
No 124463
著者(漢字) 桑田,幹哲
著者(カナ) クワタ,ミキノリ
標題(和) 実大気エアロゾルの雲凝結核特性
標題(洋) Cloud condensation nuclei properties of atmospheric aerosol particles
報告番号 124463
報告番号 甲24463
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5361号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 小池,真
 東京大学 教授 中島,映至
 東京大学 教授 植松,光夫
 東京大学 教授 近藤,豊
 東京大学 准教授 竹川,暢之
 国立環境研究所 室長 高見,昭憲
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

This thesis focuses on the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of atmospheric particles. According to Kohler theory, the CCN activity of atmospheric particles is determined by particle size, mixing state, and chemical composition. However, only a few studies have addressed how size and chemical composition affect the CCN activity of atmospheric particles, and no investigation has been conducted for the influence of CCN activity on mixing state. In this thesis, I study (1) how the activation diameter of size-resolved CCN spectra is determined when particles are internally mixed (Chapter 2),(2) how the mixing state of nonvolatile cores influences size-resolved CCN spectra in urban areas (Chapter 3), and (3) how the CCN activity of less volatile particles is determined (Chapters 4 and 5).

Size-resolved CCN spectra of internally-mixed particles were observed at Gosan, Jeju Island (Korea), during March and April of 2005. In addition, chemical composition (inorganic ions, water-soluble organic carbon, organic carbon, and elemental carbon) was observed at PM(2.5). Number fractions of CCN-active particles were almost equal to zero at small particle diameter (100 nm for supersaturation (S) =0.1%) and increased with increasing diameter, approaching unity at 200 nm (S=0.1%). The, 50% activation diameter is defined as D(50). The temporal variation of D(50) was similar to that of the mass fraction of water-soluble compounds (summation of inorganic ions and water-soluble organic carbon), demonstrating that D(50) is controlled by chemical composition. In addition, the activation diameter was calculated using the observed data of chemical composition. Although calculated values were correlated with D(50), they were larger than D(50). It is demonstrated that the possible influence of the size dependence of chemical composition or surface tension depletion can account for the discrepancy.

The influence of the mixing state of non-volatile cores on size-resolved CCN spectra was investigated by conducting simultaneous measurements of size-resolved CCN spectra and volatility tandem differential mobility analyzer (VTDMA). The VTDMA measurement was conducted at a heater temperature of 400℃. The size distributions of the non-volatile cores of size-selected particles measured by the VTDMA were bimodal; one mode showed relatively small changes (<10%) in peak diameter by volatilization, and the other showed significant changes in diameter (>10% in peak diameter). The former mode is referred to as less-volatile (LV), and the latter mode is called more-volatile (MV). The main component of nonvolatile cores in Tokyo is known to be black carbon (BC). Although a stepwise increase in CCN-active particle fraction was observed as in the case of Gosan, the fractions were smaller than unity after the increase. A CCN-LV correlation analysis shows that for small (<80 nm) particles, the slopes of the correlations are smaller than unity, although the correlations are significant. This indicates that CCN-inactive fractions are explained by LV particles and particles co-emitted with LV particles (likely primary organic aerosol particles). For larger particles (>100 nm), the CCN-inactive fractions are close to the LV particle fractions, suggesting that CCN-inactive particles were composed of fresh soot, although some LV particles were found to be CCN-active especially during daytime.

To investigate the CCN activity of LV particles, I developed a volatility tandem aerosol particle mass analyzer (VTAPM), which measures the mass of condensed compounds on non-volatile particles. The VTAPM was operated downstream of a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) to investigate particles selected by their size and effective density (ρ(eff)). The ρ(eff) distribution of atmospheric particles in Tokyo was bimodal: a light mode (ρ(eff)~0.8g cm(-3)) and a heavy mode (ρ(eff)~1.4 g cm(-3)). The VTAPM measurements have shown that light particles mainly consisted (70~80% in weight) of nonvolatile compound (BC). A comparison with CCN measurements demonstrates 0.18 fg (supersaturation (SS)=0.9%) and 0.07 fg (SS=1.3%) of volatile mass are required for CCN activation of light particles. As the light particles are likely fresh soot, these values give a measure of the criterion for separating hydrophobic and hydrophilic soot particles.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、実大気エアロゾルが持つ雲凝結核(Cloud condensation nuclei:CCN)特性に関して、各種の新しい装置の開発・手法による室内実験・実大気の観測にもとづき、詳細に調べた研究をまとめたものである。論文は5章からなり、第1章はイントロダクション、第2章では韓国済州島での観測に基づく実大気中のCCNに関する研究、第3章では都市域での不揮発性核の混合状態がCCNスペクトルに及ぼす影響に関する研究、第4章では低揮発性粒子が持つCCN特性に関する研究、そして第5章はブラックカーボンエアロゾルがCCNとして働く最小質量濃度に関する研究を記述している。



不揮発性核混合状態がCCN粒径分布に及ぼす影響は、CCN粒径分布と揮発分離型タンデムDMA(volatility tandem DMA:VTDMA)の測定を同時に行うという、新しい手法により調べた。東京の都市大気中において観測を実施したところ、粒径の増大と共に、階段状にCCN活性な粒子の割合が増大する様子が測定された。しかしその閾値よりも大きな粒径においても、CCN不活性粒子が存在した。各粒径でのCCN不活性粒子と粒子の揮発性との関係から、これらのCCN不活性粒子は低揮発性粒子より説明できることを明らかとした。

低揮発性粒子が持つCCN活性をより詳細に調べるために、揮発分離型タンデムエアロゾル質量分級器(volatility tandem aerosol particle mass analyzer:VTAPM)を開発し、DMAと組み合わせる新たな手法を導入した。有効密度測定の結果、比較的軽い粒子(有効密度~1gcm-3)は主に不揮発性核(重量比で70-80%)から構成されていることが分かった。さらにCCN測定との比較から、0.9%の過飽和度の場合、0.18f9の被覆により不揮発性核はCCNとして機能することになることが示された。東京においては不揮発性核の主成分はBCなので、この結果はBC粒子がCCNとして機能するために必用な最小被覆質量の目安を与えるものである。このようなエアロゾルのCCN特性に関わるエアロゾルの混合状態や、その混合物の質量濃度によるCCN特性の変化を定量的に示した研究は世界に先駆けて示されたものであり、学術的な意義が大きい。


なお、本論文の第2、3、4、5の各章の主要な内容は共同研究に基づいたものであり、それぞれ学術論文誌Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,Journal of Geophysical Research,Natureなどに発表済み、あるいは発表予定であるが、いずれの論文も論文提出者が第一著者であり、主体となって解析・解釈を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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