
No 125058
著者(漢字) 藤稿,亜矢子
著者(英字) Toko,Ayako
著者(カナ) トウコウ,アヤコ
標題(和) 参加型森林管理におけるソーシャル・キャピタルの適用と評価に関する研究
標題(洋) Social Capital in Participatory Forest Management : a study on its application and evaluation
報告番号 125058
報告番号 甲25058
学位授与日 2009.03.23
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第476号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 斎藤,馨
 東京大学 准教授 春山,成子
 東京大学 教授 山本,博一
 東京大学 教授 横張,真
 東京大学 准教授 小野,良平
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

1. Introduction

Today, the effect by humans on natural resources cannot be ignored: as Crutzen & Stoermer (2000) express,we now live in the era of the Anthropocene in which Earth system processes from local to global scales are strongly shaped by humanity. The perspective of the human system as a dominant subsystem has expanded and become a high-priority systems issue in the research literature on natural resource management (NRM) (Olsson et al. 2004; Folke, 2007; Folke et al. 2007); thus including human dimensions into ecological system is requisite. On the other hands, there is increasing consensus that the cause of resource degradation is institutional (Acheson, 2006). Studies of the governance for common-pool resources revealed the importance of. self-organized resource governance system, which is expected to be effective for NRM. As a result, the participatory (PA) approach has been broadly focused as one of the important alternative institutions for NRM to tackle the past failing policies and institutional failures. The new policy trend are based on the recognition that communities can often manage their resources better than either private actors negotiating through market-based exchanges or state actors regulating through command and control policies (Agrawal, 2003). The management of natural resources is most often a question of collective management involving many actors even in countries with well-developed regulatory regimes (Saglie et al. 2006). Accordingly, many scholars point out that social capital (SC) as forms of networks and trust can play an important role in PANRM with combining fragmented institutions and promoting reciprocity (Ostrom, 1990;1992; 1999; Gibson et al. 2000; Wondoleck et al. 2000; Pretty, 2003; Toko et al. 2005). Yet, SC concept has a theoretical weakness because of its broaden definition and logical circularity;consequently, not a few critics and cautions raised recently (see Pones, 1998; Englebert et al. 2001; Durlauf,2002; Quibria, 2003; Ponthieux, 2004). Hence, this study seeks to develop a coherent conceptual framework to apply SC concept in PABRM context, focusing participatory forest management (PAFM) cases.

2. Objectives

In order to contribute to further researches and policies of SC and PAFM, this study aims to:

i) Develop a framework and methods for applying SC concept comprehensively in PAFM

ii) Analyse cases from empirical studies with applying the developed framework in order to verify the framework, and

iii) Conclusively, the framework and methods of application of SC concept in PAFM is developed and recommendation for policies is suggested

3. Materials and methods

3.1 Theoretical part

The materials collected and analysed for developing a conceptual framework of SC in PAFM. The collected data were reviewed to categorize into analogical theories; then these analogical theories were extracted and grouped for inductive generalization of findings of previous studies. This process was repeated in each objective: i.e., clarifying SC definition, summarizing methodology for SC measurement, and identifying the current problems of SC theory. Subsequently, theoretical backgrounds of the study became concrete and a conceptual framework with coherent methods was developed.

3.2 Empirical Part

The empirical part consists of two chapters: a pilot study and a comparative case study. Both case studies were conducted by applying the framework developed in the theoretical part in order to verify the framework as well as to analyse SC roles in PAFM. The methods applied were: literature and secondary data analysis, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, structured questionnaires and social network analysis. Each method is related to results from precedent researches. Final social network analysis contributes to strengthen qualitative results from other methods. Conclusively, a developed framework and policy recommendation were exhibited.

4. Results

4.1 Theoretical part

From the literature analysis, SC verification matrix which includes representative definitions and theories from previous studies of SC was developed (Table 1). The matrix identifies six categories of SC with integrating multi-dimensional aspects. The vertical column classifies the structural and the cognitive sources of SC and the horizontal column classifies the SC functions in three different social interaction scale (SIS); hence, each category explains characteristics that constitute forms of SC.

Depending on a research context, what kinds of aspects of SC matter is different. Thus, SC verification matrix helps to clarify which characteristics of SC should be targeted and consequently, setting proxy indicators of each category can be more objectively. The matrix is expected to evaluate SC characteristics comprehensively with coherent definitions.

4.2 Empirical part

PAFM in patchy Satoyama conservation activities in residential area in Hachioji, Tokyo was selected as case study target. The significances of the study target are: i) it is mostly abandoned natural environment because of the out of modern institutions; ii) it is historically managed by community; iii) it is important natural environment for biodiversity and for amenity in urban residential area: thus, the needs for new values and institution for its conservation is high. After the pre-survey of 24 voluntary organization in Hachioji, case A and case B were selected as targets for a comparative case study, of which the quality and scale of the activities are quite different from each other. From both qualitative analysis and the network analysis revealed that case A is activated by bonding SC (SBo.) but bridging (SBr.) and linking SC (SLi.)was scarce; whereas in the case B, SBo. is not strong but there exist well-developed SBr. and SLi. (Fig. 3). In summary, case B with more developed bridging and linking SC performed highly professional with gaining human and financial resources as well as knowledge from various interactions. Although under the same institutions, SC differences result in the differences of conservation activity performance.

5. Discussion

The developed framework captured SC in PAFM context comprehensively; hence, its availability was verified. In previous empirical studies, no research measures the whole SC characteristics but only a few aspects of SC; consequently, it is difficult to do comparison between findings from different researches.Therefore, contributions of the developed framework for further studies are: i) the framework can identify all six SC characteristics that are supposed to be prerequisite for PAFM; ii) it is also effective to compare the results from different empirical studies with a coherent defmition of SC, which makes it possible to argue SC roles in PAFM within a same framework. From the results of case studies, it was indicated that:SC is generated by PA; bonding SC can be automatically generated by spatial-temporal context; however,bridging and linking SC can be hardly generated without actors' behaviours nor governmental supports;bonding SC can be motivation for PA activities but cannot work for scaling-up of activities; in order to broaden and to sustain PA activities, bridging and linking SC are crucial; in general, structural aspects of SC generate cognitive aspects.

6. Conclusion and recommendation

SC is strongly related to PA approaches. Therefore, PAFM policies are expected to include SC visions.Particularly, creation of structural SC in the beginning of PA approaches result in generation of cognitive SC as well. Thus, networking is crucial for the sustainability of PANRM. Participatory should not be leaving all practices on voluntary groups; the government is expected to support SC generation, especially linking SC is necessary from the beginning of PA approaches. If well-balanced SC is developed in PANRM,voluntary groups or local communities can be self-organized, which result in sustainable NRM with minimum cost.

Acheson, J.M. 2006: Institutional Failure in Resource Management. Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol.35 (1),pp117-134Agrawal, A. 2003: Sustainable Governance of Common-Pool Resources:: Context, Methods, and Politics.Annual Review of Anthropology 32(1): 243-262.Crutzen, P. J.; E. F. Stoermer. 2000. The "Anthropocene". Global Change Newsletter. 41: 17-18.Durlauf, S.N. 2002: On The Empirics of Social Capital. Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin.Englebert, P. & College, P. 2001: The World Bank and the Unsuspected Virtues of "Social Capital". Unedited English version paper of "La Banque Mondiale et les vertus insoupronnees", published in Gilbert Rist (eds.)(2002). Les mots du pouvoir. Presses Universitaires de France, ParisFolke, C. 2007: Social-Ecological Systems and Adaptive Governance of the Commons. Ecological Research,Vol.22, pp14-15Folke, C., Pritchard, L., Berkes, F., Colding, J. & Svedin, U. 2007: The problem of fit between ecosystems and institutions: Ten years later. Ecology and Society 12(1).Gibson, C. C.; McKean, M. A.; Ostrom, E. 2000: People and Forests. Cambridge. The MIT Press.Olsson, P.; Folke, C.; Berkes, F. 2004: Adaptive comanagement for building resilience in social-ecological systems. Environmental Management, 34 (1), pp75-90Ostrom, E. 1990: Governing the Commons: The Evolution fo Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge.Cambridge University PressOstrom, E. 1992: Crafting Institutions for Self-Governing Irrigation Systems, San Francisco, CA. ICS PressOstrom, E. 1999: Coping with the tragedy of the commons. Annual Review of Political Science, 2, pp493-535Portes, A. 1998: Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology 24, pp.1-24Pretty, J. 2003: Social Capital and the Collective Management of Resources. Science, Vol..302 (5652),pp1912-1914Ponthieux, S. 2004: The Concept of Social Capital: a critical review. Paper for 10th ACN Conference, 21-23.January 2004, Paris.Quibria, M.G. 2003: The Puzzle of Social Capital. Asian Development review, Vol.20 (2), pp19-39.Saglie, Inger-L. 2006: Fragmented Institutions: the Problem Facing Natural Resource Management. In Rydin, Y.;Falleth, E. 2006 (eds): Networks and Institutions in Natural Resource Management. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar Publishing.Toko, A.; Haruyama, S. 2005: Community-based forest management and its perception by villagers. Transaction of Rural Planning, Vol. 7.Wondolleck, J. M.; Yaffee, S. L. 2000: Making Collaboration Work. Washington, D.C. Island Press.

Table 1 SC verification matrix

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


Crutzen&Stoemer(2000)が、現代の地球環境をAnthropocene(人類世紀)と称したように、人間社会が地球生態系に与えている影響ははかりしれないものとなった。すでに人間社会との関係性を無視して生態系システムを維持していくことは不可能であることから、自然資源管理(Natural Resource Management:NRM)において、人間の社会システムを生態系システムの主要なサブシステムとしてみなすSocial-ecological systemというシステム論が90年代より盛んになっている。これは、社会システムの構造や変化を、生態系の評価・分析の一部分として考慮することの重要性を強調するものである(e.g.Olsson et al.2004;Folke,2007;Folke et al.2007)。一方で、自然資源の荒廃は、制度的な問題に起因するという見解も多くの研究者によって実証されてきた(Acheson,2006)。過去の中央集権的な自然資源管理制度の弊害による反省から、地域コミュニティーを主体としてより多くのステークホルダーが関与する『参加型(Participatory:PA)』自然資源管理が80年代より進化しながら模索されている。このふたつの流れから、社会システムの一部として多様な人々が積極的に自然資源管理に関与していくことの重要性が指摘されているが、このような『参加型』の手法の成功と持続性において『ソーシャル・キャピタル(Social Capital:SC)』の役割に多くの研究者が注目している(e.g.,Ostrom,1990;1992;1999;Gibson et al.2000;Wondoleck et al.2000;Pretty,2003;Folke et al.2005;Rydin&Falleth2006)。しかし、SC概念は多分野にその適応が拡大するに従って、定義のあいまいさや、類語反復的な使用が目立つようになり、当概念の理論的弱点について警告が発せられている(e.g.,Portes,1998;Englebert et al.2001;Durlauf,2002;Quibria,2003;Ponthieux,2004)。

これを踏まえ本研究は、参加型自然資源管理のひとつの形態として[参加型森林管理(Participatory Forest Management:PAFM)]に注目し、その文脈においてSC概念を適用・評価する概念的なフレームワークの構築を試みた。本研究の目的は、i)PAFMにおいてSC概念を包括的に適用するフレームワークと手法を開発すること、ii)構築されたフレームワークを用いて、既往実証研究の分析すること、iii)当フレームワークを用いて事例調査を実施すること、そして最終的に得られた結果から提言を示すと同時に、構築されたフレームワークの有効性を検証することとする。





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