
No 123170
著者(漢字) 星野,幸弓
著者(カナ) ホシノ,サユミ
標題(和) 潮間帯に生息するイソカイメン類3種(普通海綿網,磯海綿目,イソカイメン科)の集団構造と遺伝子流動
標題(洋) Geographic genetic structure and gene flow of three intertidal halichondridsponges (Demospongiae,Haichondrida,Halichondriidae)
報告番号 123170
報告番号 甲23170
学位授与日 2008.03.07
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5101号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 生物科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 藤田,敏彦
 東京大学 教授 田嶋,文生
 東京大学 教授 加瀬,友喜
 東京大学 准教授 上島,励
 東京大学 教授 西田,睦
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In this thesis, to estimate geographic distribution pattern and discuss dispersal feature of intertidal sessile sponges, reproductive period, genetic structure and gene flow were investigated using the three commonest intertidal halichondrid sponges, Hymeniacidon sinapium (de Laubenfels, 1930), Hymeniacidon flavia Sim & Le, 2003, and Halichondria okadai (Kadoda, 1920) in Japan and Korea.

Sponge (Phylum Porifera) is primitive, evolutionary important and the group with highly diverse, though basic biological information of such as taxonomy, distribution ranges of each species, abundance, reproduction, and dispersal has not been sufficiently accumulated. Up until several years ago, sponges had been thought to be able to disperse widely across oceans during pelagic larval or gammule phase and many sponges, even in freshwater species, had been described as cosmopolitan species or with wide distribution. However, recently, genetic analyses have demonstrated cryptic divergence and genetic separation within species, species group and also more restricted region. From general estimation of short swimming larval period and low swimming ability of larvae, short dispersal distance and more restricted distribution has been expected. These indicate that wide distribution ranges were lead from lumping or miss-identification because of paucity of morphological character and difficulty of identification.

Three studied species inhabit sympatrically in upper intertidal zone, though distribution ranges differ remarkably. Hymeniacidon flavia and Hall. okadai distribute only western North Pacific coast, while Hym. sinapium distributes both eastern and western North Pacific coast. It was also suggested that Hym. sinapium and Hym. heliophila from Atlantic were genetically identical. These two species also share similar morphology. Since difference in distribution range might be caused by difference in dispersal ability, reproduction periods and genetic structures of three species were compared.

The larval morphology and reproductive period of Hym. sinapium and Hym. flavia were investigated by tissue observation and periodical sampling respectively. The reproductive period of Hym. sinapium and Hym. flavia were during wanner season of the year. Halichondria okadai was also known to reproduce during spring and summer. All three species had parenchymella larvae, which were entirely ciliated. The larvae of Hym. sinapium and Hali. okadai were elongated shape and that of Hym. flavia shaped more oval than the other two species. The larvae of two Hymeniacidon species have "style" type spicules that arrangements were different in each species. Because the reproductive periods are almost same, influences of ocean currents over larvae that are released to a water column might be similar. Concentration and arrangement of spicule in tiny larvae might have some impact on larval dispersal.

Geographic genetic structures of three species were investigated and several significant genetic structures were observed. The three species were analyzed using sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and 2) of nuclear rDNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (nad5) gene of mitochondrial DNA. Several significant genetic structures were detected in Hym. flavia and Hall. okadai. In the both species, influences by historical geographical events after the last glacial phase and present sea current were supposed from the distribution patterns. While in Hym. sinapium, only a few genetic variations were detected in ITS sequence, and furthermore two Atlantic species, Hym. heliophila and Hym. perlevis had very similar sequence. It is highly likely that Hym. sinapium has high gene flow between distant localities and this species distribute wider range than expected. The results of the analysis using nad5 of two Hymeniacidon species agreed with the results from ITS analyses. Distribution patterns of nad5 haplotypes supported high dispersal ability in Hym. sinapium and stable population structure in Hym. flavia.

For Hym. sinapium, 8 microsatellite markers were developed and farther detailed genetic structure was examined using seven of eight loci. Significant genetic differentiations between collection localities were detected by population genetic analyses. From a result of mantel test indicated that level of genetic differentiation had positive relation with geographic distance between localities. However, high differentiation level was also observed even between adjacent localities and the level changed slightly with distance. The result of population assignment analysis using structure program suggested that most of collection localities constitute each reproductive population. Significant genetic differentiations between collection localities suggested that natural dispersal was more likely than human mediated dispersal around Japan and Korea. From these results, we concluded that most individuals disperse short distance like general expectation for sponges, however, there are individuals that could disperse to distant localities. Further analysis including related Atlantic and European Hymeniacidon species will be required to estimate the distribution origin and detailed historical demography.

In all three species, regional genetic differentiations were detected, suggesting individuals in restricted region constitute each reproductive population in the region. Influences by historical geographical events after the last glacial phase and present sea current were suggested by geographic genetic structures of these sponges. Higher dispersal ability of Hymeniacidon sinapium than the other species was also supported by the results. However, significant genetic differentiations were shown in "Hym. sinapium, natural dispersal was more likely than human mediated dispersal. Further analysis including Atlantic and European Hymeniacidon species will be required to estimate the distribution origin and detailed historical demography.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



海綿動物は,系統的には後生動物の起源に位置し動物界の進化を研究する上で重要な位置を占める分類群であるとともに,近年は二次代謝物に関する数多くの研究がなされ応用面でも大きな注目を浴びている.しかし,海綿動物の分類や生態といった基礎的な生物学的特性については未だ不明なことが多く,これらを扱った本研究は,海綿動物の応用に向けての基本情報を提供するという点においても大きく貢献するものと言える.生物はそれぞれの分布範囲を広げるために様々な方法で分散を行うが,固着性の底生生物である海綿動物は,生活史の一部である浮遊幼生期に分散を行うと考えられる.海洋生物の地理的分布やその成り立ちを理解する上で,浮遊幼生による分散の実態を明らかにすることは非常に重要であるが,本研究では遺伝的な方法を用いることにより分散の程度を推測した.海綿動物では,これまで遺伝的な解析が適用された種は非常に少なく,本研究は遺伝子マーカーの開発などの技術的な困難を乗り越えて新たな研究に取り組んでおり,高い評価に値する.研究対象として選んだイソカイメン類3種,Hymeniacidon sinapium,Hy.flavia,Halichondria okadaiは,日本国内の岩礁潮間帯において最も普通に見られる種であるにも関わらず,それらの生物学的特性はこれまでほとんどわかっていないままであった.また,このように系統的にも近縁で,かつ同所的に生息し同じ生態的地位を占めている3種を用いて比較することで,地理的な遺伝構造の差を浮き彫りにした議論を可能にしたことは本研究のオリジナリティーの一つと言えるであろう.






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