
No 123473
著者(英字) Nguyen Binh Thi Thanh
著者(カナ) グエン,ビン ティ タイン
標題(和) 大水深域における浅部過剰間隙水圧発生および関連する地質災害に関する研究 : メキシコ湾Ursa堆積盆地を例として
標題(洋) A Study on the Shallow Overpressures and Related Geohazards in Deepwater Environments: A Case Study in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico.
報告番号 123473
報告番号 甲23473
学位授与日 2008.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6789号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 地球システム工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 徳永,朋祥
 東京大学 教授 玉木,賢策
 東京大学 教授 徳山,英一
 東京大学 准教授 登坂,博行
 東京大学 准教授 増田,昌敬
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

To explore and produce hydrocarbons safely and efficiently in deepwater environments, it is important to have good understanding on pore pressure, hydrogeology, and distribution of physical properties of the sediments in shallow subsurface. It is because occurrence of shallow overpressures can relate to geohazards such as shallow water flows, submarine landslides, mud volcanoes, and so on.

Shallow water flows are the uncontrolled flow of unconsolidated sands and pore water that occur during drilling operations under the marine environment. They generally occur at shallower depths below the seafloor but in deepwater, and are marked by a variety of seafloor damage including: (1) uncontrolled flow of sands up and around the annulus of the borehole being drilled; (2) sand and pore fluid 'volcanoes' on the seafloor near the drill site; (3) craters on the seafloor; (4) borehole washouts; and (5) cracks on the seafloor. Another important geohazard at shallower depths is the slope failure which can be caused by the combination of the lower effective stress condition and the lower shear strength of the sediments due to the existence of shallow overpressures and the delay of compaction.

This thesis aims to understand the evolution of shallow overpressures and the possible occurrence of related geohazards in the deepwater environments by conducting three-dimensional basin modeling studies together with laboratory experiments.

In Chapter I, the occurrence of shallow overpressures and related geohazards are reviewed and previous studies on the topics are summarized. It is shown that there are few data on rock physical properties in shallower sections and also few studies on shallow overpressures. Thus, acquiring knowledge on the physical properties and processes which affect the pore pressure development, conservation and dissipation in shallower depths in sedimentary basins is expected to provide the information on the distribution and magnitude of overpressures and shallow water flows. Following the reviews, the objectives of the thesis work and approaches taken are presented together with the structure of the thesis.

Chapter II describes an overview of the geological framework of the Ursa basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico, and well sites where samples were taken and in-situ pore pressure and temperature measurements were conducted.

Chapter III presents methods, apparatus, and results of the laboratory experiments conducted to obtain physical properties of the sediments.

Consolidation tests were first carried out on soft sediments including silty clays, clays and hemipelagic clays to obtain porosity/permeability relationships, preconsolidation pressures, porosity/effective stress relationships and earth pressure coefficient at rest. Consolidated undrained biaxial compression tests were also conducted to obtained strength parameters.

Major results obtained from laboratory experiments are summarized as follows:

Two porosity/permeability relationships for hemipelagic clays and silty clays/clays were obtained. Hydraulic conductivities were indirectly evaluated from both incremental load (IL) tests and constant rate of strain (CRS) tests. Good agreement exists between the obtained relationships from the IL tests and CRS tests.

Preconsolidation pressures (Pc) were obtained from IL and CRS tests using the Casagrade's method. Based on the obtained preconsolidation pressures and calculated in situ vertical effective stresses of the samples tested, the in situ pore pressures were estimated.

Three different porosity/effective stress relationships for hemipelagic clays,clays and mass transport deposits were obtained. These relationships were obtained from intervals with hydrostatic pore pressure conditions. To determine the pour pressure conditions, both in-situ pore pressure measurements and pore pressures calculated from preconsolidation pressure were used.

Strength parameters including cohesion (c') and internal friction angle (φ') for clays and mass transport deposits were obtained from consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests. To conduct the tests under the in situ condition, it was necessary to estimate horizontal effective stress. Here, the Ko ring tests were conducted to estimate the ratio of the horizontal effective stress to the vertical effective stress, and used the ratio to set up the experimental condition.

Chapter IV shows a detailed study on the compaction process, especially the temporal change of the pore pressure and fluid flow patterns in the Ursa basin from 100,000 year ago to present using the three-dimensional basin modeling techinque.The distribution of overpressured sands obtained from 3D basin simulation was consistent with the areal distributions of shallow water flows recognized from petroleum exploration and production wells. Obtained results also showed that disequilibirum compaction and existence of sheet sands in the Blue Unit and the channel sands within canyons of the overlying sequence, i.e., the Ursa Canyon and the South West Pass Canyon systems, mainly controlled shallow overpressures and lateral flow.

Overpressures built up soon in the Ursa basin after sediments started to deposit above the Blue Unit due to the high sedimentation rates of low permeability sediments.These overpressures almost dissipated at 50 ka due to the reduction in sedimentation rate and deposition of silty clays with slightly higher permeability. Severe overpressures built up again during the rapid deposition from 22 ka to 17 ka. From 5 ka to present,overpressures have partially dissipated due to the lower sedimentation rates.Modeling results indicated that, at present day, the sands within the Blue Unit and the channel-fills above have pore pressures about 0.9 and 1.2 MPa above hydrostatic pressures,respectively, corresponding to the pore pressure ratios of 0.2 and 0.6.

Results from 3D simulation also showed that the paleo-fluid flows in the sands of the Blue Unit seemed to be affected by the Ursa Channel. In addition, paleo-lateral flows may have played important roles in transmitting pressure from upslope area to downslope area and resulted in changing effective stress conditions and consequently changing the consolidation stage of sediments in the downslope area.

The rapid sedimentation and resulting overpressure during the Holocene turned out the sediments with shear strengths low enough for gravity sliding to occur on the slope of the Ursa basin. Based on the estimated overpressures from the simulation,estimated vertical effective stress and measured strength parameters from laboratory experiments, failure of the upper sedimentary column in the Ursa basin could occur on slope angles as small as 6°. Deep seated failure which rooted at least 200 mbsf can occur with slope even smaller of about 5.5° due to higher pore pressure ratio and lower cohesion intercept.

Finally, in Chapter V, the results of this study are summarized and future perspectives are presented.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

石油・天然ガス資源は、現在の人間社会において不可欠なエネルギー資源であり、今後も重要な資源として開発・生産を行うことが期待されている。資源開発は、一般に経済性の高い地域から順次実行されるため、今後の探鉱・開発はより困難な地域に向かうことになる。大水深海域は、今後探鉱・開発が進められていく可能性が高い地域であり、経済的かつ安全な生産を行うためには、大水深海域堆積盆地の特徴を適切に把握し、発生する可能性がある課題に対処することが必要となる。堆積盆地浅部に発生する過剰間隙水圧とそれに伴う地層の流動化、斜面崩壊は、そのうち最も重要であると考えられるものである。本研究は、統合型国際深海掘削計画(Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)によって掘削がなされたメキシコ湾Ursa堆積盆地を対象とし、実際に取得した堆積物コアを用いた物性計測と三次元堆積盆シミュレーション技術により、堆積盆地浅部に発生する過剰間隙水圧の時空間における変遷を示し、それに伴う地盤災害について評価検討を行ったものである。




第3章では、本研究で実施した室内実験について、その手法、実験装置、実験結果として得られた堆積物物性について述べている。本研究では、間隙率および堆積物の工学的分類に関する試験、圧密試験による堆積物の浸透率計測とその結果に基づく間隙率-浸透率の関係の把握、圧密試験から得られる圧密限界降伏応力を用いた原位置間隙水圧推定、これらの結果を統合することによる間隙率-有効応力の関係の把握、および堆積物の力学的挙動、特にせん断挙動に関する物性の把握を行っている。この結果、次の章で実施する堆積盆シミュレーションに必要な物性の取得を行うことができたとともに、原位置間隙水圧に関して、下記の知見を得ることができた。すなわち、斜面上流側の地点では、極めて高い間隙水圧が海底面下100ないし200 mの深度から発生しており、斜面下流側でもかなり高い間隙水圧が同様の深度で発生している。このような浅部での高い間隙水圧の発生は、本研究地域に特有のものであり、また、極めて高価で技術的な困難が伴う原位置間隙水圧計測に代わる方法としての圧密限界降伏応力試験の意義も示されたものと考えられる。





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