
No 122965
著者(漢字) 冨永,望
著者(カナ) トミナガ,ノゾム
標題(和) 重力崩壊型超新星の輻射輸送、流体力学、元素合成
標題(洋) Radiative Transfbr,Hydrodynamics,andNucleosynthesisinCore-CollapseSupernovae
報告番号 122965
報告番号 甲22965
学位授与日 2007.09.28
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5086号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 天文学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 吉井,譲
 東京大学 教授 安藤,裕康
 東京大学 教授 土居,守
 東京大学 教授 大塚,孝治
 東京大学 准教授 茂山,俊和
 東京大学 准教授 椎尾,敏貴
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In this thesis, we explore the nature of supernova (SN) explosions and their contributions to the chemical evolution and elucidate the relation between the properties of SNe and the stars formed in early universe.

I. Properties of supernovae

We unravel the properties of SNe with radiative transfer calculations. In this thesis, we focus on two interesting SNe: (1) a putative SN in the afterglow of X-ray flash (XRF) 030723. XRF 030723 is one of the first XRFs [an analogical events of 7-ray bursts (GRBs) but emitting the radiation in X-ray bands] showing a bump in the optical light curve (LC) of the afterglow, which has been interpreted as a signature of a SN. (2) SN 2005bf that was classified as a Type Ic SN initially but transited to a Type Ib SN later due to the development of He lines. Accordingly, SN 2005bf is implied to locate between Type Ib and Ic SNe. Interpreting their properties provides us new insights on the nature of SNe and GRBs. Further, the accumulation of the properties of SNe and GRBs can constrain the explosion mechanism of SNe, the SN nucleosynthesis, and the progenitor stars of SNe and GRBs observationally.

We modeled the LC of the putative SN after subtracting the afterglow component from the observed optical LC of the XRF counterpart. Although a poor signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the spectrum prevents detailed spectrum modeling, we constrain the relation between the ejecta mass and the kinetic energy of the putative SN: Mej~1-6Mo and E=1-50x1051 ergs. Further, the mass of synthesized 56Ni is M(56Ni)-0.0.1-0.3M0 for the redshift range z-0.3-1 inferred from the undetection of the host galaxy and the lack of Lya absorption.

We attempt to give further constraints on the SN properties. If the relation among M(56Ni), E, and Mej established from models of various Type Ic SNe also holds for the putative SN in XRF 030723, the ejecta mass is constrained to be Mej~1-3Mo and the kinetic energy E=1x1052 ergs. We suggest that the progenitor was a star with Mms~14-25 Mo, being smaller than the progenitors of GRB-associated SNe.

SN 2005bf

SN 2005bf showed unique features: the LC had two maxima, declined rapidly after the second maximum, and strengthening He lines whose velocity increased with time.

We presented a model reproducing the LC and the spectra well. The result of modeling indicates that the SN should have a double-peaked 56Ni distribution and that r-ray should escape from the SN ejecta more effectively than in normal SNe. The SN has massive ejecta (~6-7 M0) and normal kinetic energy (-1.0-1.5x1051 ergs). The progenitor was likely a WN star of main-sequence mass Mms'~25-30M . To realize high peak bolometric luminosity (5x1042 erg s-1) with an energy release from the 56Ni decay, a large 56Ni mass (-0.32 M0) is required. Since large amount of \Nifs was required in spite of the small explosion energy, the compact remnant should be as small as Mrem~1.4 Mo,i.e.,a neutron star.

II. Chemical evolution in the early universe

SN nucleosynthesis contributes the chemical evolution of the universe. The contribution of an individual SN is particularly important in the early universe because the interstellar gas was not mixed well. Therefore, the stars formed in the early universe possess information on nucleosynthesis in an individual SN.

The stars with low Fe abundances (metal-poor stars) are observed in the Galactic halo and considered as the stars formed in the early universe. We perform one- and two-dimensional hydrodynamical and nucleosynthesis calculations and compare the abundance patterns of the yields with those of the metal-poor stars. Accordingly, we reveal the properties of SNe in the early universe from the abundances of the metal-poor stars and compare their properties with the recent-days SNe.

Main-sequence mass and explosion energy

We perform one-dimensional hydrodynamical and nucleosynthesis calculations of core-collapse SNe and hypernovae (HNe) of Pop. III stars for the main-sequence mass of Mms=13-50M0 and the explosion energy of E=1-40x1051 ergs. Adopting the empirical relation for the present SNe which a larger amount of Fe is ejected by more massive HNe, we reveal the followings:

(1) HN yields applied the mixing-fallback model reproduce the abundance pattern of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars (-4<[Fe/H]<-3), while the abundance pattern of very metal-poor (VMP) stars (-3<[Fe/H]<-2) is reproduced by the normal SN yields or the yields integrated over the Salpeter initial mass function.

(2) The trends of abundance ratios [X/Fe] against [Fe/H] with small dispersions for the EMP stars can be reproduced by a sequence of models with the various combinations of Mms and E. We propose that the trends of abundance . ratios indicate an "inhoinogeneous" chemical evolution in the early universe at [Fe/H]<-3, instead of the homogeneous mixing in the interstellar medium.

(3) We examine how the distributions of the electron mole fraction Ye and the density in the presupernova models improve the agreement with the observed abundance ratios.

Property of SN explosion

We perform two-dimensional hydrodynamical and nucleosynthesis calculations of jet-induced SNe and HNe of Pop III 40 Me stars and investigate the dependences of SN nucleosynthesis on the properties of the jet. We reveal the followings:

(1) SN nucleosynthesis is determined by the fallback onto the central remant and the strength of the shock heating. Since the property that influences the both effects is the energy deposition rate (Edep), Edep is the most important property.

(2) The models with the smaller Edep yield the smaller Fe production and the higher [C/O], [C/Mg], and [C/Fe]. The abundance patterns of the EMP stars, the C-enhanced EMP (CEMP) stars ([C/Fe]>1), and the hyper metal-poor (HMP) stars (-6<[Fe/H]<-5 and [C/Fe]-4) are reproduced by the models with Eaep=30x1051 ergs s-1, 3-2.3x1051 ergs s-1, and 1.5-0.5x1051 ergs s-1, respectively. The amounts of Fe ejection are M(Fe)'0.1 Mo, 10-3-10-4 Mo, and 10-6 Mo, respectively.

(3) The yields of jet-induced SNe depend on the properties of the jet. Thus, we can constrain the properties of the parent SN from the abundance patterns of the metal-poor stars. In particular, since [Sc/Fe] is larger for the explosion with the more collimated jet, it can be an indicator of the jet collimation, i.e., the asphericity of the explosion.

(4) The yields of the jet-induced SNe are similar to those of the one-dimensional model applied the mixing-fallback model. This confirms that the mixing-fallback model mimics the jet-induced explosion well.

III.Connection between GRBs and EMP stars

Long-duration GRBs are thought to be connected with luminous and energetic SNe (i.e., HNe) resulting from the black-hole forming collapse of massive stars. For recent nearby GRBs 060505 and 060614, however, the expected SNe have not been detected. The upper limits to the SN brightness are about 100 times fainter than GRB-associated HNe, corresponding to the upper limits to the ejected 56Ni masses of M(56Ni)-10-3 Mo.

The upper limit of M(56Ni) is consistent with the jet-induced explosion models for the CEMP and HMP stars. The jet-induced SN models can explain both GRB-HNe and GRBs without bright SNe in a unified manner with the different Edep. Therefore, we propose the connection between GRBs and the EMP stars: (1) the explosions with large Edep are observed as GRB-HNe and their yields explain the abundances of normal EMP stars and (2) the explosions with small Edep are observed as GRBs without bright SNe and are responsible for the formation of the CEMP and the HMP stars.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する










なお、本論文の一部は野本憲一、梅田秀之、前田啓一、田中雅臣、岩本信之、鈴木知治、Elena Pian、Paolo A.Mazzali、Jinsong Deng、Jens Hjorth及JohanP.U.Fynboとの共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって数値計算及び解析、検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。よって、審査員全員一致で博士(理学)の学位を授与できると認める。

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