
No 121968
著者(漢字) 両角,良子
著者(カナ) モロズミ,リョウコ
標題(和) 健康関連消費と主観的健康感についての実証研究
標題(洋) An Empirical Study of Health-related Consumption and Subjective Health Status
報告番号 121968
報告番号 甲21968
学位授与日 2007.02.21
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(経済学)
学位記番号 博経第212号
研究科 大学院経済学研究科
専攻 現代経済専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 岩本,康志
 東京大学 教授 井堀,利宏
 東京大学 助教授 玄田,有史
 東京大学 助教授 澤田,康幸
 東京大学 教授 福田,慎一
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

 In Japan, the length of life of Japanese people has been increasing because of the improvement of public health, technological progress in medical care, and so on. At the same time, the large length of life has increased medical care cost. Especially, the large scales of medical care cost for the elderly is one of important policy issues. And the strong correlation between medical care costand the life style has been known. Many findings demonstrate that an individual's future health and/or mental condition depends on what kind of life style relating to health and/or mental condition he or she currently selects. Japanese government emphasizes countermeasures for health risk in daily life. For example, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) demonstrates the importance of them in "Annual Report on Health, Labour and Welfare 2003-2004 Health Risk Surrounding Modern Life: Attaining Safety and Peace of Mind with Information and Collaboration" as a special issue.

 The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to provide empirical evidences for policies relating to the nation's health. The analysis of this dissertation paper deals with smoking activity as a risk factor for health in Chapter 2, the quality of long-term care (LTC) provided and the effect of it on customers' health condition in Chapter 3, daily eating habit and subjective health status in Chapter 4, and the impact of subjective health status on household decision-making activity and intrahousehold resource allocation in Chapter 5.

 In Chapter 2, I performed the estimation of policy effect focusing on the smoke-free work place policies. Based on the analysis of the original Japanese household survey data of 2001, this chapter concludes that a smoke-free policy, particularly total smoking prohibition, in a workplace is effective. The use of a two-part model for all workers during the survey period reveals that total smoking prohibition marginally reduces the prevalence of smoking by 10 percentage points and the daily tobacco consumption by 4 cigarettes per smoker. The probit model and DID estimations are used to isolate the effect of the policy on those who were smokers at workplaces that had not introduced the smoke-free policy at the time of hiring. The results suggest that total smoking prohibition or total separation of smoking areas causes the smokers to quit smoking by approximately 10 percentage points and reduces their daily consumption by approximately 2 to 3 cigarettes.

 The future direction of this chapter involves the evaluation of whether the introduction of a smoke-free workplace policy is determined endogenously. In addition, it is important to perform strict, natural experiments taking into account the economic factors and to conduct surveys that include the factors that determine the introduction of a smoke-free workplace policy.

 Second, I analyzed Japanese LTC market, particularly Japanese group homes for the elderly with dementia in Chapter 3. The Japanese group homes provide assistance with bathing, voiding, feeding, other daily living care, and rehabilitation training to the elderly with dementia who are in a stable condition. Elderly customers with dementia rent private rooms in group homes. The aim of group home services is to create homey atmosphere. The expenditure for group home customers comprises individual payments for LTC services covered by the LTC insurance system and other expenses such as room rent, haircut, shopping and so on.

 Japanese LTC insurance system was introduced in April 2000 with some key objects by the MHLW. One of them is that the system was designed to integrate the respective systems of health, medical, and welfare services that had been vertically-divided independently in the past, in order to help customers receive comprehensive services from them.

 The improvement of institutions on the LTC market in order to realize the key object promoted the entry of for-profit providers into the LTC market.The Japanese government changed the mechanism on the supply of LTC services. Before the LTC insurance system, municipalities delegated the supply of LTC services for object persons to service providers. The LTC insurance system allowed that those people who wanted to use the LTC services directly signed a contract with the service providers. This change motivated providers, especially for-profit providers to enter into the LTC market.

 Though the LTC insurance system promoted the increase of for-profit providers in the LTC market, the system has regulations that do not permit the entry of for-profit providers into some kinds of LTC market. The for-profit providers are not permitted to supply some LTC services. The providers with the ownership types of medical corporations and social welfare corporations that satisfy some requirements provide the LTC services. Besides, for-profit providers are not allowed to supply medical services in the Medical Care Law, though the LTC services are also expected to provide the synergy with the collaboration of the medical services. It is also a hot issue whether for-profit providers will be allowed to enter into the market of medical services.

 If the providers with the ownership types of medical corporations or social welfare corporations enjoy the benefit of synergy effect between the services such as facility services ("welfare facilities for the elderly requiring care," "health service facilities for the elderly requiring care," "sanatorium type medical care facilities for the elderly requiring care," and "sanatorium type wards covered by medical insurance") and other services, those providers and for-profit providers are not on equal footing in the market competition of other services.

 The motivation of this chapter is to examine the difference of suppliers' behavior between non-profit and for-profit providers. In order to show the evidence for discussing the deregulation on the facility services, this study deals with the non-profit providers that supply facility services and/or medical services.

 The chapter focuses on the nonprofit providers that manage facility services and/or medical services as well as group homes and for-profit providers. The analysis considers what kinds of customers' characteristics affect the select of providers between nonprofit and for-profit and the determinant factors of the change of "levels of long-term care need (requiring care levels 1-5)." In the estimation results from the individual data, the difference of service quality between nonprofit and for-profit providers is not observed in terms of "levels of long-term care need." However, in the results from the group home data, nonprofit providers emphasize compliance with law and seasonal event in the supply of group home service. Since the customers transferred from facility services tend to use the group homes managed by the nonprofit providers that also supply facility services and/or medical services, it can be interpreted that the nonprofit group home providers with facility services respond to the preference of the customers who have already experienced the LTC services.

 In future research, it will be needed to consider the following two factors. First, the evaluation of group home data obtained by third-party evaluation is better than that of the data obtained by self-evaluation, as obtained in this paper, because third-party evaluation is expected to have less difference in terms of the attributes of judgment (strict and lenient judgment) among respondents than self-evaluation. In the group home market, the MHLW made it mandatory in 2004 for all group homes to implement both self-evaluations and third-party evaluations. The data of these evaluations have to be accumulated. Second, studies on group home will have to consider terminal care provided by group homes in the future. The Institute for Health Economics and Policy reports that approximately 45% of surveyed group homes are willing to provide terminal care in the future. If the number of group homes supplying terminal care increases, analyses that consider the efforts of group homes for terminal care will be required.

 Third, I examined healthy eating habits and the consumption of supplements and tonic drink among Japanese people related to subjective health status in Chapter 4. In a previous literature, tonic drinks are defined as "drag medicine that is composed of vitamin and herbal medicine and is original in Japan." This chapter focuses on how the endowment of individual health status affects healthy eating habits and the consumption of supplements and/or tonic drinks in Japan. This study estimates eating activity (based on supplement and/or tonic drink as well as eating habits) and subjective health status by bivariate probit model using some variables representing the endowment of health status as explanatory variables. The estimation concludes that the individuals with good health endowment have healthy eating habits. In addition, it is also shown that the individuals with bad health endowment tend to consume supplements and/or tonic drinks without healthful eating habit.

 The remained work for this chapter is to specify the relationship between supplement and healthy eating habits. Though this study partially finds the complementarity between them, the more evidences will be needed to conclude the relationship strictly.

 Fourth, I analyzed the test of unitary model in Chapter 5. In the test, the analysis also finds the impact of family members' health condition in the selection of decision-making activity. This study tests whether or not the unitary model is consistent with real household behavior using the data pertaining to two-earner couples from the JGSS (Japanese General Social Survey).The analysis focuses on the unitary models assuming that all family members have the same preference. This study investigates the difference in a husband's and a wife's labor supply between the household that determines the wife to be the principal decision-maker and that which selects a different decision-making system under the control of individual and household characteristics. In order to consider that labor supply and decision-making system are endogenously determined and that the selectivity bias is caused by unmeasured characteristics, this chapter estimates the treatment effects model. The estimation uses subjective health status representing health condition. The result concludes that the unitary models are rejected in Japanese household labor supply. In addition, the household decision-making power can be interpreted as a kind of bargaining power in a household because family members' health status relating to the threat point of Nash bargaining model are observed to be a determinant factor of the household decision-making system

 Three directions for future research of this chapter could be pursued. First, it would be interesting to test intrahousehold resource allocations other than labor supply (individual consumption, public consumption, individual leisure hours, and so on). Specification of the kinds of intrahousehold resource allocation that are affected by differences in individual preferences could provide useful information for social policy. Second, the amount of personal spending money of the household members could be examined to refine the estimation results. This study uses the dummy variable that represents whether or not a household permits the wife to manage all money except the husband's personal spending money. The more personal spending money a husband has, the less decision-making power the wife has in allocating intrahousehold resources. How strictly the dummy variable reflects the level of the wife's bargaining power based on the decision-making activity depends on how much personal spending money the husband has. Controlling for the amount of the husband's personal spending money in the estimation would improve the quality of the analysis. Third, it is better to analyze the survey that is rich in the question items on the household decision-making system. The JGSS has a single question on the household decision-making system, allowing for six possible responses. If a household uses different decision-making systems under different situations (daily shopping, saving/investment, real-estate purchases, and so on), the decision-making activity depending on the situations may affect the estimation results.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

 本論文の中心的課題は,個人の健康情報に関するマイクロデータを用いた実証分析をもとに,健康寿命の伸長の観点からの政策評価をおこなうことにある。わが国は先進国中最長の寿命を実現しているが,健康寿命にはまだ改善の余地がある。同時に健康に関連した生活の質(Quality of life)を高めることも重要な課題である。こうした背景から,政府は「健康日本21」運動を推進している。この施策では,栄養・食習慣,身体活動・運動,休養・こころの健康づくり,タバコ,アルコール,歯の健康,糖尿病,循環器病(心臓病,脳卒中),癌の9分野70項目に到達目標を置き,早期発見と早期治療による2次予防にとどまらず,健康を増進して発病を予防することが目指されている。



 職場禁煙制度は,完全禁止の場合には有効であるという結論が得られている。全面禁煙により,喫煙率が10ポイント低下して,毎日のタバコの消費量は1人あたり4本の減少が見られた。 雇用の時点で職場禁煙制度を知らされていなかった喫煙者に対し,この制度の単独の効果をみるためにDID (differences-in-differences)法を用いた分析結果によれば,全面禁煙制もしくは喫煙場所の完全隔離により,喫煙率は10ポイント低下し,タバコの消費量は2〜3本減少したという結果が得られている。

 第3章では,個人の食習慣に焦点が当てられる。過剰なカロリー摂取による肥満は,生活習慣病の危険因子のひとつとされており,「健康日本21」においても,不健康な食習慣の改善は重要な課題とされている。行動経済学の議論では,例えば,技術進歩などによる食事の準備時間の軽減は,肥満の原因になりうる。調理された食事をすぐに摂取できる環境では,即座に得られる快楽にひかれて食べてしまい,次の食事までの間の時間に間食をすることで,本来であれば摂取すべきでない量をついつい摂取して結果的に太ってしまう。このようなself-control problem を解決するためには,何らかのコミットメント・デバイスが必要になる。その候補としては,間食を許さないルールや規則,第三者によるモニタリング等が考えられる。




 第5章では,家計内の資源配分の権限が誰にあるかを夫婦の交渉力の代理変数と見なし,誰が権限を持つかによって家計内の資源配分の仕方に違いがあるか,資源配分の権限が交渉力を左右する変数によって決定されているかを,検証している。資源配分の方法については,unitary modelとindividual utility modelが対比され,前者では家計向けの補助金の影響がどの家族構成員に向けられるかに依存しないという性質をもつ点で,後者のモデルと対比される。ここでは,unitary modelがindividual utility modelの一種であるcollective modelの特殊形であるとするVermuelenの議論をもとに,unitary modelがデータで支持されるかどうかを検証している。

 データはJGSS (Japanese General Social Survey)の個票が使用されている。分析の結果,権限を持つ者は自分の労働供給量を減らし,配偶者の労働供給量を増やすように意思決定をすること,資源配分が交渉力の大小に影響する変数(潜在的な稼得能力を表す変数・非労働所得の代理変数)で内生的に決まることが観察された。これらはunitary modelが棄却されることを意味している。

 なお,第2章と第3章は,井伊雅子氏(一橋大学)との共同論文である。第2章は,Applied Economic Letters誌に掲載予定となっている。第3章の原論文は日本語で『医療と社会』誌に掲載された。その他の章も,査読付き雑誌に投稿中か投稿予定である。



 さらに,本論文の重要な貢献として,伝統的経済学がもたらす政策的含意が問題をはらんでいる課題について,行動経済学的な視点からの分析を試みていることがあげられる。例えば,喫煙行動については,合理的な個人を前提として中毒行動を説明する理論があるが,健康への害も考慮しての合理的な判断であるならば,それだけでは政府による介入は正当化されない。喫煙規制は受動喫煙や胎児への影響といった負の外部性を根拠に置くことになる。このことによって経済学者の見解が一般の見解よりも消極的なものにつながっていたという批判がある。行動経済学は喫煙行動への新たな視点を提供している。喫煙行動を説明する理論は複数のものが提案され,その優劣の決着はついていないが,例えば双曲線割引によるself-control problemに対して,政府によるコミットメント・デバイスが経済厚生を改善する可能性があり,個人の行動に介入する施策に積極的な意味が与えられる。こうした,合理的個人を前提にした伝統的な経済学が挑戦にさらされている分野で,行動経済学の含意が成立しているかどうかを検証した本論文の試みは高く評価される。



 その他,個別の課題をいくつか指摘すると,第2章では,禁煙のタイミングの情報が欠如しているため,喫煙規制の前に禁煙した場合の規制の効果に参入されている可能性がある。政策評価が主眼となるが,費用の分析がないために,そもそも喫煙規制を実施すべきか否かの判断までは踏み込めていない。費用に対する分析が望まれる。第3章では,サプリンメント・ドリンク剤の定義を回答者の判断に任せている点で,変数に誤差が含まれる可能性がある。第4章では,treatment effectモデルでは,識別制約が非常に重要である。グループホーム入居前にいた場所(独居・病院・施設サービス等)を示す変数が要介護度の変化を説明する式に使用されないという制約が課され,入所初期の要介護度と類似した情報になるという理由が示されているが,より説得的な説明が求められるだろう。


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