
No 124727
著者(漢字) アリフ,ダルマワン
著者(英字) Arief,Darmawan
著者(カナ) アリフ,ダルマワン
標題(和) 熱帯環境における土地被覆・土地利用変化(LULCC)の時空間パターン、プロセスおよび原因に関する考察
標題(洋) Understanding spatiotemporal patterns, processes and causes of land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) in the tropical environment
報告番号 124727
報告番号 甲24727
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(農学)
学位記番号 博農第3437号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 農学国際専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 露木,聡
 東京大学 教授 井上,真
 東京大学 准教授 龍原,哲
 東京大学 教授 山路,永司
 東京大学 教授 沢田,治雄
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) is not the only component of global environmental change, but it has major impacts on climate change, ecosystem services, and sustainability. Tropical environments are among the most important locations of global LULCC. Tropical forests in particular are often being reported rapidly diminishing. A common approach to studying tropical deforestation is to consider it as binary process (i.e. forest and non-forest). In fact, LULCC dynamics includes processes of regeneration as well as vegetation cover loss; the net balance is the result of subtraction and addition derived from both trends. A deep understanding about spatiotemporal patterns as well as processes and causes of LULCC is definitely required as an approach to examine this balance. The term of 'spatiotemporal pattern' was emerged to emphasize the LULCC regular structures, in particular repeating structures that change in space and time as a result of interaction between biophysical and human dimensions.

The main objective of this study is to comprehend spatiotemporal patterns and determining the processes and causes of LULCC towards a better management of tropical environment. The specific objectives of this study are (1) to monitor spatiotemporal patterns of LULCC using time-series satellite remote-sensing data; (2) to analyze the spatiotemporal pattern of LULCC with regard to biophysical, local social characteristic, and land-use allocation policy; (3) to predict future land-cover change using scenario based probabilistic cellular automata model; and (4) to estimate the risk of forest and land fires as an important proximate cause of LULCC.

Seven chapters of discussion were included in this study. Chapter 1 described about the general introduction and rationale of this research. Chapter 2 described the general condition of study areas. To provide a comprehensive analysis of LULCC, case studies were conducted in two areas in Indonesia with different social and physical characteristics. The first case study was conducted in the Rawa Danau Nature Reserve which is located in Java Island (Banten Province, Indonesia), and the second case study was conducted in the Middle Mahakam area which is located in Borneo Island (East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia).

The objectives of Chapter 3 were to examine the spatiotemporal pattern of agricultural expansion in Rawa Danau Nature Reserve by analyzing satellite remote-sensing data and to characterize the situation of local people causing that agricultural expansion using information sourced from a socioeconomic household survey. The analysis was performed against the background of the Indonesian economic crisis that occurred in 1997. By remote sensing analysis, it was found that agricultural expansion rapidly increased during the period after the economic crisis compared with the period prior to the crisis. By household survey, it was found that aside from proximity of access, the range of options for land-use practices for local people influenced the characteristics of agricultural expansion in this area.

The objectives of Chapter 4 were to observe LULCC in the tropical lowland of Middle Mahakam area using satellite remote sensing data by applying an improved hybrid land-cover change analysis and to evaluate such changes with regard to existing forest land-use allocation, namely TGHK (Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan) prescribed by the Indonesian Government in 1980's. The main result of Chapter 4 was proposal of an improved method of hybrid land-cover change analysis that is more suitable to apply in the tropical environment, which emerged as the originality of this study. By this method, it was found that forest degradation and deforestation occurred beyond the forest regeneration. Land-use allocation policy had greatly influenced the spatiotemporal pattern of LULCC in the study area. Deforestation pattern largely occurred in Non-forest area, whereas forest degradation largely took place in Production forests. The lowest LULCC was found in Protection forests since this area was either located in very remote areas or relatively inaccessible. A critical point was noted for the Conservation forest, in which this area should had the lowest percentage in LULCC but actually, deforestation rates had become one of the highest in the study area.

In Chapter 5, the predictive power and reliability of several probabilistic cellular automata (CA) based LULCC models were compared and the most reliable model was applied to predict future land-cover states. Scenarios were built on the basis of transition probabilities that fall on each different forest land-use allocation policy as discussed in Chapter 4. Scenarios were conducted to visualize how if different land-allocation which implies different level of human activities were implemented into the whole study area. The first scenario was if LULCC in the study area was dictated by the transition probability of the whole study area which implied to a 'usual' LULCC. The second scenario was if LULCC in the study area was determined by the transition probability of the Non-forest area which implied a condition of 'rapid deforestation'. The third scenario was if LULCC in the study area was established by the transition probability of the Production forest area which implied a condition of 'rapid forest degradation'. Finally, the fourth scenario was if LULCC in the study area was determined by the transition probability of the Protection forest area which implied a condition of 'rapid forest regrowth'. Model comparison selected the generated probabilistic CA model with land allocation using 21×21 neighborhood size and incorporating local transition probability at 11×11 window size. The main result of Chapter 5 was the predicted future land cover maps based on four scenarios were created.

In Chapter 6, an attempt to employ GIS based Multi-criteria decision analysis (GIS-MCDA) was conducted for estimating forest and land fires risk as the main proximate cause of LULCC in the Middle Mahakam area. The main purpose of this chapter was to identify areas that are most susceptible to fire breaks in a spatially explicit method, thus to mitigates further unfavorable land-cover change in this area. Several criteria were included within the analysis, i.e. fuel index, climate index, topographic index, and human index. Each criterion was defined by one or several alternatives. Fire risk estimation as a multi-criteria decision making problem was formulated using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The AHP technique allows preferences of decision group to be incorporated into fire risk estimation. Decision group was six government officers (forestry service, agricultural service and environmental service) and six experts from universities (forest planning, forest fire and biological conservation). From twelve decision makers, only four decision makers (i.e. two experts and two government service officers) passed inconsistency measure. Fire risk map was then produced by combining decision-makers consideration to a single model using compromise programming and interactive thresholding method. To notice future fire risk in the study area, the predicted land cover change derived from Chapter 5 was incorporated into the analysis. The main result of Chapter 6 was production of the forest and land fire risks map based on actual land cover and scenario based predicted land cover.

General discussions and conclusions are remarked in Chapter 7. The importance of this study is situated in two case studies conducted in two areas which enclosed invaluable differences both physical and social conditions that gave rise to LULCC. The results of these case studies had brought to a deeper understanding about spatiotemporal patterns, processes, and causes of LULCC in the tropical environment, particularly, in Indonesia.

Case studies suggested that there were different processes and causes of LULCC occurred in the densely populated and sparsely populated areas. In a densely populated area, a number of mediating factors (e.g. farming as the main livelihood, low income, and the range of land-use option) were involved that encourage the local people to do agricultural expansion. In a sparsely populated area, LULCC is mostly underlined by institutional factor (e.g. land-use allocation policy) which was initially intended for natural resources exploitation. Other important proximate cause that mainly underlined by both institutional factor and biophysical factor is a short-term change such as the great fire of Borneo which occurred in 1997-1998.

Scenario based LULCC prediction highlighted interesting results. A 'rapid forest degradation' scenario implied that as long as good practice logging is implemented, it will maintain the forest cover in a continuous form. In addition, 'rapid forest regrowth' scenario seemed unrealistic; however, this provides a different outlook that tropical forest may possibly regain as long as human pressure to the forest is minimized. These results again emphasized that land-use allocation policy had a major impact that underlined various proximate causes of LULCC in the study area.

By this study, land and forest fire risk estimation maps were developed as a mitigation strategy for further unfavorable land-cover changes. These maps are also important as an initial reference to seek a good management practice for determining trade-offs between the benefits of fires, and the risks to human life, capital, and production caused by fires. The results call for a more cautious land use should be implemented on the area with higher risk of fire.

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