
No 123406
著者(漢字) 彭,立沛
著者(カナ) ポン,リペイ
標題(和) 台湾における文化的景観の保全とコミュニティ観光の発展に着目した場所の個性化に関する研究
報告番号 123406
報告番号 甲23406
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6722号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 西村,幸夫
 東京大学 教授 小出,治
 東京大学 准教授 羽藤,英二
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


The issues on the tourism, cultural landscape and participation generally result in the urgent necessity to study on strengthening place identity. Despite of booming tourism, currently in Taiwan, potential tourist destinations in the rural community are loosing their cultural landscape and lack of community participation. Based on the context of Taiwan, three phenomena influence the conservation of cultural landscape and tourism development: 1) tourism development is a necessary tool to complement the community income. Concerning the booming tourism development, cultural landscape can be seen as the tourism resources to produce the community niches. 2) The cultural landscape is vulnerable and facing the endangering situation owing to the rapid tourism development. 3) The democratic awareness highly lifts up the issues of national identity, reflects the political identity and practices in the decision-making process. The policies in terms of community participation and action cause the certain legitimacy to emphasize the place identity. These three phenomena caused an instant crisis and demands for strengthening place identity, conservation of cultural landscape and development of community tourism.

This research aims to clarify the strategies of strengthening place identity to achieve the conservation of cultural landscape and development of community tourism in Taiwan. This research tries to answer three questions: 1) whether the strengthening of place identity is tending to be important in Taiwan? 2) If yes, what are the policies? And how the policies intervene in and support to the conservation of cultural landscape and development of community tourism? 3) How to strengthen place identity? Based on these questions, the objectives are: 1) to illustrate the issues and trends of strengthening place identity in Taiwan; 2.1) to identify the institutional instruments including regulation and its stakeholder and subsidy policy; 2.2) to analyze and verify the governmental support at local level; 3.1) to review and re-conceptualize the new aspects of strengthening place identity; 3.2) to construct a framework of strengthening place identity; 3.3) to establish the operational tools on strengthening place identity; 3.4) to establish the mechanism of strengthening place identity; and 3.5) to verify the mechanism of strengthening place identity. However, this research is on the basis of theoretical deductions through the processes beginning in identifying issues, theoretical literature reviews, conceptual arguments, re-conceptualization, constructions of operational processes, measures, mechanism and analytical framework, and final to the clarifications based on findings and feedback to theoretical discussions.

Place identity is the people perceptions to distinguish a specific area from others. The concept of place identity is subjective based on personal integrated evaluations of the perceptions. Many researchers are interested in this issue so it becomes a concept but unable to discuss in the same conditions. Based on the scanning of the related theories on the concepts of place identity, particularly Breakwell initials a theory of "place and identity process" stemmed from environmental psychology is potential to deduce the new aspects of strengthening place identity from its four principles, "distinctiveness", "continuity", "self-efficacy" and "self-esteem". Through the commentaries on these four principles from planning aspect, this research assumes the "self-esteem" has no obvious behavior links to planning and is able to be an inner agent which interferes with other three principles. Concerning the theoretical recognition on the cultural landscape conservation and community tourism development, this research proposes that: 1) assuming the "distinctiveness" principle is a given variable which can be substituted by tourism popularity, owing to the reasons that it is a blurred definition of "outstanding cultural landscape" and partially relates tourism planning discipline. But the relationship between tourism popularity and place identity is still necessary to be verified in the research methodology. 2) The "continuity" principle should focus on more about spatial concerns as a new aspect termed "spatial continuity". 3) The "self-efficacy" principle should highlight the social concerns as a new aspect named "shared ownership". However, two new aspects, "spatial continuity" and "shared ownership", are deduced but still arguable: 1) in the absence of shared ownership, the interests among communities are weaken and they stay silent and that results in inactive participation. So, the argument is that the necessary aspect of "shared ownership" should be ensured to encourage community as active participation in the conservation. 2) In the absence of sustaining spatial continuity, the community does not ensure the conservation of cultural landscape. So, the argument is that the necessary aspect of "spatial continuity" should be capable of conservation of cultural landscape. Both aspects of strengthening place identity play important roles on objectives and become an intersection set between theories of cultural landscape and tourism development.

Therefore, the research mainly claims that "institutions based on two aspects, i.e., spatial continuity and shared ownership will not only strengthen the place identity but shall also conserve the cultural landscape and develop the community tourism in Taiwan". These two aspects will be the prime objectives to the further analyses to develop a mechanism of strengthening place identity.

Based on these two aspects and related theoretical literatures, this research initiates the operational tools, i.e., processes, measures and criteria, and mechanism of strengthening place identity. Reviewing the analytical methods of strengthening place identity, the institutional analysis is surely appropriate to be adopted. The analytical framework mainly focuses on the case studies at community level. For the sake of expanding to the wider context of Taiwan, it considers the interventions from the institutional instruments and supports at the national and local levels as well: 1) at the national level, based on the overviews on the instruments including regulation and its stakeholder and subsidy policy, this research broadly reviews and analyzes the interventions on regulations and policies on strengthening of place identity, conservation of cultural landscape and development of community tourism. 2) At the local level, this research conducts a quantitative questionnaire survey targeting all the rural municipalities to understand the attributes in tourism development of cultural landscape as well as to test the hypotheses of institutional supports and the relationships between strengths of tourism popularity and place identity. 3) At the community level, this research conducts a qualitative analysis in four typical case studies of the intersection set based on careful selection. According to the operational tools and mechanism, the contents of case studies include the institutional evidences in the tourism development process of cultural landscape. Consequently, the comparative analyses on the four case studies will be adopted and following as the discussions on the strategies of strengthening place identity, conservation of cultural landscape, development of community tourism and the lessons on case studies.

There are five parts which include nine chapters in this dissertation. Part I is Chapter 1 mainly introduces the objective and structure of this dissertation. Part II is Chapter 2 reviews the evolution of place identity theory. Its contents mainly highlight the theory of "place and identity process". Part III is methodology including Chapter 3 and 4. Chapter 3 reviews the theories, recognitions and arguments. It mainly focuses on the re-conceptualization of strengthening place identity. Chapter 4 constructs the methodology on operational tools, mechanism, analytical framework and its data sources. Part IV including Chapter 5, 6 and 7 is the findings and analyses. Chapter 5 illustrates the overviews of institutional instruments on strengthening place identity in Taiwan. Chapter 6 presents the preparations and findings of questionnaire survey, and verifies the attributes and hypotheses in tourism development of cultural landscape. Chapter 7 firstly describes the processes of case study selection, then, it clarifies the findings on the mechanism functions through four cases including Tanayiku Ecological Park, Chiufen Mining Settlement, Shueili Snake Kiln and Chaofeng Recreation Farm. Part V is constructed by Chapter 8 which achieves the comparative analyses and discussions of the research, and Chapter 9 which is conclusions and recommendations of this dissertation.

The main findings and conclusions of this dissertation are mainly: 1) at the national level, the strengthening of place identity is tending to be important in Taiwan. The central government emphasizes the Taiwanese identity as well as the unique cultural identity. The regulations of land use planning and conversion are still strict, complex, and less community participation. The institutional instruments of regulation and its involving stakeholder are unlikely to work well recently. A possible intervention from central governments is only to focus on the way of project subsidies. The project subsidies are highly encouraged to support conservation of cultural landscape and the community development but centralized tourism agencies often hinders the community tourism. 2) At the local level, the local governments support the tourism development, but do not specially concern about cultural landscape. The governmental supports are correlated with the tourism municipalities with stronger place identity. It implies the local government should do efforts to relate subsidies with the place identity. "Good place identity better subsidies". 3) At community level, the findings of four case studies clarify the comparisons with operational tools and mechanism of strengthening place identity. It mainly clarifies two aspects, "spatial continuity" and "shared ownership", are sufficient and necessary objectives. The conservation of cultural landscape and development of community tourism should complement each other through "catalyzer" of place identity.

Thus, the main recommendations for strengthening place identity are: 1) at national level, the strategies should not only focus on subsidy intervention but should also establish clearly operational tools and mechanisms, i.e., the research findings, and regulations i.e., Community Development Act, Landscape Act, etc. 2) At local level, the local governments should encourage strengthening place identity to strive for better subsidies. 3) At community level, to obtain the benefits and fairly share the ownership, the community need to establish their decision-making body, goals, set and maintain principle along with consensus to conserve cultural landscape. They also need to hold more cultural activities, and spreading their recognition for cultural landscape conservation. Those communities which are good at spatial continuity of cultural landscape should ensure that their common properties are the main niches for tourism development and should provide enough opportunity for retails. They should also make sure to establish a representative organization that will assist them in maintaining good financial balance to support their activities and welfares. It is also necessary to ensure valid community participation according to the appearances of institutional attributes and behaviors. Need is to ally the small retailers for more empowering business on tourism, and establish the distribution mechanism of benefits and welfares.

Keywords: Place Identity, Cultural Landscape, Conservation, Community Tourism, Community Participation, Spatial Continuity, Shared Ownership, Taiwan

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