
No 122240
著者(漢字) アクザー モハマド シャキール
著者(英字) Akther Mohammad Shakil
著者(カナ) アクザー モハマド シャキール
標題(和) バングラディッシュにおけるEガバメント発展のための政策シナリオに関する研究
標題(洋) A Study on the Policy Scenario for the Development of e-Government in Bangladesh
報告番号 122240
報告番号 甲22240
学位授与日 2007.03.22
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6445号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 小出,治
 東京大学 助教授 小泉,秀樹
 東京大学 助教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 講師 大森,宣暁
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) empower individual quick access to information and knowledge. It also enables government agencies to provide service to other government agencies, business organizations and citizens more purposefully, more efficiently. One of the buzzword of the governments all over the world on the use of ICT is e-government. Though there are differences of opinions on the definition of e-government, researchers agree that it reduces cost and corruption, increase efficiency and transparency of government and provide greater convenience to citizen. Due to these advantages government are investing more and more in e-government without considering the prevailing socio-economic and policy scenario of the country. In many cases government are forced to offer service. In a globalize world, due to easy access to information on other countries citizens of developing country are demanding same kind of service that their counterpart in developed world enjoy. Developed world is the leading this efforts on e-government. But unlike other technology there are many developing countries that are considered as successful in their e-government efforts.

Bangladesh is a late comer in the use of ICT in government activity. However she is trying to gain the lose ground quickly. In her internal documents government proudly state that e-government is not a choice but a must and instead of why, how should be ask. As a late entrant Bangladesh has many advantages. But she failed to take the advantage. ICT and e-government policy of Bangladesh is unorganized and missing the critical ingredients for success. From less than 10 projects in 2000, Bangladesh is home of more than 200 e-government projects. But the experience of e-government projects is also mixed. There are projects which are accoladed as 'best practise of e-government' and also there are projects which considered as simply 'waste of public money'.

Taking these into consideration, this research has been conducted. The research aimed to look at whether Bangladesh is ready for e-government. The research looked both from demand and supply side of the issue, but the emphasis was on policy. The study analyzes the policy documents of Bangladesh government. In the process key personals of different agencies involve with e-government efforts in Bangladesh were interviewed to get first hand knowledge. Questionnaire survey was conducted to know the attitude towards e-government among common citizens. The survey was conducted on two groups. The first group is from common people and the second group is experience users of ICT. They were chosen randomly from three different size city of Bangladesh.

The study compared the ICT/e-government policies of other developing countries with that of Bangladesh. It concluded that there are many things both at non-technological and technological level, Bangladesh needed to rectify for a successful e-government system. Majority of e-government projects in developing country ended in failure. An attempt has been made to find out the reasons for success/failure. This has been done so that projects are not abandoned after spending considerable amount of public money. The surprise finding of this investigation was that for successful e-government technology is not the issue. One of the important factors for success of e-government project is to measure how the beneficiaries accept the project or willing to accept the project. The study looked at this aspect and survey is conducted on citizens willingness to use and pay for e-government. The study found that irrespective of usage pattern income, education and age are determinant of willingness to use e-government facility. In case of willing to pay, for ICT users the urbanity of the place they live also play important role.

The result of the research suggested that the existing policy environment of the government, socio-economic situation is not conductive for large scale e-government practice in Bangladesh. there is a danger that once government attempts it and meet failure, politicians/ bureaucrats would not be eager for such venture even the setting is ready for such in future. The research ended by suggesting measures that would be beneficial for the development of an environment for successful e-government system.

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