
No 121847
著者(漢字) 鄭,在洪
著者(カナ) ジョン,ジェホン
標題(和) 微小血管内における赤血球の変形とリポソームの移動に関する研究
標題(洋) In vivo Study on RBC Deformation and Liposome Migration in Microvessels
報告番号 121847
報告番号 甲21847
学位授与日 2006.09.29
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6377号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 システム量子工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 岡本,孝司
 東京大学 教授 佐久間,一郎
 東京大学 教授 班目,春樹
 東京大学 教授 越塚,誠一
 東京大学 教授 高橋,浩之
 東京大学 助教授 染矢,聡
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Blood has been researched as one important subject of medical area from old times because it related to an attack of a disease and to a treatment in human life. Blood is very interesting material in the aspect of fluid dynamic. Blood flow in the circulation play an important role in maintaining healthy tissues and organs by delivering oxygen and nutrients. Understanding blood flow in the microcirculatory system requires the application of fluid dynamic principles within the structure of anatomy and physiology of the microcirculation. Blood flow through the microcirculatory system (including arteries, capillaries, and veins) is influenced by the geometry of the blood vessel, the roughness of the vessel walls, and characteristics of the blood and forces acting on the blood. A major difficulty in studying the microcirculation is the small dimension of the blood vessels. Actually, it is difficult to obtain the experiment data on velocity, flow, shear stress, mass transfer, etc. in vivo experiment condition. In vivo experiments concerned with the properties of red blood cell (RBC) in the physiology and rheology have been performed to understand the role of RBC in the blood circulation. Especially, many diseases occurred in heart and blood vessel is related to the circulating system of the blood. This shows that mechanical properties of blood (RBC) in circulatory system induce the circulatory disease such as congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, and kidney failure because blood has the properties of fluid.

In order to understand the characteristic of RBC deformation and particles that different from RBC in the microcirculation, the properties of RBC deformation and liposome migration were evaluated in microvessel under in vivo condition. Here RBC deformation is important to evaluate the flexibility of RBC and to regulate the distribution of RBC in the narrow capillary with a diameter that was smaller than that of average RBC diameter. The investigation of the migration of liposome is important in the circulation over longer period. Two main in vivo experiments were preformed in order to understand RBC movement and liposomal drug delivery from the measurement of basic characteristic of RBC and liposome in microvessel under in vivo condition. The measurement of basic characteristic of RBC deformation and liposome movement was demonstrated in the living rat's mesentery. The image processing was very useful method to analysis in vivo images. Capillary diameter was evaluated by the measurement of the width of RBC path in the inside of narrow capillary because RBC membrane almost contact to the ESL. The result of evaluated RBC path was agreed with the capillary diameter except the thickness of ESL. RBC in capillary was extracted to calculate the DI of RBC using the removal of background. The fluorescent liposome particles in RBC flow were tracked by 2D pattern identification based on the cross-correlation method.

The deformation of red blood cell (RBC) in capillaries is an important factor in blood rheology since viscosity closely depends on the ability of RBC to deform. An understanding of the mechanisms regulating the deformability of the relatively simple RBCs may also help to elucidate the mechanical properties of many other types of cells with more complicated structures. The process of RBC deformation is thought to facilitate gas transfer by increasing the area of the RBC surface in contact with the capillary endothelium. The deformation of RBC flowing at varying velocity into a capillary model consisting of microchannels of varying width has been measured using a high-speed camera system. However, since the properties of the wall surface and cross-sectional shape in vitro considerably differs from those of vessels and capillaries in vivo, RBC motion should be measured in real time capillaries in a live animal.

In vivo experiment for RBC movement in the narrow capillary was carried out in the rat mesentery under in vivo condition using intravital microscope and high-speed camera system. The shape of RBC almost deformed asymmetrically in a narrow capillary of the rat mesentery. This in vivo experiment also showed that the flowing RBC entering the capillary assumed a parachute-like shape with changes in the capillary diameter. Deformation of RBC was rapidly affected by a variability of capillary diameter and the RBC velocity. Furthermore, the velocity distribution of RBC in the capillary was affected by the capillary diameter and blood cell interaction more than by heartbeat.

Especially in the microcirculation, an understanding of the velocity profile in microvessels is important because velocity gradients or shear stress play key roles in angiogenesis and the transport of cellular components is determined by the velocity distribution over the cross-sectional area of blood vessels. For a standard microscale flow-diagnostic technique, micro-PIV (particle image velocimetry) has recently been applied to the study of microchannel flow in vitro and blood flow in the microcirculation. Instantaneous velocity fields can be defined at a spatial resolution of the order of hundreds of nanometers and the flow boundary can be determined using this technique. In the drug carrier and delivery systems, liposome particles have received considerable biological and medical focus. While liposome particles flow in microvessels, they migrate with blood components (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) interacting each other. In this study, RBC deformation and velocity in rat mesenteric capillaries in vivo was analyzed relationships among the deformation index, vessel diameter and RBC velocity. Using the liposome particles, liposome motion and blood flow was observed in the microcirculation of mesentery blood vessels using intravital fluorescence microscopy imaging.

In vivo experiment for liposome migration in microvessel was performed in the rat mesentery under in vivo condition using intravital microscope, high-speed camera system and optical system. We observed the migration of polymer-coated fluorescent liposomes designed for prolonged circulation in a blood vessel without mesentery motion and compared the liposome velocity profile with the phase-averaged velocity of blood flow. The migration of liposome was successfully tracked by 2D pattern identification based on C-C. The number of liposomes within the vessel decreased over time and generally migrated in accordance with blood flow. The velocity distribution of blood flow and liposomes near the vessel wall closely matched.

In this paper, the in vivo experiment that is related to blood vessel, blood (RBC) flow, and particles in microvessels was described. The present study is worth to suggest the analysis method for the image obtained under in vivo experiment condition and to reveal the RBC motion in narrow capillary and the migration of liposome suspending with RBC in microvessels.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

 本論文は、生体内微小循環における赤血球とリポソームの挙動に着目してin vivo実験を行い、高速度カメラと画像処理による挙動解析システムを構築するとともに、構築したシステムを用いて計測された、毛細血管内における赤血球の変形挙動や、細動脈におけるリポソームと赤血球の相互作用などについて論じたものである。本論文は7章で構成されている。

 第1章では、本研究の動機と目的について述べている。微小循環は、血液と細胞の物質伝達をつかさどる重要な役割を担っており、その挙動を評価する事が重要である。模擬血管を用いた従来のin vitro実験ではなく、生体を用いたin vivo実験を行い、微小循環内の流動挙動を画像で取得し、それを画像処理する事で、実際の生体内でおきている赤血球挙動を評価することを目的とすることを述べている。


 第3章では、生体を用いたin vivo実験システムについて述べている。生きているラットを手術し、腸間膜を顕微鏡を用いて可視化する。リポソームは蛍光染料を含ませて可視化を容易にするとともに、ポリマーで被覆することで長時間滞留できるようにしている。さらに、赤血球やリポソームの画像計測に用いる高速度ビデオカメラシステムについてまとめている。これらのシステムを顕微鏡にセットし、生体実験を実施したことを述べている。

 第4章では、in vivo実験で得られる画像に対して施す、画像処理についてまとめている。高速度ビデオカメラで得られる画像はノイズが多いため、ノイズ除去を行い、毛細血管のみを抽出する画像処理手法について述べている。この抽出された毛細血管画像から、毛細血管の直径を計測する手法について示している。また、毛細血管中の赤血球の変形を3点で近似し、その挙動を画像上で追跡するとともに、変形挙動を評価するための画像処理手法について記している。さらに、赤血球の速度分布を解析するための粒子画像流速測定法(PIV)の概要について示すとともに、リポソームの蛍光画像からリポソームの移動を追跡する粒子追跡法(PTV)手法についてまとめている。

 第5章では、第3、4章で構築したシステムを用いて実施した、毛細血管内の赤血球変形挙動実験について記載している。毛細血管の直径と赤血球の移動速度の関係を実験的に求め、赤血球の流量が直径によらず一定であることを見出している。また、赤血球の変形と直径の関係を求め、入り口付近では大きく歪むが、それ以外の場所では形はあまり変化しないことを見出している。さらに、変形挙動と速度の関係には、既往研究であるin vitro実験と類似点があることや、毛細血管内では拍動の影響はほとんど無いことなどを示している。



 以上のように、本論文は、生体内の微小循環を対象とした、画像処理を用いたin vivo計測システムを構築するとともに、そのシステムを用いて、微小循環における赤血球やリポソームの挙動を明らかにした研究であり、システム量子工学、特に生体可視化工学の発展に寄与することが少なくない。よって、本論文は博士(工学)の学位請求論文として合格と認められる。

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