
No 125249
著者(漢字) 杉本,久賀子
著者(カナ) スギモト,クガコ
標題(和) 沿岸域での細胞外酸性多糖類を媒介にした凝集体の細菌群集による生成促進と動態
標題(洋) Dynamics and bacterial control of transparent exopolymer particles in coastal marine environments
報告番号 125249
報告番号 甲25249
学位授与日 2009.09.17
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5432号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 生物科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 永田,俊
 東京大学 教授 寺島,一郎
 東京大学 教授 古谷,研
 東京大学 教授 小暮,一啓
 東京大学 准教授 舘野,正樹
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Transparent exoplymer particles (TEP) are acid polysaccharide-rich, organic aggregates (size, 10-1 - 102 μm) suspended in marine waters. TEP play an important role in the formation of large aggregates (marine snow, size, 103 - 105 μm), which contributes to the vertical transport of carbon and other bioelements in the oceans. However, mechanisms by which TEP are produced in marine systems are not entirely clear. In the present study, I examined the role of bacteria in the production of TEP. In the first part of my study, I examined if TEP are produced by bacteria. Experiments were conducted using the coastal Sagami Bay waters to determine changes in TEP abundance in the bottle containing prefiltered seawaters through 0.8 μm-filters. TEP abundance increased during the incubation (up to 4 days) in the dark, which was accompanied by increasing bacterial abundance. TEP was produced more abundantly in seawater cultures prepared using more productive waters. TEP production was inhibited by the addition of metabolic inhibitors. The amounts of TEP (in terms of carbon) produced in seawater cultures were estimated to be large, relative to bacterial carbon production and to the literature values of TEP production determined under different environmental or experimental settings. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that bacteria substantially enhance TEP production. In the second part of my study, I examined vertical and seasonal variation in TEP (especially those produced by bacteria) in Sagami Bay. Field samplings were conducted with a monthly interval between February 2006 - October 2006. I used microscopy to distinguish three types of TEP: Type I: polysaccharide matrices with no association with other types of particles, Type II: polysaccharide matrices which are colonized by bacteria and algal cells, Type III: polysaccharide matrices densely colonized only by bacteria. I considered that Type III particles represent TEP produced by bacteria because they were abundantly produced in seawater cultures. My results showed that Type III particles were numerically significant components of TEP, accounting for up to 25.9% of total TEP abundance. However, their contributions in terms of area were moderate (range 3.0 - 8.1%) because of their small size relative to other types of TEP. Vertical distribution patterns differed among different types of TEP. Notably, Type III particles were distributed relatively homogeneously in the water column with less pronounced peak in the upper layers. This pattern was highly contrasted with that of Type II particles (the most abundant TEP), which often displayed an outstanding peak in the surface layer. It appears that the formation of Type II particles are more closely linked to photosynthetic activity and turbulence in the upper layer, whereas Type III particles can be produced in the dark under less turbulent conditions in the deeper layer. Finally, my results of particle size distribution analyses revealed that Type III particles were more tightly packed than other types of TEP were. These results suggest that TEP dynamics can be better understood by distinguishing different types of TEP, potentially playing different roles in marine biogeochemical cycles. Collectively, I suggest a need to revise the conventional model of TEP dynamics in the oceans by incorporating the role of bacteria in the production of TEP.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は4章からなる。第1章はイントロダクションであり、海洋における細胞外酸性多糖類粒子(Transparent exopolymer particles、以下、TEP)の役割、起源および物理化学的な性状についての知見がまとめられている。TEPとは酸性多糖類に特異的に結合する色素であるアルシアンブルーによって染色される海水中の粒子群である。1990年代にTEPの存在が発見され、海洋の物質循環や食物網においてTEPが果たす役割についての関心が高まった。その後の研究の進展の結果、TEPは、その表面の粘着性が著しく高く、海水中に浮遊する様々な粒子の凝集を媒介していることが示された。海洋における物質の鉛直輸送の主要な媒体である、大型凝集体(マリンスノー)の生成の促進を通して、TEPは、海洋生態系における物質循環の重要な制御因子としての役割を果たしている。TEPは、主に植物プランクトンが細胞外に排出する多糖類の凝集によって生成されると考えられているが、詳細なメカニズムについては不明の点が多い。とくに、海水中に多数存在する細菌が、TEPの生成にどのように関与しているのかについては、十分に解明が進んでいない。以上を踏まえ、本研究では、細菌によるTEP生成の可能性とその意義を、ろ過海水を用いた培養実験と、顕微鏡観察によるTEPの類別化と分布パターンの解析、という二つのアプローチから究明することを目的とした、と述べられている。




なお、本論文第2章は、福田秀樹・Mohammad Abdul Baki・小池勲夫との共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって分析及び検証を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断する。


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