
No 124517
著者(漢字) 鈴木,仁美
著者(カナ) スズキ,ヒトミ
標題(和) マウス生殖細胞特異的タンパク質Nanos3の機能と発現
報告番号 124517
報告番号 甲24517
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5415号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 生物科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 相賀,裕美子
 東京大学 教授 武田,洋幸
 東京大学 准教授 平良,眞規
 東京大学 教授 赤坂,甲治
 東京大学 准教授 越田,澄人
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The germ cell is the only cell population that transmits genome information to the next generation. In spite of its importance, only a few genes are identified to be functional for the generation and development of germ cells. nanos homologues encode RNA binding proteins conserved among many organisms and one of gene families implicated in the germ cell development. The mouse genome encodes three nanos homologues, Nanosl-3 in which Nanos3 expression is restricted in germ cells immediately after its formation and the function is essential for the germ cell development. I studied the mechanism of anti-apoptotic function of Nanos3 and the expression of Nanos3 during embryogenesis and in the adult spermatogenesis. In this thesis, I report my accomplishments in three independent chapters: 1) Function of Nanos3, 2) Regulatory mechanisms of Nanos3 expression, 3) Expression of Nanos proteins in adult testis.

Chanter 1. Function of Nanos3

Nanos3 maintains the germ cell lineage in the mouse by suppressing both Bax-dependent and-independent apoptotic pathways

Cell death in the germ line is controlled by both positive and negative mechanisms that maintain the appropriate number of germ cells and that prevent the possible formation of germ cell tumors. In the mouse embryo, Steel/c-Kit signaling is required to prevent migrating primordial germ cells (PGCs) from undergoing Bax-dependent apoptosis. In the chapter 1, I show that migrating PGCs also undergo apoptosis in Nanos3-null embryos. I assessed whether the Bax-dependent apoptotic pathway is responsible for this cell death by knocking out the Bax gene together with the Nanos3 gene. Differing from Steel-null embryos, however, the Bax elimination did not completely rescue PGC apoptosis in Nanos3-null embryos, and only a portion of the PGCs survived in the double knockout embryo. I further established a mouse line, Nanos3-Cre-pA, to undertake lineage analysis and my results indicate that the most of the Nanos3-null PGCs die rather than differentiate into somatic cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of Bax. In addition, a small number of surviving PGCs in Nanos3/Bax-null mice are maintained and differentiate as male and female germ cells in the adult gonads. My findings thus suggest that heterogeneity exists in the PGC populations and that Nanos3 maintains the germ cell lineage by suppressing both Bax-dependent and Bax-independent apoptotic pathways.

Chapter 2. Regulatory mechanisms of Nanos3 expression

Nanos3-3'UTR is required for germ cell specific Nanos3 expression in mouse embryo

The significance of 3' untranslated region (UTR) in the control of gene expression has been demonstrated in many organisms and tissues. In the early embryogenesis of nematodes, fly, fish and frog, several protein expressions are temporally and spatially regulated via mechanisms depending on 3'UTR of maternal mRNAs, which is a critical step to establish the elaborate body patterning. In mouse, 3'UTRs are responsible for the development of specific cell types in neurogenesis, erythropoiesis and spermatogenesis by organizing the timing and region of mRNA translation. Here, I show that Nanos3 mRNA is detected in both germ cells and somatic cells although Nanos3 protein is expressed specifically in germ cells. To investigate the regulatory mechanism of Nanos3 expression, I generated several BAC transgenic mouse lines using BAC modification technologies and assessed whether the expression is altered by the replacement or deletion of elements in Nanos3 gene. The results indicate that Nanos3 is transcribed but the translation in somatic cells is suppressed via mRNA destabilizing mechanism mediated by Nanos3-3'UTR. Surprisingly, even though mRFP was driven by CAG promoter which induce strong and ubiquitous transcription, the addition of Nanos3-3'UTR was effective to restrict mRFP expression in germ cell. In addition, I also find that Nanos3 exons and intron sequences may be involved in the transcriptional regulation. My current study suggests that Nanos3 expression is regulated by multiple mechanisms at transcriptional and translational levels. Moreover Nanos3-3'UTR has a great deal of capability of translational control: it is not only required for the expression of Nanos3 protein in germ cells, but also sufficient for the establishment of germ cell specific expression patterning in the mouse embryo.

Chapter 3. Expression of Nanos proteins in the adult testis

The spermatogonial heterogeneity revealed by their topology and marker expressions including germ cell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) reside in undifferentiated type-A spermatogonia and contribute to continuous spermatogenesis, by keeping the balance between self-renewal and differentiation to meet the biological demand in the testis. Despite their critical importance, spermatogonia has been characterized principally through their morphology. I herein report a detailed characterization of undifferentiated spermatogonia in mouse testes based on the gene expression profiles in combination with topological features. The detection of the germcell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3 as markers of spermatogonia enabled the clear dissection of complex populations of these cells. Nanos2 was found to be expressed exclusively in As to A(al4) cells, whereas Nanos3 was detectable in all undifferentiated spermatogonia (As to A(al)) and differentiating Al spermatogonia. In addition, we found that As and A(pr) can be basically classified into three categories: 1) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3-Ngn3-, 2) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3+Ngn3- and 3) GFRα1-Nanos2±Nanos3+Ngn3+, the first of which is most likely to include the stem cell population. Taken together, we suggest from my current data that Nanos2 is involved in the maintenance of stem cells with GFRα1 and Plzf, whilst Nanos3 may function in transit amplifying cells.

In conclusion, my thesis studies clarified mechanisms how Nanos3 maintains embryonic germ cells and how this important gene expression is regulated. In addition, the detail analysis of Nanos expression pattern in adult testes implied the difference in functions between Nanos2 and Nanos3 during spermatogenesis and gave us new insights on the notion of spermatogonial stem cell.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



鈴木さんは修士課程で(1)Nanos3(-/-)胚は雌雄ともに不妊となり、その一因はアポトーシスであること、(2)Nanos3とアポトーシス促進因子Baxとのダブルノックアウトでは一部のPGCが生残すること、(3)生残したNanos3-/-Bax-/-PGCは生殖細胞として分化し、成体においても維持されることを明らかにしていた。博士課程では、さらに、BaxによるアポトーシスとNanos3の関係を詳細に解析し、その結果、生殖細胞のアポトーシスにはBax依存的な機構と非依存的な機構があり、Nanos3は両者を抑制することを明らかにした。またNanso3を欠損する細胞が、体細胞に分化する可能性を検討するため、Nanos3 locusにCre recombinase遺伝子をノックインしたマウスNanos3-CrepAを作製し、系譜解析を行った。しかしNos3(Cre/)-Bax(+/*)、Nos3(Cre/-)Bax(-/-)どちらの遺伝子型においても、PGCの移動経路にあたる体壁や腸管にPGC由来の細胞は観察されなかった。これらの結果から、Nanos3はPGCにおいてBax依存的/非依存的アポトーシスの両方を抑制し、PGCの維持と生残に機能していると結論づけた。







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