
No 124121
著者(漢字) 張,磊
著者(カナ) ジャン,レイ
標題(和) 中国における都市開発コントロールシステムの変容と都市開発に対する影響に関する研究 : 北京市における都市・農村境界地域を対象として
標題(洋) The Transformation of Development Control System and Its Impacts on the Process of Urban Development in the Urban Fringe Area of Beijing
報告番号 124121
報告番号 甲24121
学位授与日 2008.09.30
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第6890号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大西,隆
 東京大学 教授 小出,治
 東京大学 客員教授 明石,達生
 東京大学 准教授 小泉,秀樹
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

China's proceeding transitional institutions are often a hot topic in the academic field. After Economic reforms and Open-Door policy since 1978, explicit to implicit and sublet to vast changes in the fields of housing distribution, household registration system, land use and distribution system and so on had been taken place. The series of changes are mostly titled with the "transition from socialist planned mechanism to market oriented" or as the offshoot of globalization or a string of failure of pre-socialist countries and booming of neo-liberalist. A great amount of research papers used this transition model to analyze changing process of China's transform. However this option has been challenged based on the viewpoint of urban culture and had argued that China's institutional transitions were deeply cultural-rooted transformation instead of simple transition from socialist to capitalist. Moreover recent theoretical developments of analyzing the planning with institutional perspectives emphasize the interaction between agency and structure.

Development control system is undergoing a continuous transformation, from being conducted by the Departments of Socio-Economic Planning to the mixed structure of departments of social-economic planning, urban planning and land administration. Recently the state government had strengthened the protection for arable land and the concentration of the land administration power. Hence the understanding the institutional transforms in the development control is important in the field of urban planning. In this regard the necessary aspects to investigate would be three questions listed below:

[1].Whether there is an institutional transformation of development control from 'administrative planning' to the mode of 'planning by contract' in Beijing?

[2].How did the development control system transformed from the environmental planning mechanism to that under the market mechanism?

[3].What are the impacts of the transformation of development control system on the process of urban development in urban fringe area?

In fact limited research is available regarding title of plans in terms of understanding the development control as a process of interaction among institutions and agencies in China.

Previous research works describes the changes of development control and had explained it with individual case study. Even being useful to explore deeply on the process of single case, this method is lack of connection between institutional environments and actors in development control system. In order to exploring the transformation of development control system and its effective in urban fringe are,

This research use both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis has been carried out with the institution and agency model on the structure of development control among central government, municipal government, district and township and village in the case of Beijing Municipality, based on open-end interview with stakeholders inside the structure. Quantitative analysis is based on the empirical analysis in the district of Chaoyang, one of most riot urban fringe area. The empirical analysis conducted had been conducted in three levels. Planning policy and development control in the district level, discretion and certainty of formal residential development, and discretion and certainty of informal development.

The author conducted a comprehensive field survey by joining the research group of Beijing Municipality Committee of Urban Planning and Bureau of Land and Resource Management of Chaoyang District from August 20(th) to September. Interview with these stakeholders provided a deep understanding on the development control system and the precise land use data from these two main departments improved the precision and depth of this research. The analysis on development control of residential development in the urban fringe is based on the data from the official file from BMCUP and the public land contract information from BMBLR.

The author gathered Township Shibalidian data (land use plans and land use data) from Beijing Municipal Institute of Urban Planning and Design, the development control process by interviews with stakeholders and sample villagers whom being introduced by the officials in the village collective.

The findings of the Institutional analysis suggest that there are both continuity and evolution in development control system under the broader administrative structure and socio-economic background. The state government prefers to transform the development control system through traditional methods, such as readjusting the administrative power on land use within sectoral departments and lower-level government. Now the development control system includes fading investment controls; land overall plans controls and land leasehold controls by land administration; and urban planning control and building control by urban planning authority.

The research results in district level shows that the development control system is unable to implement the pre-established policy of protecting arable land and had forbidden the transition to industry use by township and village collective, while it is efficient on the formal residential development based on pre-established master plan. Further the research concentrated on two types of development; formal residential development in Chaoyang District and informal development in Shibalidian Township, an area obviously collide with pre-established plans.

The research on the formal residential development shows that regulatory detailed plans, government revenue from land transactions and the way of land transactions are three main factors on the certainty in formal residential development. Land transaction by Biding, Auction, and Listing (a type of control by contract) is more efficient in terms of certainty than the land transactions by Negotiation and by Free Allocation. The result also collide with the previous assumption that 'in transitional period, the political powerful state owned unit can hold advantage on private enterprise on acquiring land development right7.

The research on Territory of Shibalidian Township shows that in practice the real functional groups on development control in the townships is the township government officials and principal of the village collective member, though right of development control is officially centralized to Municipal and district government. This partly explained the reason why the pre-established plans cannot enforce in the urban fringe areas.

The fact finding in all three levels as a whole concludes that the state government strengthen the control in Township Level through dividing the section of development control from township government to sectoral department in district level based on the regulatory detailed plans. Hence finally it is recommended that it should establish the tool of control by contract, through the openly land development compensation and transfers.

Keyword: Institutional Transformation, Development Control, Urban Fringe

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