
No 125198
著者(漢字) 山本(桶谷),政一郎
著者(カナ) ヤマモト(オケタニ),セイイチロウ
標題(和) メコン川中流域における完新世後期の屈曲河道の発達過程
標題(洋) Development process of the sinuous river channel of the middle part of Mekong River, late Holocene
報告番号 125198
報告番号 甲25198
学位授与日 2009.06.30
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第505号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 自然環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 春山,成子
 東京大学 准教授 斉藤,馨
 東京大学 教授 山本,博一
 東京大学 教授 須貝,俊彦
 東京大学 教授 横張,真
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The purpose of this study is to asses the migration process of the sinuous channels of gigantic rivers for last thousands years. As a study area, I set the lower Mekong River in Cambodia. In this study area, it is also important to understand the formation processes of alluviums. Therefore, I also study there processes in this study. First, migration processes of the sinuous channels of the study area are assessed by interpreting riverrine landforms. Second, I analyze the sediment structures of the reversal channels, the Tonle Sap River, in present which take a role to formation processes of the Mekong River delta. Third, I estimate the whole alluviums of the Mekong River and the different facies in the alluviums to help the process of the point bars in the study area. Fourth, the migration processes of the point bars of the sinuous channels are discussed for thousand years. Fifth, the migration rates of thousands yars are compared with the decadal migration rates. Then I discuss the migration process of the sinuous channels of gigantic rivers for last thousands years.

The land classification on the lower Mekong River around Cambodia is done to understand the riverine morphology of the Mekong River and its tributaries by using the SRTM-3 data set and visual inspection of the aerial photographs. The riverine morphology are categorized into the four zones as the upper reach of the Mekong River, the lower reach of the Mekong River,, the Bassac River and the Tonle Sap River. The upper reach of the Mekong River is sinuous river with several channel cutoff patterns and natural levees. The lower reach of the Mekong River is braided with small sinuous and natural levees become less developed lower to its reach. The Bassac River is meander channels. Its progressing pattern is uniformity, on other words, channel cut off are not distinguishable. The Tonle Sap River is meandering, but natural levees become smaller to the upper reach of its channel. Finally, the channel shows deltaic characters in the ton of its channel to Lake Tonle Sap.

The environment of sedimentation of the Tonle Sap Rivers is discussed. The Tonle Sap River is one of tributaries of the Mekong river which flows adverse seasonally. The Tonle Sap River is thought to impact to the sediment structures in this study area, especially linked to formation process of Lake Tonle Sap. They are key to understand their geomorphology. I analyzed the trend of grain size distribution of river sediment along the Tonle Sap River. Grain size of the sediment of its river becomes finer to the upper part of it. For several kms from the conjunction of the Mekong River at Phnom Penh, coarse sand deposit. But grain size becomes finer rapidly to silt with 6 to 40 km from its conjunction. The fact consistent with that natural levees develop well for 0 to 40 km from its conjunction. Then, 40 km or more to the mouth of Lake Tonle Sap, grain size of sediment become silt to clay. Furthermore, river structures such as channel width and river bed altitudes are compared. As a result, the Tonle Sap River is strongly impacted by the Mekong River.

The structures of the alluviums are discussed to comprehend the alluvial process which impacts to formation of floodplain land forms, because spatial structures of the study area are not clarified yet. In this chapter, existing boring log sheets for drilling wells of villages are used to reconstruct the alluviums of the Mekong River basin and the facies analysis of the alluviums of that. Two different plain steps of base rock layers are distinguished. The higher steps form terraces mainly, but also around the Tonle Sap River. The lower steps exist under 40 meters or more thick alluviums of the Mekong River. Alluviums can be divided coarse bottom of the gravel layers, upper sand layers and top layers of flood plain deposits.

Reconstruction of the former point bar ridges is done and clarifying of lateral migration process of the lower Mekong River in late Holocene are done. For this study, the sinuous section of the lower Mekong River is choose, because the section is suitable for understanding natural channel cut-off processes. Therefore, migration process is estimated by the geomorphological analysis of point bars, facies analysis and carbon dating. In these three sinuous arches, several cut off patterns are distinguishable. The developing patterns are consistent with the carbon datings for about 5,000 years. Cut off occurs about 1, 000 years interval. And the migration rates from the carbon dating are calculated about 1.1 to 2.0 m/years.

Decadal channel migration process of the lower Mekong River is discussed as same area discussed to certify the lateral migration rates by another method of the chapter 7. Because the detailed lateral channel migration processes of the study area are still in uncertainty. Therefore, decadal channel migration magnitude is discussed by comparing the decadal changes of the channel of the Mekong River. Channel of the study area is moving obviously in sinuous curve peak points. The mean channel migration rate becomes 8.9 m/yr in average in the whole this study reach. And the peak erosion rates are 24.0, 14.4, 12.0 m/year at peak eroded point of sinuous archs along the eroded direction. The percentage of migration rate is 0.54 % / yr.

Then, the migration processes of the Mekong River are discussed from the results of the whole study. Migrated rates of the channel are consistent with the historical migrations for last 5,000 years and the present migrations for 25 year. The former channel distribution is estimated.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は10章で構成され、1章 地形学的観点で蛇行河川の形成過程についての既往研究紹介とメコン研究の必要性を説明、2章 研究目的、3章 メコンデルタの概要、4章 カンボジア領内メコン氾濫原地形解釈、5章 トンレサップ川の河川地形と粒度組成、6章 メコン氾濫原の完新世、7章 完新世のメコン川の河川変遷、8章 メコン川の河道の側方移動の発達過程、9章 メコン川の屈曲河道の遷移過程の解釈、10章を結論としている。本研究では、従来、未解明であったメコン川の典型的な蛇行州の発達形態を明らかにし、河道変遷・屈曲の移動量を数十年程度ならびに数千年間の2つの異なるオーダーで計算し、完新世の環境変動のなかでの河道変遷の意味を解釈した。


5章は、アジアモンスーンの変動に呼応して、一年間に順流・逆流を繰り返しているトンレサップ川の堆積環境、トンレサップ湖の地形発達の過程との関係を解釈した。乾期のトンレサップ川の河岸を1kmピッチで河床堆積物を採取し、河床材料の粒径変化を調査して河川縦断面形ならびに流量変化との関係を分析した。堆積物の粒径は上流側に向かって細粒化し、プノンペンから6kmまでは粗粒、6~40km 区間でシルトに細粒化していることがわかった。またこの区間は自然堤防地帯である。40km~ トンレサップ湖口の堆積物はシルト・粘土でさらに細粒化している。これらの堆積物調査からトンレサップ川がメコン川の洪水の影響を受ける区間の違いを明らかにした。







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