
No 123309
著者(漢字) 北里,宏平
著者(カナ) キタザト,コウヘイ
標題(和) 小惑星イトカワの表面不均質性と宇宙風化過程における分光学的研究
標題(洋) Spectral Investigations of Surface Heterogeneity and Space-Weathering Processes on Asteroid Itokawa
報告番号 123309
報告番号 甲23309
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5190号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 宮本,正道
 東京大学 教授 杉浦,直治
 東京大学 准教授 吉川,一朗
 神戸大学 准教授 中村,昭子
 東京大学 教授 加藤,學
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft made a successful close-up exploration of theS-type asteroid 25143 Itokawa in three-month from early September 2005. The preliminaryanalyses have revealed a rubble pile structure for this sub-kilometer sized small asteroid, incontrast to the other large S-types so far spacecraft visited, from the bulk density, inferredcomposition, and evidence for global geomorphologic features. Additionally, Hayabusaimaged the asteroid surface piled up with numerous angular boulders, not covered with fineregoliths formed by impacts, suggesting the surface would preserve the relative earlyconditions on the asteroid formation.

During its rendezvous with the asteroid, the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS)instrument on Hayabusa acquired more than 80,000 spatially resolved 0.75- to 2.20-μmreflectance spectra from the asteroid surface under varying lighting and viewing geometry.These data allow not only to map the distribution and abundance of minerals, but also the firstphotometric investigation of blocky asteroid surface by narrow-band multiwavelengthapproach. Consequently, using these NIRS spectral data, we performed photometric andspectral mapping analyses on the global asteroid surface to examine the surfaceheterogeneities and these geologic context.

We derive the global photometric properties of Itokawa in terms of Hapke'sphotometric model. We find that Itokawa has a single-scatter albedo that is 35-40% less thanthat of asteroid 433 Eros. Itokawa also has a single-particle phase function that is more strongly back-scattering than that of Eros. Despite its hummocky surface strewn with largeboulders, Itokawa exhibits an opposition effect. However, the total amplitude of the oppositionsurge for Itokawa was estimated to be less than unity while Eros and other S-type asteroidshave been found to have model values exceeding unity. The wavelength dependence of theopposition surge width reveals that coherent backscatter contributes to the opposition effecton Itokawa's surface. The photometric roughness of Itokawa is well constrained to a value ofwhich is similar to Eros, suggesting that photometric roughness models the smallest surfaceroughness scale for which shadows exist.

Moreover, the photometrically corrected near-infrared spectral maps covered Itokawa surface globally were derived. The surface of Itokawa is found to present substantial albedo and spectral contrasts in near-infrared region, of which spatial patterns resemble those shown in high-resolved visible images. The variations in albedo at spatial scales of sub-meter on Itokawa range within approximately 10% that is small compared to Eros. The wavelength shift of diagnostic mineral absorption bands were not detected so that the chemical composition of the asteroid surface materials appears to be homogeneous. The observed albedo and spectral changes were well modeled by the composite optical effect of the particle size variations and space weathering maturities. We found that the surface area far from the asteroid barycenter are highly weathered, which surface heterogeneities would be related to the emplacements of impact ejecta or the asteroid formation processes.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は5章からなる。第1章は、イントロダクションとして、小惑星の形成・進化過程を理解する上での天体表面の地質学的情報の重要性を示すとともに、その情報を得るために、これまで実施されてきた小惑星の地上観測や隕石の室内分析, そして小惑星探査の歴史について紹介している。日本初の小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」が訪れた小惑星イトカワは、「はやぶさ」以前に探査された小惑星に比べて、天体形成初期の情報を表面の物質的不均質性として保持している可能性が高い。このことを研究目的の一つとして探査機に搭載された近赤外線分光器による詳細観測の有用性を論じている。








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