
No 123125
著者(英字) DIMMAR,Christian
著者(カナ) ディマー,クリスチャン
標題(和) 公共空間の再構築 : 日本の現代大都市の公共空間の歴史的批評とその再評価
標題(洋) Renegotiating Public Space : A Historical Critique of Modern Public Space in Metropolitan Japan and its contemporary Re-valuation
報告番号 123125
報告番号 甲23125
学位授与日 2008.01.17
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6675号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 西村,幸夫
 東京大学 教授 武内,和彦
 東京大学 教授 内藤,廣
 東京大学 教授 大方,潤一郎
 東京大学 教授 北沢,猛
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In recent years the issue of public space in urban Japan has won great prominence. Since 2002 for example accredited street artists and vendors (re)appear in parks and streets of Tokyo as part of campaigns to promote Japan and its capital as attractive, bustling tourist destination. So-called 'Open Cafes' are proliferating in private plazas as well as public pedestrian malls, parks, or sidewalks in order to stimulate new public life in places were previously modernist paradigms of efficiency and functionality ruled such out, or to capitalise on a revival of outdoor life styles. Symbolic, beautified public spaces -parks, squares, promenades, waterfronts - are created to endow identity to local communities, or to brand office complexes and whole business districts. The growing professional interest in the quality of public space stands in a dialectical relationship with the increasing body of literature on the subject and related burgeoning discourses on civil society, citizen participation, public sphere, and the very concept of Public.

This thesis seeks to explore why there is such keen theoretical and practical interest in urban public space and the reasons for this changing focus on public space design and development. How have designers, developers and planning authorities approached public space in the past, and which factors have led to the current re-valuation? What are distinctive meanings of public space in Japan, and, how do those changing meanings influence its production, regulation and use? In order to account for the multiple actors and inanimate elements -texts, images of successful urban spaces - which equally contribute to the discursive negotiation of public space, the study adopts Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a meta theoretical framework. Much recent writing points out the social construction of public space with the consequence that values and meanings ascribed to it are never fixed but vary among cultures, places and over time. Nevertheless, when it comes to analysing it in non-Western contexts, often Western views are presumed, which make it difficult to describe relevant phenomena in their own right and against their own conceptual histories.

Chapter one deconstructs therefore such dominant Western understandings of public space and contrasts them with intrinsic Japanese meanings and the particular ways these influence the evolution of urban space. After arriving at a workable definition and illustrating its dynamic social construction, an analytical framework is proposed, which accommodates the diverse policies, ideas, and actors, which inform the physical production of public space, and which are exemplified in the subsequent parts of the study.

Chapter two takes a critical historic perspective on the genealogy of public space in urban Japan within the wider context of the urban governance system, planning culture and other socio-economic transformations, as current urban developments cannot be adequately understood without a firm knowledge of their particular institutional (formal regulations as well as informal social conventions and social practice), physical and historical background. From the introduction of the first early-modern, western-style precedents -parks, sidewalks, squares, waterfronts- over comprehensive, open space visions of regional park systems in the inter-war and early post-war period, unitarily used public space came under jurisdiction of highly specialised, non-cooperative, at times antagonistic government authorities, impeding a more comprehensive understanding. An exclusive idea of the public good further eliminated an increasing array of activities and the rampant motorisation dissolved it in insular spaces. In recent years growing private influence and a growing number of successful local initiatives have led to a re-interpretation of public space and with it, the underlying very idea of the public. In global urban studies views prevail, which see mobile capital and multi-national corporations exerting a homogenising influence on urban space and lead to a worldwide convergence. As the guiding hypothesis of this research argues against such a priori simplifications, it looks in the second part into specific, influential projects, which promoted in their aggregation a re-definition of contemporary public space. In order to allow for a differentiated analysis of local and global, public, private or communitarian influences, the main part of the study is structured into three chief chapters:

Chapter three scrutinises groundbreaking, small scale projects, where local governments,residents, citizen activists, or external experts advanced unprecedented, alternative types of public spaces through new open planning processes, significantly deviating from established bureaucratic routines of former decades.

Chapter four looks at the growing private production of open spaces through incentive planning instruments, represented by an exemplary discussion of so-called privately owned public spaces (POPS). These are quantitatively highly significant and have been created in downtown areas since the late 1960s. In this form of public-private partnerships the public sector trades in the private production, ownership and management of publicly usable space for an incentive of bonus floor area bonus or other zoning concessions. Focusing on this specific type of public space doesn't simply serve as an end in itself. Its very appearance marked in fact a major turning point in urban governance, as the public sector relinquished its dominating role as sole provider of urban public space. Examining it allows therefore transcending conventional government-centred research frameworks by also appreciating values and meanings, attributed from the private side. As the real estate sector is most perceptive for changing socio-economic trends, it translates them into new built urban form following the logic of profit maximisation. Thus, the New Public Spaces of mix-use mega-developments like Ebisu Garden Place, Roppongi Hills, Shinjuku Southern Terrace, SIO Site Shiodome, Midtown or Marunouchi serve as indicators for established power structures as well as wider social trends of fusion of work and leisure, a longing for collective memory and shared narratives, a new awareness for environment and quality of life or the feminisation of urban space.

Chapter five takes a longitudinal, long-term perspective on the particular urban governance and planning culture of Yokohama City, one of Japan's most progressive local government, whereas the preceding two chapters focused on particular, innovative examples of new publicly and privately owned, publicly usable spaces. Since the 1960s a long-term strategic planning vision envisioned here a comprehensive reconquest of public pedestrian space under utilisation of private initiative for its realisation. Through intensive publication, initial deliberations in the public sphere of planning experts and later in the broader public, the integrated urban design approach exerted a strong influence on public space policies of other local governments, which finally added to a changed attitude of the national government towards the liveable city.

Chapter six summarises the findings of the preceding chapters and discusses the complex processes, which came to influence the production, management and use of urban public space, culminating in its current renaissance. While the quality of public space was important in early modernist planning during the 1920s and 30s, it fell into neglect in the post-war period. Scholars and local urban designers rediscovered quality public spaces as means for local identity promotion and participation in Machizukuri projects and beautification strategies during the 1960s and 70s. This was more and more taken up by the real estate sector for the creation New Public Spaces at large mix-use redevelopment schemes, were it served as distinguishing element in an increasing area competition, but also responded to changed socio-cultural values. In the struggle against the perceived loss of competitiveness of the world city Tokyo vis-a vis its burgeoning East Asian rivals, the government identified it also as means for city branding and image policies.

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