem. We show that the requirement m3/2〓16 eV leads to the stringent upper bounds on the masses of the other supersymmetric particles; 1.1 TeV, 320 GeV, 160 GeV, 5TeV, 1.5TeV and 700 GeV for gluino, Wino, Bino, squarks, left-handed sleptons and right-handed sleptons, respectively. We also show that the light messenger slepton is predicted to have the mass of 10-50 TeV, and hence it would be an interesting dark matter candidate.

Through these studies, we confirm that gauge mediation models can be consistent with cosmology as well as phenomenology.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




第5章では、宇宙のバリオン数生成の起源として右巻きニュートリノによる宇宙のレプトン数生成であると仮定したときに、矛盾のないゲージ伝播模型とその宇宙の熱史のシナリオを提唱している。一般の超対称模型では、宇宙のインフレーション後の再加熱温度が非常に高いとグラビティーノが過剰生成されるため観測と矛盾することが知られおり、ゲージ伝達模型でも困難の一つと考えられていた。しかしながら、真空が安定でグラビティーノ以外に安定な新粒子が存在しない模型を追求することで、そうしたグラビティーノ問題は自動的に解決され得ることを示した。その結果、宇宙の暗黒物質と宇宙のバリオン非対称性の説明と矛盾しないゲージ伝達模型を構成することに成功した。この模型は、宇宙論やFCNC問題の観点から、標準模型を超えた理論の有力な候補の1つになりえる。第6章では安定な真空を持つゲージ伝達模型の特殊な場合として、16eV以下のグラビティーノを予言する模型についても現象論的考察した。このような軽いグラビティーノは宇宙論で問題を起こさないことが知られている。この場合、超対称粒子の質量が非常に軽くなることを示した。さらにこの模型では、超対称性の破れの伝達に必要な粒子が安定であり、暗黒物質の候補として適当であることを示した。この模型は、LHC で検証可能なスペクトラムを予言しており、将来の検証が可能である。




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