
No 122084
著者(漢字) 王,惠仁
著者(英字) Ong,Hooi Jin
著者(カナ) オン,フイージン
標題(和) 18Cの第一2+励起状態の寿命測定
標題(洋) Lifetime Measurement of the First Excited 2+State in 18C
報告番号 122084
報告番号 甲22084
学位授与日 2007.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第4947号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 宮武,宇也
 東京大学 教授 久保野,茂
 東京大学 教授 早野,龍五
 東京大学 教授 後藤,彰
 東京大学 講師 小沢,恭一郎
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

This thesis reports on an experimental work on (18)C, which is one of the experiments undertaken to study the peculiar behavior of the neutron-rich carbon isotopes. The present experiment was aimed at a direct determination of the B(E2;21+ →0(g.s.)+) value for (18)C, which is crucial for the understanding of the anomalously small E2 transition strength in (16)C.

The E2 transition strength is a fundamental observable that reflects the static or dynamic deformation of the nuclear charge. For even-even nuclei, the reduced E2 transition probability (referred to simply as B(E2) hereinafter) from the first 2+ state (21+) to the 0+ ground state (0(g.s.)+) has long been used as a basic observable in extracting the nuclear quadrupole collectivity. A simple collective model treating a nucleus as a homogeneous quantum liquid-drop has been quite successful in describing the systematic tendency of B(E2), predicting that B(E2) varies in inverse proportion to the excitation energy E(2+). Contrary to this, through a lifetime measurement of the 21+ state in (16)C, we found that the B(E2) value is remarkably small despite the small E(2+) value of 1.77 MeV. This result indicates an unexpectedly small contribution of protons to the E2 strength of the 0(g.s.)+ →21+ transition. This finding raises an intriguing question as to whether or not the neutron contribution is similarly small for the relevant quadrupole excitation. To clarify this contradiction, two experiments were performed: one utilizing the Coulomb-nuclear interference in (208)Pb+(16)C inelastic scattering, while the other one (performed by our group) using a proton probe. In both experiments, the neutron contribution was found to be "normal". However, when combined with the B(E2) value, the results indicate a neutron-dominant quadrupole excitation in (16)C. While a hypothesis of emergence of a new proton magic number Z=6 has been suggested based on a shell model calculation, more experimental evidences, especially from the neighboring even-even C isotopes such as (18)C, are necessary to scrutinize this hypothesis. As a first step, we have undertaken the task to study the E2 strength in (18)C.

To determine the B(E2) value for (18)C, we have performed an experiment to measure the mean lifetime of the first excited 21+ state in the neutron-rich (18)C using an upgraded recoil shadow method (RSM), incorporating the in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy. The need for a lifetime measurement arises from the small atomic number of (18)C. Although the intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation method has been useful for the determination of the B(E2) values for many unstable nuclei, it suffers from nuclear-reaction-model ambiguity when applied to nuclei with Z < 10.

The RSM was developed to complement other methods for lifetime measurement, e.g. the Doppler shift attenuation method and the recoil distance method, which require high resolution detectors such as the Ge detectors that tend to have relatively low detection efficiency. Equipped with high-efficiency NaI(Tl) detectors, the RSM was successfully applied for the first time to ps region to measure the mean lifetime of the 21+ state in (16)C. The essence of the technique lies in the dependence of lifetime on the emission points of de-excitation gamma rays, which is further magnified by placing a gamma-ray absorber around the reaction target. However, the previous experimental setup suffered from uncertainty in terms of the angular distribution of the gamma rays. Besides, the positioning of the NaI(Tl) detectors covering only two polar angles has resulted in limited statistics and relatively narrow dynamic range of the measurable lifetimes. To address these issues, we have upgraded the setup. First, by improving the flexibility of the setup through introduction of an easily removable gamma-ray absorber, and considering the ratio of the gamma rays detected during measurements with and without the gamma-ray absorber, we have succeeded in eliminating the ambiguity due to the angular distribution. Second, by increasing the number of NaI(Tl) detectors covering a wider range of polar angle, we compensate for the lower beam intensity of (18)C as compared to that of (16)C and extend the dynamic range of the measurable lifetimes to between about 10 ps and several hundreds of ps.

The present experiment was performed at the RIKEN Accelerator Research Facility using the RI beam line RIPS. A (18)C beam was produced in a fragmentation reaction using a 110-MeV/nucleon (22)Ne primary beam incident on a 9Be production target. The secondary (18)C beam thus produced bombarded a secondary 9Be target, where it was excited to the 21+ state. The secondary beam incident on the secondary target was counted and its timing was measured using two plastic scintillation detectors placed upstream of the target. Tracking of the incident beam was done using two parallel plate avalanche counters placed upstream of the secondary target. The scattered (18)C nuclei (the ejectiles) were detected with a plastic scintillation detector hodoscope, placed downstream of the secondary target. The de-excitation gamma rays emitted from the ejectiles were detected by 118 NaI(Tl) detectors placed around secondary target. Placed at ten different polar angles, the NaI(Tl) detectors covered angular range of about 15°〜 85° and 100°〜 147°.

From the coincidence measurement of the (18)C ejectiles and the de-excitation gamma rays, the number of full-energy peaks detected in each set of the Na(Tl) detectors placed at different angles were determined. From a separate measurement during which a lead shield was placed around the secondary target, the deficiency in the full-energy-peak efficiencies of the each set of NaI(Tl) detectors due to the lead shield (referred to simply as deficiency hereinafter) was determined, by taking the ratio of the number of full-energy peaks obtained in the two separate measurements. The mean lifetime dependence of the deficiencies was calculated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation using the GEANT3 code.

Through comparison between the measured deficiencies and the simulated ones, we have determined the mean lifetime of the 21+ state in (18)C to be 17.4±2.6(stat)±4.0(syst) ps. This mean lifetime corresponds to B(E2) value of 4.7+0.8/-0.6(stat)+1.4/-0.9(syst) e2fm4 or 1.7+0.3/-0.2(stat)+0.5/-0.3(syst) in Weisskopf units. The following figure (a) shows the known B(E2) values in Weisskopf units for even-even nuclei from (10)Be to (54)Cr. The data for (18)C is denoted by the red-filled circle. The filled diamonds represent the doubly-closed-shell nuclei, while the open diamonds (squares) represent the proton- (neutron-) closed-shell nuclei (all these nuclei are referred to as magic nuclei hereinafter). The Weisskopf unit represents the E2 strength for a single particle (proton) transition. As shown in the figure, the value for (18)C falls in the same category as those of the singly- or doubly-closed shell O and Ca isotopes. The resemblance of the small B(E2) value for (18)C, as well as those for (14)C and (16)C, to those of the singly- or doubly-closed shell O and Ca isotopes indicates a possible development of a proton-closed shell at Z=6 in the neutron-rich from (16)C and (18)C. In figure (b), a plot of the ratios of known experimental B(E2) values and the values predicted by a global formula based on a liquid-drop model for even-even nuclei from 10Be to (54)Cr (similar to the ones shown in figure (a)) is shown. Although the global formula has predicted the B(E2) values to within 50% accuracy for 90% of the even-even nuclei, including some magic nuclei, it somewhat overestimates the B(E2) value for (18)C by almost a factor of 4. The present result shows that the anomaly observed in (16)C persists in (18)C, i.e. the lowering of the first excitation energies in both nuclei cannot be explained by the conventional one-fluid quantum liquid-drop model. More experimental and theoretical studies are needed both to understand the mechanism underlying the unusual dynamics shown by and to further explore the dramatic evolution of the nuclear shell structure in the carbon isotopes.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

 本論文は、7章と3つの付録からなる。第1章では、まずβ安定線から遠く離れた軽核領域での特異な核構造が紹介され、貴重な情報を与えるE2転移強度(B(E2))とその測定法が解説される。次に中性子過剰な(16)C第一2+状態の低い励起エネルギーと小さなB(E2)が、これまでの核構造の知識からは理解出来ない現象である事が示される。背景には陽子数6での新たな閉殻性、中性子と陽子の集団運動の不調和が考えられ、この領域での系統的研究が重要な課題であった。そこで著者らは、さらに中性子過剰な(18)C第一2+状態(励起エネルギー1.585 MeV)の寿命測定によるB(E2)の導出を本研究の目的と定めた。

 第2章では寿命測定のために採用したRecoil Shadow Method (RSM)の測定原理・改良点が詳述されている。RSMでは二次標的との核反応により励起された原子核からの脱励起γ線を、遮蔽体とともに二次標的周辺に配置したNaI(Tl)検出器で測定する。励起された原子核は真空中を飛行しており、γ線を放出する平均飛行距離は励起状態の寿命により異なる。他方各検出器の検出感度はγ線を放出した時の飛行距離と遮蔽体との位置関係に応じて変化するため、測定されたγ線強度は励起状態の寿命に敏感な量となる。論文提出者が行った主な改良点は、(1)取り外し可能な遮へい体を配置し、遮蔽体有・無での各検出器のγ線強度の比(deficiency)を用いることでγ線の角度分布に由来する寿命決定の曖昧さを無くし、(2)検出器数を増やし、標的位置を可動にする事で、生成量の少ない(18)Cの効率的測定と10〜数100 psまでの広い寿命範囲の測定を可能にした点である。




 第5章では改良されたRSMのオンラインテストと本測定の結果がまとめられている。テストに用いたのは既知の寿命を持つ(11)Be, 1/2-状態、(16)N, 0-状態から基底状態へのγ線で、得られた結果は報告値と誤差の範囲で一致し、解析方法の信頼度が確かめられた。最後に(18)C第一2+状態の寿命の最適値17.4(±2.6, stat.)(±4.0, syst.) psが得られた。B(E2)は4.7(+0.8/-0.6, stat.)(+1.4/-0.9, syst.) e2fm4となり、(16)Cの場合と同様に小さな値である事が本研究により初めて明らかとなった。

 第6章では結果についての議論を行っている。B(E2)の測定値とワイスコップユニットとの比が1に近い事、系統的変化を示す一流体量子液的模型による経験式との比較から、(18)Cも(16)Cと同じく陽子数6の閉殻構造である可能性が指摘されている。また、低い励起エネルギーを同時に説明するため、(16)C, (20)Oにおいても指摘されている陽子集団と中性子集団との不調和現象の存在が議論されている。最後に殻模型、反対称化分子動力学模型、ハートリーフォック模型によるB(E2)推定値との比較、議論がなされている。

 第7章ではまとめと今後の展開が記されている。本研究により寿命測定の感度が画期的に向上し、解析方法の信頼度も高くなった。このことから著者は、(16,18)Cと同じく低い励起エネルギーが報告されている(20)Cの第一2+状態の寿命測定や、(22)C, (24)Oでの第一2+状態の励起エネルギー、B(E2)測定を提案している。



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