
No 124615
著者(漢字) 王,文杰
著者(カナ) ワン,ウェンジェ
標題(和) 3Dスフェロイドによる骨髄間葉幹細胞の高効率かつ多機能性な分化方法の確立
標題(洋) Improving multipotent differentiation efficiency of mesenchymal stem cells using the 3D spheroids method on micropatterned substrates
報告番号 124615
報告番号 甲24615
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7049号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 マテリアル工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 片岡,一則
 東京大学 教授 鄭,雄一
 東京大学 教授 宮原,裕二
 東京大学 准教授 吉田,亮
 東京大学 講師 西山,伸宏
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

This dissertation is an attempt to improve stem cell differentiation efficiency via a novel 3D spheroid culture method.

Easily to be isolated and facing no ethical considerations, it is well known that MSCs have tremendous therapeutic potential in regenerative medicine due to their plasticity of differentiation into multiple cell lineages. But the low differentiation efficiency of MSCs to adult cell, which is caused by the traditional 2D culture and differentiation methods use in current MSCs research, limits MSCs to go further in present reconstructive medicine. To overcome the limitations low efficiency, the 2D method should be improved. Although 3D culture methods using highly porous, biomimetic scaffolds could reproducibly increase stem cell differentiation efficiency over their 2D counterparts, these 3D porous scaffolds are also very limited in creating a very precisely controlled microenvironment for stem cell differentiation.

Thus a novel 3D multicellular spheroid culture system based on photolithography micropatterning techniques was introduced in my research. This system produces substrates which are patterned with micrometer-sized domains of predefined geometric features to culture multicellular spheroids of uniform quality and density, and thus might be applied to increase the stem cell differentiation efficiency. On micropatterned substrates coated with special photosensitized poly(ethylene glycol) (P-PEG), 3D multicellular spheroids of MSCs in precise and uniform quality were prepared first. Then MSCs spheroids were differentiated into adipocytes and osteoblasts by adding the corresponding stimuli to check the multipotent differentiation efficiency of spheroid culture MSCs. The morphological results and the measurement of specific RNA expression levels revealed that, in comparison to the conventional 2D monolayer culture method, the 3D spheroid culture method could greatly improve the differentiation efficiency in a precise and quantifiable way.

To identify transcriptional signatures of specific stem cells and to gain insights into mechanisms regulating stem cells differentiation, we applied global gene microarray analysis method. The gene microarray data confirmed that 3D spheroid condition was superior to 2D monolayer condition by more strongly stimulating global gene expression during MSC differentiation to adipocytes and osteoblasts, which are broadly consistent with those of previously mentioned microscopic observation and PCR tests. In further, Gene microarray date suggested that the 3D culture system offers great promise for directing stem cell differentiation in vitro. MSCs induced in 3D spheroid culture system might enhance global gene expression not only by directly increasing the genes related ECM, cell-cell interaction, growth factors, but also by down-regulating the expression level of stemness maintenance genes.

After confirming the improvement of the differentiation efficiency of the 3D culture method, we carried out further research on the differentiation of MSCs to more specific functional adult cells of hepatocytes, in order to move the 3D culture system closer to clinical applications. Results show the specific genes expression of ALB and CYP1A1 in spheroid differentiation group achieved higher level than monolayer group, demonstrating that 3D spheroid culture not only improve the differentiation efficiency, but also improved the specific functions of liver.

From the results attained in this study, it can be concluded that the 3D spheroid culture system offers a controllable platform for improve the differentiation efficiency of stem cells to adult cells. Furthermore, since this 3D spheroid culture system can make cells form into multicellular spheroid precisely and homogeneously, it can also be used for liver tissue engineering to improve the functional status of differentiated hepatic cells from stem cells.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

間葉系幹細胞(mesenchymal stem cell, MSC)は、間葉に由来する体性幹細胞であり、間葉系に属する細胞(骨細胞、心筋細胞、軟骨細胞、脂肪細胞など)への分化能を有しており、再生医療への応用が期待されている。このようなMSCを先端医療に応用するためには、高効率かつ高信頼性の分化誘導技術の確立が重要である。本論文では、ガラス基板上に100μmの間隔で100μmの直径を有する細胞接着性マイクロパターンを構築し、その基板上でMSCをパターン培養することによって、100μmの均一なサイズを有したMSCのスフェロイドが形成されることを見出した。さらに、本論文では、培地中に分化誘導シグナルを与えた場合、上記のMSCスフェロイドは、単層培養されたMSCよりも高効率で脂肪細胞、骨芽細胞、肝細胞へと誘導されることを明らかにした。このように、本論文は、MSCの高効率かつ高信頼性の分化誘導技術としてのマイクロパターン化基板上でのスフェロイド培養法の可能性について検討を行っている。本論文は全6章より構成されている。









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