
No 124454
著者(漢字) 柵山,徹也
著者(カナ) サクヤマ,テツヤ
標題(和) 上昇マントルの累進的融解プロセスと熱進化 : ユーラシア大陸東縁部背弧火成活動からの制約
標題(洋) Incremental melting process and thermal evolution of an upwelling mantle : constraints from back arc volcanisms in the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate
報告番号 124454
報告番号 甲24454
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5352号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 岩森,光
 東京大学 准教授 中井,俊一
 東京大学 教授 小澤,一仁
 東京工業大学 教授 高橋,栄一
 海洋研究開発機構 プログラムディレクター 巽,好幸
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Continental back arc volcanisms are widely distributed around the Pacific Ocean. Although origin of the volcanisms have been attributed to their own local sources, general characteristics of back arcs, such as high surface heat flow (>70mW m-2), slow upper mantle velocity, thin effective elastic thickness (<30km), and high temperature lithosphere from peridotite xenoliths indicate high temperature at the upper mantle and that mantle flow carries heat into back arc and mantle wedge. Because the intraplate volcanisms do not show systematic temporal and spatial variation like a hot spot track, origin of each volcanism have been attributed to these small scale mantle upwelling for each magmatism. Although missing 30 % of surface heat flow is attributed to small scale intraplate volcanisms, how the mantle upwells or how melting occurs within the mantle has not been clarified yet.

Temporal change of the amount of melt produced in an upwelling mantle is the most important information relevant to the basalt genesis and the dynamics of melting in the upper mantle. Although this issue has been addressed by experimental and thermodynamic approaches, convincing petrologic constraints from natural samples are still quite few. If an upwelling mantle melts near fractionally and quickly separates melt to the Earth's surface without pondering and aggregation on its way up, basalt magma, particularly less differentiated alkaline basalt, is potentially a good tracer of the melting history.

We made systematic geological, petrologic, and geochemical investigations on an intraplate continental alkaline basaltic volcanism (Kita-Matsuura basalt) in southwestern Japan to reveal the melting history in the upper mantle on the time scale of 2Myr and the horizontal scale of 35km.

Eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate is one of the most extensive regions of the Cenozoic back arc volcanisms on earth, most of which are distributed between the Siberian and North China Cratons. Cenozoic volcanisms of the northwestern Kyushu, western end of the southwestern Japan, is one of the typical back arc volcanisms in the eastern Asia and is characterized by eruption of extensive mildly alkaline to alkaline basalt from late Miocene. Kita-Matsuura basalt, centered at the Cenozoic northwestern Kyushu volcanism, was active from 8.5 to 6.0 Ma under compressional stress state and the present volume is nearly a half of Cenozoic basalts observed in the southwestern Japan.

We investigated four sections from the basement to the top to cover the whole distribution of the Kita-Matsuura basalt. The volcanism initiated from mildly alkaline basalt (low- SiO2 group) followed by sub-alkaline basalt (medium to high- SiO2 group) in the western and central sections, while the eastern section produced mildly alkaline basalt (low- SiO2 group) almost all the way up to the uppermost horizon. Each SiO2 group is clearly distinguished by a specific assemblage of fractionated crystals to produce the major element variation, which can be explained neither by crystal fractionation nor crustal assimilation to each other. Estimated water content in primary melts is at most 2.0 wt% for low- and medium- SiO2 groups by using Ca-Na partitioning between plagioclase and melt. If we take water as complete incompatible element, water content of the mantle is calculated to be less than 0.2 wt% and does not have much effect on estimation of pressure by comparing with anhydrous peridotite melting experiments. Average segregation depths of estimated primary melts for each group were estimated by comparing to anhydrous melting experiments; they are 3.1-2.9, 2.8-2.6, and 2.0-1.8 GPa for low-, medium-, and high- SiO2 groups respectively.

Major element variations such as K2O, TiO2, Na2O, and Al2O3/TiO2 of primary melts suggest increase of melting degree from low- to high-SiO2 group. A linear relationship between Al2O3/TiO2 and melting degree based on compilation of anhydrous peridotite melting experiments enables us to estimate differences of melting degree between low- and medium- SiO2 groups and between medium- and high- SiO2 groups equally as ~6±3wt%. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of primary melts show strong enrichment of LREE with almost linear and variable inclination from LREE to HREE. LREE/HREE and MREE/HREE decrease with time in every section and the ratios are smaller in the western sections than in the eastern sections. Trace element variations cannot be explained by batch, fractional, accumulate, or stepwise melting of any depleted MORB mantle or primitive mantle, requiring near fractional (critical) melting of an single enriched mantle source in the garnet to spinel stability field from low- to high- SiO2 groups.

Assuming homogeneous peridotite mantle as a source, these lines of temporal and spatial variations of both major and trace elements with geological evidence indicating compressional stress state suggest that a chemically homogeneous diapiric upwelling mantle with arched isotherms melted progressively from garnet to spinel stability fields at the velocity of 2 cm/year and generated the Kita-Matsuura basalt volcanism.

Consequently, we estimated melt production rate (dF/dP) and long term eruption rate (dV/dt) as representative parameters which describe characteristics of melting of an upwelling mantle. Combination of melting pressure and relative degree of melting of the three lava groups shows that the melt production rate dF/dP is 1.7 ~ 2.4 %/kbar at 3.1 - 2.6 GPa and 0.7 %/kbar at 2.6 - 1.8 GPa, respectively. Melt production rate decreased during upwelling of the mantle, which is contrasting to increase of production rate for MORB generation as mantle ascends (e.g., Asimow et al., 1997; Yang et al., 1998). In addition, from total amount of present volcanic rocks (~50 km3) and duration of activity (~2 Myr), long term eruption rate is calculated to be 2.5x104 m3/yr, which value is almost identical to that of the other intraplate volcanisms and one of the least rate among the volcanisms on earth. The decrease of melt production rate and quite small long term eruption rate of a diapirically upwelling mantle shown from natural sample for the first time suggests that melting process is different from an ideal steady state adiabatic melting.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は全八章からなり、Clustered Intraplate small-scale Volcanism (CIV)の一つと考えられる北西九州北松浦玄武岩の成因を、地質学的、岩石学的、地球化学的手法を用いて論じたものである。CIVは、地球規模の熱・物質輸送において量的にも重要な役割を果たしている可能性があるが、その駆動力や起源物質および熱・物質輸送の時間・空間的スケールはいまだ明らかにされていない。本研究対象の西九州北松浦地域には、広範囲に未分化な溶岩が噴出し、詳細な溶岩層序から高い時間・空間分解能でマントルの物理化学的情報(温度や組成)が抽出可能である。第二章では、これらのCIVの研究状況のレビューおよび問題設定がなされている(第一章は要旨にあてられている)。



第六章では、地殻内でのプロセスを考慮した上で、さらに深部のマントルでのプロセスが議論される。分別したと考えられるかんらん石および単斜輝石を加えて見積もった各溶岩グループの初生マグマ主要元素組成は互いに異なる。見積もった初生メルト組成とかんらん岩融解実験結果と比較することで融解圧力を見積もった結果、low-、medium-およびhigh-SiO2の順に>3.0~2.3, 2.7~1.8および2.0~1.3GPaとなり、含水条件、考えられる不均質性を考慮しても各地域で時間と共に融解圧力が低くなる。また融解圧力および初生メルト組成を用いて融解温度を見積もったところ、low-、medium-およびhigh-SiO2の順に1410~1550℃, 1370~1510℃および1290~1400℃となり、特にlow-SiO2マグマの生成には高温の条件(>1400℃)が必要である。

以上の解析を総合し、第七章では、これらの玄武岩をもたらした熱・物質輸送過程が具体的に推定される。見積もった融解温度・圧力、および初生メルト組成の時間変化は、能動的に上昇したマントルが減圧融解するに伴って融解系に水が供給されるentrainmentモデルによって初めて説明が可能である。融解条件や噴出年代の時間・空間的推移から、北松浦玄武岩の火成活動は西部に中心を持つ直径70km程度のダイアピルが平均的に年間約2cmの速さで上昇・融解することにより引き起こされたことが推定された。このような時間・空間スケールのダイアピルの上昇は、3GPaで1400℃以上の高温ダイアピルと周囲のマントルとの密度差およびマントルの粘性率を考えても現実的である。また、報告されている北松浦玄武岩のSr, Nd同位体比を考慮すると、同位体的に比較的depleteしたマントルがenrichしていたマントル中へ上昇していった、と解釈される。第八章では、これらの成果が総括されている。



したがって、博士(理学) の学位を授与できると認める。

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