
No 121820
著者(漢字) フランソワ ステファン
著者(カナ) フランソワ ステファン
標題(和) 都市環境の中における福祉施設計画概念の再評価に関する研究 : 制度改革に伴う東京の高齢者施設の多様化
標題(洋) Study on Re-evaluation of the Welfare Facilities Concept in the Urban Environment : Diversity of the institutional care facilities for elderly in Tokyo due to the drastic reforms of the care policy
報告番号 121820
報告番号 甲21820
学位授与日 2006.09.29
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6350号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 建築学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 長澤,泰
 東京大学 教授 大野,秀敏
 東京大学 教授 岸田,省吾
 東京大学 助教授 西出,和彦
 東京大学 助教授 千葉,学
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Japan is becoming an aged society. During the last decade, considerable political measures on the cares for the elderly have been launched. In 2000, in order to upgrade the cares for the elderly and increase the number of welfare facilities the government announced the Long-Term Care Insurance, a national "reform devised to cope with the aged society". The result has been that various services emerge and the private corporations could enter the silver Business. But in Tokyo, the high land prices and land scarcity have made difficult for local governments to find land on which to build necessary and efficient facilities.

The objective to increase of the number of facilities asks also the question of the benefit of the facilities for the common residents. The answer has been the emergence of new types of combining services and buildings (such as developed by public funds, private corporation and NPO). Recently, for some reasons, the day services especially emerge as important for providing cares for the elderly and the other characteristic is that the day services can be easily combined with other functions. This is not only the question of the integration of institution in the urban environment, combination with other functions offers the potential to interact with the city by providing services to the residents. In this sense, it offers a possibility to suit and to combine with a range of various functions (housing, commercial, cultural,...) This scheme may become one of the mainstream of welfare facility for the elderly as a new type of building in the city.


The aim of this research is to examine the implications of the welfare policies for the elderly to the increasing number of welfare facilities in Tokyo, with a particular reference to 4 wards in Tokyo where the ratio of elderly in the population is high.

Our research method involved:

(a) Structured interviews with persons, directly concerned with the planning, specifying, supply or application of the welfare policies and the question of the aging in Japan.

(b) An extensive review of the policy documents and of the academic literatures about sociology, economy and demography concerned with the welfare policies, and also with more general study of the various consequences of the aging problem in the society.

(c) An extensive review of the architectural/facilities management literature relating to the welfare facilities.

(d) Site visits, including photographs and drawings by mapping the city and researching the locations and the urban environment of the facilities.


The thesis is organized as follows:

The introduction explains the previous research and the necessary adaptation of methods for the study of Tokyo, establish the context of the research and the definitions of the terms used, parameters of discussions.

First, the chapter 1 relates the current situation of Japan with a focus especially on Tokyo concerning the problem of the aging society. Demographic data give an understanding of the present conditions. The focus is mainly on the social and economic changes that contributed to changing rapidly the city and makes the special features of Tokyo, its changes and its transformation. The needs of services and institutions for elderly are highlighted in the data, according to the evolution of the society and the appearance of the concept of "care from society" along the history.

In the second part, we analyze the changes and the chronological evolution in provision of welfare services system for the elderly, the various methods of providing services that have been implemented to support the transfer into the Japanese administrative system and the new charges to the local governments, all these reasons lead to move to increase the number of institutions for elderly.

The next part focuses on selected areas in Tokyo, where are the ratio of elderly is the high. The objective is to show the significance of the reforms and policies for the elderly in the urban context by focusing on the facilities for elderly. Analyses their original functions within the city, the adaptations and integrations leading to their present forms and evaluates how these buildings relate to the city.

There is a diversity of types of welfare facilities and the concept of combining appears as the more frequent issue in the urban environment. The last chapter presents four significant facilities, as cases studies where more than one function are located at the same site.

The last part presents the conclusion of the research, examining the discussion topics and the concepts proposed. The risk is that the welfare facilities become a "single building". In fact, the conclusion proposes that under certain conditions, the facilities can be included and be a significant element of the city that can contribute in the process of the development of Tokyo in many ways.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する





 第2章では、第二次世界大戦前から大戦後の日本の高齢者ケアの発展の経緯と進化を分析し、日本の福祉政策が家族によるケアから、社会や制度によるケアに変わる状況をもたらし、さらにさまざまな高齢者ケアの供給手法が各地方自治体にそのサービスを委ねることになった経緯を考察している。特に最近のPPP(Public Private Partnership)の紹介や私的セクターが福祉分野に参画する意義を論じている。







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