
No 121272
著者(漢字) 謝,承暉
著者(カナ) シャ,ショウキ
標題(和) 窒素固定細菌の系統分類に関する研究
標題(洋) Phylogenetic studies on nitrogen - fixing bacteria
報告番号 121272
報告番号 甲21272
学位授与日 2006.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(農学)
学位記番号 博農第2985号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 応用生命工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 助教授 横田,明
 東京大学 教授 米山,忠克
 東京大学 教授 小柳津,広志
 東京大学 教授 妹尾,啓史
 東京大学 助教授 日高,真誠
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The purpose of this study

Nitrogen fixation is fundamental biochemical processes making atmospheric nitrogen bioavailable. It has not been found in eukaryotes, but revealing considerable biodiversity among the bacteria and the archaea. The biologically fixed nitrogen is less prone to leaching and volatilization as it is utilized in situ and therefore the biological process contributes an important and sustainable input into agriculture. These systems can provide an ecologically acceptable alternative to the increased application of nitrogen fertilizers. Effort at extending N2-fixing ability to important nonleguminous crops such as cereals has long been a major goal of workers in the field of biological nitrogen fixation. One approach for achieving this goal has involved the isolation and characterization of N2-fixing bacteria from a variety of sources. It becomes a major purpose in respect ofsearching distribution and diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in this study.

We attempted to isolate strains from legumes, lichen, and soil, and obtained 48 strains from soil, 8 rhizobial strains from leguminous plants, 40 strains from lichen. Some of them were defined as diazotrophs based on the methods (growth on nitrogen-free medium, acetylene reducing activity, and detection of nifH gene), whereas some of them are still unknown or having no nitrogen-fixing ability. The phylogenetic study also included some nitrogen-fixing strains isolated from the rice plant by Oyaizu-Masuchi and Komagata (1988) and some diazotrphic bacteria whose phylogenetic position are uncertain such as Derxia gummosa, Alcaligenes latus, Pseudomonas saccharophila, and genera Azotobacter, Azomonas, and Azorhizophilus.

Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Rhizobia are capable of forming root or stem nodules on leguminous plants. Two non-rhizobial strains Ka9123 and Y1O3A isolated from Lotus japonicus in the seacoast of Chiba, were affiliated with Aminobacter lineage based on 16S rRNA and recA genes phylogenetic analyses. They could nodulate in L. japonicus and Lotus corniculatus, the nodA and nifH genes sequences analyses indicated that the unique genes for nodulation might be transferred from Mesorhizobium strains. Phylogenetic studies on the strains isolated from L. japonicus in many regions of Japan revealed that the highly divergent strains scattered through the genus Mesorhizobium and could be separated at species level. These observations clearly indicate that the legume L japonicus harbor diverse rhizobia distributed among the genus Mesorhizobium, and the symbiotic island could be transferred to at genus level in the rhizosphere. Isolates within Rhizobium lineage from leguminous plant, and lichen were subjected to investigate the phylogentic analyses based on 16S rRNA, nodA, and nifH genes sequences, indicating nod and nif genes did not co-evolve together and may be acquired from different origins.

Anoxygenic photosynthesis diazotrophs.

Photosynthesis is the physico-chemical process which use light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds by plant, algae and photosynthetic bacteria. Aside from performing photosynthesis, some members of the phototrophic bacteria are able to fix nitrogen. Strains R5, R12, R2 (originated from rice plant) and strain 05 (originated from lichen) were found to be the anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria with red pigment, internal photosynthetic membrane and bacteriochlorophyll a. The phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA, gyrB, nifH, and pufLM genes sequences as well as phenotypic study revealed that they were two independent members of the genus Rhodopseudomonas. The aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium, strain MCW (originated from lichen), formed pink pigment at aerobic-light condition, and would belong to a novel genus within α-Proteobacteria based on the phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA, nifH, and pufLM genes sequences.

Free-living diazotrophic bacteria

Free-living diazotrophic bacteria can fix nitrogen at aerobic condition. The nitrogenase activities of these bacteria were easily detected by acetylene reduction assay and nifH gene sequenceing.

(1). The phylogenetic analyses revealed that strain 08 (originated from lichen) and strain KaO3 (isolated from soil) were closely related to genus Xanthobacter and genus Paenibacillus, respectively.

(2). Fourteen strains isolated from rice plant or its rhizosphere by Oyaizu-Masuchi and Komagata, were included in this study. Taxonomic positions of these strains has been remained uncertain because of the lacking of molecular study. Based both on the newly obtained data in this study such as 16S rRNA, nifH and recA gene sequence analyses and on the results from previous study, we have assigned the strains to be novel genus or species. Pleomorphomonas oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov. (Xie and Yokota, 2005a); Azospirillum oryzae sp. nov. (Xie and Yokota, 2005b); Zoogloea oryzae sp. nov. (In press); Sphingomonas oryzae sp. nov. (In press); and Amorphomonas oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov. were proposed for these strains.

(3). The taxonomic positions of some nitrogen-fixing bacteria are still confused, such as D. gummosa, A. latus, P. saccharophila, and the genera Azotobacter, Azomonas, and Azorhizophilus were investigated further and were proposed as new emendation of D. gummonsa (Xie and Yokota, 2004), reclassification the two strains of A. latus as Azohydromonas lata gen. nov., comb. nov. and Azohyromonas australica sp. nov. (Xie and Yokota, 2005c), and transfer the Azorhizophilus paspali to genus Azotobacter as Azotobacter paspali sp. nov. comb., nov.

Phylogenetic structure of whole diazotrophic bacteria

All recognized nitrogen-fixing bacteria (145 genus/ 270 species arranging 1 6S rRNA gene phylogeny) were recorded here to understand better their phylogeny and biodiversity. The nifH gene phylogeny containing about 100 nearly full sequences was also estimated to elucidate their evolutionary process, a critical part of the emerging evolutionary picture seems to be horizontal gene transfer (HGT) between the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Methylococcus capsulatus Bath was given an example to study nif gene HGT. The considerable deviation of G+C content and codon usage between the nif genes and the genome sequence clearly revealed that nif genes of M. capsulatus are exogenous and had different evolution from the genome.

General conclusion

The taxonomy of nitrogen-fixing bacteria was undergoing substantial revisions based on multi-loci phylogenetic analyses. This was proving to unravel the biodiversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria within the population from host plant, rice plant, lichen, and soil. Our results maybe beyond the traditional basis for the distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and can provide enormous amounts of information regarding the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Such divergent nitrogen-fixing bacteria would be provided good materials to underpin the field of biological nitrogen fixation and make major contributions to our understanding of fundamental processes in microbiology and plant-microbe interactions in the future study.

Oyaizu-Masuchi and Komagata (1988). J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 34, 127-164.Cheng-Hui Xie and Akira Yokota. (2004). J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 50, 129-135.Cheng-Hui Xie and Akira Yokota (2005a). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 55, 1233-1237.Cheng-Hui Xie and Akira Yokota (2005b). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 55, 1435-1438.Cheng-Hui Xie and Akira Yokota (2005c). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 55, 2419-2425.
審査要旨 要旨を表示する




第3章では共生窒素固定細菌について述べた。根粒菌はマメ科植物の根や茎に根粒または茎粒を形成する。千葉県の海岸に自生するミヤコグサ Lotus japonicusから2株の根粒から従来のRhizobium属とは異なる分離株 Ka912 とY103A株を得た。本菌株は16S rRNA 遺伝子とrecA遺伝子に基づく系統解析からAminobacter 属細菌であることが判明した。両株ともミヤコグサおよび西洋ミヤコグサに根粒を形成し、また根粒形成に必要なnodA遺伝子、および窒素固定に必要なnifH遺伝子を有することが判明した。遺伝子の系統解析の結果から、これらの株では根粒形成に必要な遺伝子はMesorhizobium属細菌から水平移動で伝搬されたことが示唆された。さらに、日本国内各地のミヤコグサ根粒から分離された根粒菌について系統解析を行った結果、分離株はMesorhizobium 属に種のレベルで異なることが判明した。このことはミヤコグサ根粒菌はMesorhizobium属に広く散在し、それは共生アイランドが種レベルまたは属レベルで異なる異種へ伝搬された結果生じたものと推定された。また多くの根粒菌について nodAとnifH遺伝子配列を調べ、系統解析を行った結果、両遺伝子は共進化をしたという証拠はなかった。

第4章では酸素非発生型光合成窒素固定菌について述べた。光合成は光エネルギーを用いて有機化合物の合成を行う物理化学的過程であり、植物、藻類、光合成細菌によって行われる。光合成細菌は光合成以外に窒素固定も行う。稲からの分離株であるR5, R12, R2株と、地衣類から分離したO5株はバクテリオクロロフィル aを有し、嫌気的に光合成反応を行う細菌である。16S rRNA, gyrB, nifH, および pufLM遺伝子に基づく系統解析および表現形質の解析からこれらの菌株はRhodopseudomonas属の異なる2種であることが判明した。地衣から分離され、好気性で嫌気的に光合成を行う細菌株、MCWは好気条件で赤色色素を生成し、16S rRNA, nifH, pufLM遺伝子に基づく系統解析から本菌株は・-Proteobacteriaの新属であることが判明した。

第5章では非共生型窒素固定細菌について述べた。非共生型窒素固定細菌は好気条件で窒素を固定することができる。このような細菌のニトロゲナーゼ活性はアセチレン還元活性およびnifH遺伝子の検出により容易に検出できる。地衣から分離したO8株と土壌から分離したKaO3株はそれぞれXanthobacter 属とPaenibacillus属菌種に近縁であることを見出した。

第6章では小柳津-増地と駒形によって分離された、稲または稲根圏からの窒素固定細菌株14株について系統的位置を調べた。これらの株の株は分子系統解析が行われてこなかったため、分類学的位置が不明のまま保存されてきた株である。16S rRNA, nifH, recA遺伝子に基づく系統解析の結果と既に得られていた以前のデータとを合わせ、これらの株は何れも新規の株であり、新属ないしは新種に同定された。それらは、Pleomorphomonas oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov; Azospirillum oryzae sp. nov.; Zoogloea oryzae sp. nov.; Sphingomonas azotifigens sp. nov.; Amorphomonas oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov. とすることを提唱した。

第7章ではこれまで系統解析が不十分で問題を含んでいる分類群Derxia gummosa, Alcaligenes latus, Pseudomonas saccharophila, Azotobacter属, Azomonas属, Azorhizophilus属について、これらの分類群の系統解析を行った。そして、Derxia属の修正、A. latusを新属Azohydromonas属に移行してそれぞれAzohydromonas lata gen. nov., comb. nov.、およびAzohyromonas australica sp. nov.とすること、Pseudomonas saccharophilaを新属Pelomonas属に移行してPelomonas saccharophila gen. nov., comb. nov.とすること、Azorhizophilus paspali は Azotobacter 属に移行して Azotobacter paspali sp. nov. comb., nov.とすることをそれぞれ提唱した。

第8章では窒素固定細菌全体の系統関係について述べた。これまで窒素固定能を有する細菌種として145属、270種が知られている。そのうち100種のnifH遺伝子が解析されている。この遺伝子の塩基配列を用いて系統樹を作成したところ、16S rRNA 遺伝子に基づく系統樹と比較して、いくつかの種で遺伝子の水平移動が起こったものと推定される結果が得られた。




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