
No 123276
著者(漢字) 前多,裕介
著者(カナ) マエダ,ユウスケ
標題(和) 細胞内ゆらぎに関する研究
標題(洋) A Study on Intracellular Stochasticity
報告番号 123276
報告番号 甲23276
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5157号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 物理学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 能瀬,聡直
 東京大学 教授 宮下,精二
 東京大学 教授 金子,邦彦
 東京大学 教授 黒田,直也
 東京大学 准教授 北尾,彰朗
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Interactions among genes and proteins in living organisms are chemical reactions. Considering a tiny volume of individual cells, intracellular chemical reactions are inevitably stochastic. This intracellular stochasticity not only gives rise to phenotypic variability in a clonal population of cells, but also fundamentally limits signaling fidelity. Even in the absence of input stimuli, cells spontaneously exert signals through internal computational systems. It has been believed that the spontaneous signaling is beneficial for foraging nutrients in prokaryote (bacteria) and keeping their heterogeneity. However, the mechanism how eukaryotic cells exert stochastic bursts of output signals spontaneously is poorly understood. On the other hand, the intracelular stochasticity is sometimes a nuisance for accurate switching of genes. The large stochasticity causes the wrong switching, which may result in fetal defects for animals. Cells thereby have to develop computational systems for filtering harmful noise. Thus, intracellular stochasticity is crucial for understanding the spontaneous and reliable signal processing.

In the first part of this thesis (Chapter 2), we take cell migration for instance of the spontaneous signal processing. Despite recent progress in the identification of the molecules involved in cell migration, the mechanism that migrating cells spontaneously coordinate the dynamics of cell shape with cell migration remain poorly understood. To determine how cells create spontaneous cell migration, we measured the stochastic dynamics of cell morphology in single Dictyostelium discoideum cells in the absence of external stimuli. Using quantitative analysis of fluctuations of morphological dynamics, we found that noise in morphological dynamics are not random, and that stochastic morphological dynamics are organized into 3 orderly patterns: elongating, rotating, and oscillating. In addition, we also demonstrate that PI3-kinase (PI3K) and PTEN play a more fundamental role than hitherto thought. The mechanism, which occurs independently of chemotaxis, involves the organization of cell shape into orderly patterns without the need for external stimuli. Cells organize three orderly patterns through PI3K/PTEN/F-actin from intrinsically noisy and random deformations. Importantly, the orderly patterns are conserved in both vegetative cells where cell shape and migration are apparently random and starved cells where two processes appear to be orchestrated.

Furthermore, we found that cells direct where F-actin accumulates and steer the direction of motion assisted by orderly patterns. Thus, cells organize the orderly patterns of cell shape through PI3K/PTEN/F-actin and spontaneously coordinate cell shape and movement to forage spontaneously.

In the second part of this thesis (Chapter 3), we take the synthetic gene network with positive auto-feedback regulation for instance of reliable signal processing. Proteins are the functional machinery in living cells. Proteins interact with each other and bind to DNA to form regulatory networks and regulate the level, location and timing of expression of functional proteins. In this way, undifferentiated cells differentiate at right position and at right timing, and differentiated cell in a multicellular organism remembers its expression profile throughout its life. However, how do cells accomplish precise differentiation against intracellular stochasticity? Suppressing the stochastic noise is essential for the precise differentiation. Recent works have found that large transcriptional networks are buildings of simple regulatory circuits, which are called network motifs. Network motifs thought to be important for reliable signal processing against intracellular stochasticity. In the Chapter 3, we demonstrate the way how the timing of gene expression is regulated by positive auto-regulation, which is a network motif recurring in differentiation. The results provide the first experimental evidence that the dynamics of gene expression slow down by positive auto-regulation. We also provide the mathematical model that explains the dynamics of gene expression, and reveals the response delay from positive feedback systems.

In addition, we show the experimental result that positive auto-regulation creates two distinct stable gene expression states. The multistable response of synthetic gene network is experimentally converted to a graded response by altering promoter activity. Our results suggest that positive auto-regulation creates the temporal order in gene expression due the response delay and endows cells to have a lasting memory of gene expression due to multistability.

In the third part (Chapter 4), we summarize the results obtained from our studies and then present perspectives on a next step to be taken.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



また、従来の生物学では、ダイナミクスに着目した定量的なアプローチよりもむしろ機械論的に遺伝子スイッチのON/OFF制御で生命を記述してきた。機械論的な記述は細胞内で起こる化学反応の揺らぎが無視できるという前提の元で正しい。しかし、近年の顕微鏡やイメージング技術の発達により、細胞のようにμmスケール空間での少数分子による化学反応は確率的にならざるを得ず揺らぎの影響を無視できなくないことがわかりつつある(M.Elowitz et al,Science297,1183(2004))。このように細胞が必然的に内包する揺らぎは細胞内揺らぎ(lntracellu arstochasticity)とよばれる。





まず前多氏らは、位相差顕微鏡および蛍光顕微鏡を用いて単一の細胞性粘菌の自発運動を計測した。画像解析により、重心から細胞膜境界までの長さをすべての角度について求め、細胞膜の複雑な形態変化を定量化した。しかし、ただ形態変化を定量化しただけでは、揺らぎが大きすぎるため何ら特徴を見出すことが出来なかった。そこで、膜揺らぎの自己相関関数を計算することで時空間相関のない揺らぎを除き、規則的なパターンの分離抽出を行った。すると驚くべきことに、3つの典型的なパターン-伸張、回転、振動一が見出されることを発見した。この結果は、外部刺激がない環境下においても膜揺らぎには相関のある揺らぎの成分が存在すること、つまり細胞膜は規則的に変形していることを意味している。3つのパターンはvegetativeという極性が弱い状態、starvedやaggregating phaseという極性が強く形成された状態に共通して見出されたことから、従来の定説[自発運動過程における細胞性粘菌の膜変形はランダムである(van Haastert&Devreotes,Nat.Rev.Mol,Cell Biol.5,626(2004))に再考を迫る結果といえる。さらに、長時間にわたって1個の細胞を観察した結果、細胞は時々刻々とパターンを切り換えることも明らかとなった。







加えて、この論文の第三章には人工遺伝子ネットワークのダイナミクスと非線形特性の実験的・理論的研究を述べている。前多氏は大腸菌内に正のフィードバック制御を備えた人工遺伝子ネットワークを構築し、そのダイナミクスが時間的に遅れを伴うことを世界で初めて検証することに成功した。さらに非線形特性として予測される遺伝子発現のヒステリシスが現れる条件が高い転写活性能にあることを実験的・理論的に説明することに成功した。本研究は物性研究誌およびJournal of Molecular Biology誌に掲載済みである。


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