
No 123317
著者(漢字) 簑島,敬
著者(カナ) ミノシマ,タカシ
標題(和) 太陽フレア非熱放射変動の研究
標題(洋) Studies on Variability of Non-Thermal Emissions in Solar Flares
報告番号 123317
報告番号 甲23317
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5198号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 星野,真弘
 東京大学 教授 牧島,一夫
 国立天文台 教授 柴崎,清登
 名古屋大学 准教授 増田,智
 JAXA/東京大学 教授 藤本,正樹
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Many observations of hard X-rays (HXRs) and microwaves in solar flares have told that a significant amount of non-thermal electrons are produced. However, their kinematics of acceleration and transport is still an open question. The determination of the energy and pitch-angle distribution of accelerated electrons from the observations is essential to solve this problem. From both observational and theoretical studies, we determined the distribution of injection electrons and addressed electron acceleration mechanisms in solar flares.

We performed a comparative analysis of non-thermal emissions of HXRs and microwaves in the impulsive phase of the 2003 May 29 flare, to reveal characteristics of non-thermal electrons in a wide energy range. We focus on the higher energy HXRs above 100 keV that have been less studied and thus less understood so far. We found that the spatial distribution of the higher energy HXRs coincides with that of the lower energy HXRs below 100 keV while the time profile of the spectrum of the higher energy HXRs is similar to that of the microwaves. This analysis showed characteristics of higher energy HXR-emitting electrons (in intermediate energy range) as well as lower energy HXR-emitting electrons (in lower energy range) and microwave-emitting ones (in higher energy range).

To explain the observed variability and determine the injection pitch-angle distribution, we developed a general treatment of the electron transport model called trap-plusprecipitation, by solving the Fokker-Planck equation in space, energy, and pitch angle. Comparing the calculations and observations, we showed that the trap-plus-precipitation model in the weak diffusion regime can explain the variability of the observed nonthermal emissions. By the observed characteristics of the higher energy HXRs, we concluded that the electrons are accelerated more perpendicular to than parallel to the magnetic field line. We suggest a possible mechanism of the betatron acceleration to yield such pitch-angle distribution.

We performed a detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of non-thermal emissions in the early impulsive phase of the 2003 May 29 flare. We found an energy-dependent asymmetric distribution of footpoint HXR sources appeared at the southeast and northwest sites. The northwest footpoint HXR source is brighter (weaker) for lower (higher) energy than the southeast one, and its time profile leads the southeast. This variability could not be explained by previously proposed scenarios. We showed that this could be explained if the injected electrons have an asymmetric pitch-angle distribution in direction parallel to the magnetic field. A field-aligned electric field is a candidate to yield this pitch-angle distribution.

We numerically studied the electron propagation along the loop based on the observation of the 1999 August 28 flare. From the refined modeling of the electron propagation with the Fokker-Planck equation and the gyrosynchrotron radiation, we concluded that the injected electrons have to be widely distributed in pitch-angle space to yield the observed propagating feature of the microwave source. We suggest that the electrons are almost isotropically accelerated in this flare.

By the observational and theoretical studies, we addressed the pitch-angle distributions of injection electrons in three cases. These are different from each other, implying that a different acceleration mechanism efficiently works in a different physical condition. A macroscopic magnetic field configuration is one of the keys. During the impulsive phase of the 2003 May 29 flare, the flare geometry shows a simple two-dimensional configuration, which is close to the dipole magnetic field or is described by the Petschek-type magnetic reconnection model. In such geometry, the adiabatic betatron acceleration works more efficiently than the adiabatic Fermi acceleration. Consequently the electron pitchangle distribution is concentrated perpendicular to the magnetic field line.

On the other hand, the geometries in the early impulsive phase of the 2003 May 29 flare and the 1999 August 28 flare are different from the two-dimensional picture. They show a complex three-dimensional configuration. In such geometries, the betatron acceleration might not play a dominant role. Different electron acceleration mechanisms might efficiently work and then yield different pitch-angle distributions.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




第三章では、2003年5月29日に起こったフレアの突発期における多波長観測(硬X線とマイクロ波)の解析について述べている。硬X線とマイクロ波は異なるエネルギーを持つ電子が放射するため、幅広い電子のエネルギー依存性を網羅することができるが、この研究以前の観測データでは100keV以上の中間エネルギー帯について観測がなかった。このデータに基づく詳細解析により、中間粒子エネルギー帯の電子は、低エネルギー帯のものと同じ空間分布を示すのに対し、高エネルギー帯電子とスペクトル変動に相関があることが見出された。この解析結果をもとに、「加速電子注入後の磁気トラップ + 粒子落下」モデルを仮定したFokker-Planckシミュレーションを行った。そしてその計算で得られた光子放射を観測と比較した結果、中間エネルギー電子が、磁力線垂直に集中したピッチ角分布をしていることを突き止めた。






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