
No 125202
著者(漢字) ルキタワティ,アングラエニ
著者(英字) Lukytawati,Anggraeni
著者(カナ) ルキタワティ,アングラエニ
標題(和) インドネシア遠隔地域のインフォーマル・クレジットにおいて社会的ネットワークが果たす機能に関する研究
標題(洋) The Function of Social Networks for Informal Credits in Remote Rural Areas in Indonesia
報告番号 125202
報告番号 甲25202
学位授与日 2009.07.03
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(農学)
学位記番号 博農第3475号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 農業・資源経済学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 松本,武祝
 東京大学 教授 泉田,洋一
 東京大学 教授 池本,幸生
 東京大学 教授 加納,啓良
 東京大学 准教授 齋藤,勝宏
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Despite the variety and coverage of microfinance in Indonesia, most of rural households borrow from informal sector lenders (Mosley, 1996). Poor access to credit correlates strongly with a deficiency in income and lack of assets, generally land, for collateral (Pattern and Rosengard, 1991; Mizuno, 1996, pp. 114-119; and Johnston and Murdoch, 2008, pp. 517-537). Many sources of informal credit exist in rural Indonesia including moneylenders, money keepers, financial arrangements tied to land or traded goods, friends and relatives, and financial self-help groups (SHGs). Third-party guarantees, tied contracts, and threats to lose future access to credit are common devices found in informal contracts (Adams and Fitchett, 1992, Chapter 2, pp. 5-24).

This study will focus on the function of social networks in informal credit arrangements in a geographically isolated area of Indonesia. First, our study analyzes dyadic credit networks between coconut farmers and traders in the coastal area of the Indragiri Hilir district in Riau province, Sumatera Island. Farmers in this area have limited mobility since transportation is highly dependent on the river tide. Second, our study analyzes the corporate network of financial SHG (ROSCA and ASCRA) in mountainous areas of the Cianjur district in West Java province. Households in such areas also have limited mobility due to high transportation costs.

In the first case study, a social network in credit tied to coconut marketing has developed between farmers and Chinese traders. This is mainly because they both face high risks associated with price and production fluctuation without access to formal insurance under high transportation costs. The analysis is based on survey data of 104 coconut smallholders' farmers in 2001. Based on our research, we conclude : (1) that the coconut market structure is oligopolistic, with radiate vertical networks between farmers and traders; (2) that the coconut transactions was strengthened by credit arrangements where Chinese traders sell consumption commodities on trust during the lean season in exchange for payment in kind (copra), with implicit interest rates, using collateral substitutes, and unlimited time repayments; (3) that community-level horizontal networks play an important role in developing off-farm work to generate cash income so that farmers with off-farm income have less dependency on Chinese trader credit and (4) that limited financial resources force Chinese traders to give credit only to creditworthy farmers, based on head of households age, landholding size, and participation in off-farms work that deliver short-period cash income.

The second case study was situated in Kemang village of Cianjur district, which is surrounding by the national forest land (NPL). The study analyzes upland households' credit access (formal, semiformal and informal institution) and its relation with assets accumulation. The study use primary survey data collected from 58 households in two hamlets, Beber and Cikupa. The field survey was conducted between 1998 and 2005. The ordinal logit model shows that access to formal credit is the most important factor influencing assets accumulation. Informal credit is not significant influencing assets accumulation because it is mainly used for smoothing consumption and agricultural production.

Further analysis will focus on two types of financial SHGs (ROSCA and ASCRA) in Kemang village. The group' s characteristics, factors promoting participation in them, and factors influencing probability of being credit-constrained by them will be analyzed. These institutions are important since they can cover the limited coverage of government agencies to provide financial services to rural households with low income and lack of collateral. As informal institutions, financial SHGs can obtain more information that is only available within a community to judge a member' s creditworthiness. However, a household' s decision to participate in a financial SHG is influenced by the characteristic of financial SHG itself.

The study uses primary data from 74 households in the hamlets of Beber and Cikupa. The field survey was conducted in July through August of 2006 and September through October of 2007. We find that some households' individual characteristics and economic performance influence households' participation in ROSCA and ASCRA: in particular, being older, working as a government employee, and having a high education and a steady income are positively correlated with participation in ROSCA and ASCRA. In ROSCA, although social sanctions are useful enforcement tools, they can cause internal credit constraints on some socially active households. In ASCRA, household' s member health condition and whether or not household is celebrating a wedding are good predictors of whether the committee will judge them as creditworthy borrowers. There is, however, also a tendency toward the misuse of power by committee members, who give privileges to their family and friends. These are the reason of decline in memberships and savings.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する







第2の地域である西ジャワ山間地域の農村もまた、外部への交通アクセスの貧弱な地域である。ただし、地域コミュニティーのネットワークが発達しており、しかもこの10年のあいだで食品包装用のバナナ葉生産が急拡大して商品経済化が急速に進展したために、インフォーマル・クレジットが急速に拡充している。74戸農家への聞取り調査をもとにして、この地域のインフォーマル・クレジットとして重要な役割を果たしている2つのタイプの自助的グループ(self-help group)に対する参加・不参加を規定している要因および信用制限の要因を分析した。






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