
No 121012
著者(漢字) 中村,憲司
著者(カナ) ナカムラ,ケンジ
標題(和) 西太平洋域における冬季・春季のオゾン光化学過程の研究
標題(洋) Studies on ozone photochemistry over the western Pacific in winter and spring
報告番号 121012
報告番号 甲21012
学位授与日 2006.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第4812号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 助教授 小池,真
 東京大学 助教授 竹川,暢之
 東京大学 助教授 今須,良一
 東京大学 教授 近藤,豊
 国立環境研究所 大気環境領域大気反応研究室長 畠山,史郎
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Investigations of photochemical production and transport of ozone (O3) over the Asian continent and the western Pacific are essential for the understandings of regional and global O3 distributions because increase of anthropogenic emissions from East Asian region is considered to lead to regional and global O3 enhancements. However, comprehensive measurements in winter and late spring are still very limited. The purpose of this work is to reveal the O3 photochemistry over these regions in winter and spring using the datasets obtained from the aircraft measurements and three-dimensional(3-D) chemical transport model. By combining these results. we could have a better understanding of photochemistry of O3 during the transport from the Asian continent(source region) to the western Pacific (receptor region).

O3. its precursors. and photolysis frequencies were observed during the Pacific Exploration of Asian Continental Emission (PEACE) aircraft campaigns conducted by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) over the western Pacific in January(PEACE-A) and April-May (PEACE-B) 2002. These measurements have provided datasets that in combination with the NASA Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) data taken over the same region in March 2001, enable studies of O3 photochemistry from winter to late spring. The species which were not observed such as OH and HO2 and photochemica1 O3 formation and destruction rates(F(O3)/D(O3)) were calculated using the photochemical box model constrained with observed parameters.

These key parameters revealed vertical distributions and seasonal changes of photochemica1 O3 productions. As shown in Figure 1. the net O3 production rate(P(O3)).given by F(O3)-D(O3), was largely positive in the boundary layer (0-3 km) at 30-45°N (1.5-4 ppbv day-1) in January, due mainly to high NO and low H2O values. Positive P(O3) continued from January to the end of March, demonstrating that the western Pacific is an important O3 source region during these seasons. P(O3) nearly ceased by late-April/May due to the decrease in NO and the increase in H2O. In the latitude range of 20-30°N. P(O3) in the boundary layer was positive in January and turned negative by March. The earlier transition was mainly due to lower NO and higher H2O concentrations, combined with weaker transport and higher temperatures than those at 30-45°N. In the middle troposphere (3-6 km), O3 production hardly occurred. It is because of lowest NOx in this altitude. The upper troposphere (6-12km) has been shown to be a region of net O3 formation throughout most of the year due to relatively high NO and low H2O. The observational study illustrates that a decrease in the net O3 production rate at 20-45°N latitude from winter to late spring is explained systematically by the increases in J(O1D). H2O, OH, and HO2 and the decrease in NO.

Variations of O3 over East Asia and the western Pacific from winter to spring were investigated in terms of photochemistry and transport using the 3-D CTM GEOS-CHEM. For the validation of the GEOS-CHEM results for January and April 2002.they were conlpared with data obtained by the PEACE aircraft observations made at the same periods.Ozone, its precursors, and P(O3) calculated by GEOS-CHEM generally agreed well with the observed and box model values for tins region.

The NOx in the boundary layer (0-2.1 km) was highest (several ppbv) over industrial regions of the Asian continent.two orders of magnitude higher than that over the western Pacific. Thus, F(CO3) was highest over the Asian continent and decreased with distance from the continent to the western Pacific. The maximum HOx radicals occurred 10-20°N and decreased with latitude. The spatial distribution of D(O3) was similar to that of HOx. As a result P(O3) were positive over the Asian continent but negative over the western Pacific (Figure 2), indicating that O3 was persistently produced over the Asian continent. The increase in P(O3) with season over the Asian continent was mainly caused by the increase in photochemical activity. In contrast, it significantly decreased with season due to weakened transport of NOx in April.

Monthly mean O3 in the boundary layer are also shown in Figure 2. In January, the O3 mixing ratios were highest in the downstream regions of the Asian outflow. In April. the O3 mixing ratios were highest over regions around the Japan Sea. The mean flow patterns suggest that these high O3 were due to accumulation of O3 during transport of continental air in the high P(O3) regions. Anthropogenic NOx emitted from the Asian continental region caused 1-3 ppbv (January) and 3-10 ppbv (April) of O3 increases in the downwind regions.

Figure 1. Vertical profiles of the net formation (P(O3)) rate at 20°N-30°N and 30°N-45°N in units ppbv day-1.

Figure 2. Monthly mean P(O3) (top) and O3 (bottom) in January (left) and April (right)in the boundary layer simulated by GEOS-CHEM. Mean wind fields and the line where P(O3) is zero (thick line) are also displayed in bottom panels.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



本論文では、西太平洋域(123-145 oE, 20-45 oN)において2002年1月及び4-5月に実施されたPEACE航空機観測(PEACE-A、B)と、2001年3月に実施されたTRACE-P航空機観測に基づき、オゾンの光化学生成・消失および輸送過程の解析を行った。この解析の結果、冬季のアジアではシベリア高気圧による強い季節風(速い輸送)と、低いOH濃度(長いNOx寿命)に起因して大気境界層内でNOx濃度が高く維持されていることが分かった。この結果、光化学ボックスモデル計算から推定されたオゾン生成速度F(O3)は2-5 ppbv day-1と大きい値となった。太陽放射が弱いのでオゾン破壊速度D(O3)は1 ppbv day-1以下と小さい。結果として、境界層内における正味のオゾン生成速度P(O3)は2-4 ppbv day-1と大きな値となり、冬季に光化学的にオゾンを生成していることが光化学ボックスモデル計算から推定された。一方、春季では風速は弱まりNOxの寿命も短くなるためNOx濃度が低下し、また太陽放射が強くなるためにD(O3)が大きくなり、これにともないP(O3)は大きく減少する。このため、20-30 oNでは3月に生成から消失へと移行した。一方、30-45 oNでは20-30 oNに比べNOxが高く、また太陽放射は弱いため、4・5月まで正味で光化学的にO3が生成され続けていることがわかった。

観測が行われた領域の風上に当り、汚染物質の大きな排出源である東アジアの大陸上、及び風下に当るより遠方の太平洋域における大気微量成分の高精度の観測例は少ない。そこで三次元化学輸送モデルGEOS-CHEMによる2002年1月及び4月の計算結果を基に、東アジアから西太平洋域におけるオゾンの光化学過程を検証した。GEOS-CHEMによるモデル計算結果は、PEACE航空機観測から得られたオゾン、オゾン前駆物質及びP(O3)と比較することで再現性を確認した。境界層内(0-2.1 km)でNOx濃度が数百pptvから数ppbvと高濃度で存在する大陸上ではオゾン生成が強い。NOx濃度は季節と共に減少するが、光化学反応の活発化に伴い過酸化ラジカル濃度が増加するため、P(O3)は冬季から春季にかけて増加した。一方、太平洋上では、NOx濃度は数十pptvと低くオゾン生成は弱いが、冬季にはP(O3)が正の領域は160 oE付近まで広がっていた。この領域は太陽放射とNOx濃度の変化により4月にはより大陸近傍へと移動した。



なお、本論文の第2章は近藤、Chen、竹川、小池、宮崎、北、Crawford, Ko, Blake, 川上、白井、Liley、Wang、小川との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって解析・解釈を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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