
No 124101
著者(漢字) トアン,ト ナム
著者(英字) TOAN,TO NAM
著者(カナ) トアン,ト ナム
標題(和) ベトナムのBOTインフラ整備事業における民間投資誘致のための政府によるリスクマネジメント
標題(洋) Government's Risk Management for Attracting Private Investment in BOT Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam
報告番号 124101
報告番号 甲24101
学位授与日 2008.09.30
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6870号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 社会基盤学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 小澤,一雅
 東京大学 教授 國島,正彦
 東京大学 准教授 堀田,昌英
 東京大学 准教授 加藤,浩徳
 東京大学 准教授 加藤,佳孝
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Despite massive investment opportunities and Vietnam's effort to involve the private sector, especially foreign investors, in infrastructure projects through BOT scheme, private investment by BOT projects is not up to expected level. This issue has raise the questions that Why Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects are not attractive the private investors, especially foreign investors? How to attract private investors in infrastructure projects through BOT schemes?

Considering the global trend of PPI, there was a significant down of private investment in infrastructure after the Asian crisis in 1997 caused by the reaction to unacceptable level of risk from the point of view of potential operators. Analyzing recently trend of PPI, it is recommended that the stakeholders should put more emphasis on risk mitigation strategies and the host government need to create risk sharing arrangement that attract private investors while also benefiting public sectors to take an advantage of private sponsors' renewed interest in infrastructure projects.

This situation has motivated this research to find the way to attract private investment, especially foreign investors, in infrastructure under BOT schemes by understanding the risks to look for risk mitigation strategies and risk allocation for Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects. The specific objectives of the research are (1) to understand the necessary and currently condition of BOT infrastructure projects in Vietnam, (2) to analyze the stakeholders' perception on risks of Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects, (3) to develop a risk allocation concept based on win-win solution for Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects, and (4) to recommend for Vietnam's risk mitigation strategies and risk allocation mechanism.

To achieve the objectives, the combination of literature review, questionnaire survey, interview, and case studies have been used in the research. Original works of the research are analyzing the stakeholders' perception on risks, developing a risk allocation concept based on win-win solution, and analyzing the selected case studies for Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects.

Stakeholders' perception on risks has been analyzing by a questionnaire survey and interviews with the major stakeholders of Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects. The analysis has (1) explained that the general risks have been perceived as highly critical risks caused the Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects to be less attractive to private investors, especially foreign investors, (2) identified 25 risks as critical risks of Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects, and (3) identified the factors to reduce the criticality of risk in stakeholder's perception.

A risk allocation concept based on win-win solution has been developed to create the risk allocation mechanism that attracts private investors while also benefiting public sectors for Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects. According to this concept, by considering wider benefits of BOT infrastructure project for economic growing and poverty reduction the Vietnam's Government can share more risks with private investors in Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects to make these projects to be more attractive to private investors, especially foreign investors. It is recommended that the Vietnam's Government should use government supports including investment incentives and government guarantees to create the win-win solution in risk allocation for both public sectors and private sectors in BOT-based infrastructure projects.

Four BOT projects in power sector and transport sector have been analyzed to learn experience on risk identification, risk mitigation strategies, risk allocation, and win-win solution in such case study to propose the recommendation on risk mitigation strategies and risk allocation mechanism for Vietnam's BOT infrastructure projects.

In the final, based on the above research works, the research has proposed a systematically solution package for Vietnam's Government to attract private investors, especially foreign investors, in BOT-based infrastructure projects. The package includes (1) the recommendation on policy reform in cross-sectoral and in two specific sector, power and transport, as risk mitigation strategies, (2) the recommendation on providing investment incentives in transport sectors, government guarantees in cross-sectoral and in two specific sector, and (3) the recommendation on framework for providing the government guarantees and government guarantee's contingent liability management.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




ケーススタディにおいては、電力セクターと運輸セクターそれぞれから2つのBOT事業を取り挙げ、計画段階の検討プロセス、実際に使用された契約書および関係者へのインタビューに基づき、それぞれの事業におけるリスクを特定し、リスク分担とその対応を分析し、政府および民間事業者双方にとって望ましいリスク分担のあり方をWin-Winコンセプトに基づき提案している。同じ電力セクターのBOT事業であっても、海外事業者が実施しているPhu My2-2事業では、国内事業者が実施しているCan Don HPP事業に比べて、政府保証の体制や計画段階の感度解析で考慮するシナリオが異なっており、リスク軽減措置やリスク配分に法的専門家が助言をした効果が確認されている。また、国内事業者が実施している運輸セクターのYen Lenh Bridge事業およびVinh City's Detour事業においては、契約段階のリスクの特定作業が不十分であり、特に、後者においてはリスク配分も曖昧な点が多いことを具体的に指摘している。




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