
No 125269
著者(漢字) マームード ムハマド,ナテック
著者(カナ) マームード ムハマド,ナテック
標題(和) 社会基盤開発事業に伴う住民移転計画における議論マッピングと質的確率ネットワークの応用 : パドマ多目的橋建設事業を事例に
標題(洋) Resettlement Planning in Infrastructure Projects Using Argument Mapping and Qualitative Probabilistic Networks : A Case Study of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project
報告番号 125269
報告番号 甲25269
学位授与日 2009.09.28
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7113号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 社会基盤学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 堀田,昌英
 東京大学 教授 吉田,恒昭
 東京大学 教授 國島,正彦
 東京大学 教授 柴崎,亮介
 東京大学 教授 小澤,一雅
 東京大学 准教授 貞廣,幸雄
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

This thesis describes an alternative methodology for representing and analyzing diversified views of project Affected Persons (APs) in order to facilitate development processes including Land Acquisition Plans (LAP), Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) and Environmental Management Plans (EMP). The traditional methodologies including Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) and Argumentation Support Systems have at times proven ineffective in terms of gathering, analyzing and incorporating diversified views of project APs into necessary strategies and actions. This ineffectiveness is due to the fact that they have limitations in dealing with ill-structured problems and uncertainty to analyze alternative strategies or management options. The thesis therefore proposes an integrated method in order to encounter these limitations.

The integrated method is based on a combination of Argumentative Mapping for Resettlement Planning (AMRP) and Qualitative Probabilistic Networks (QPNs). AMRP builds on existing proprietary mapping systems, which visualize the content and structure of diversified views of APs both geographically and argumentatively. Furthermore, AMRP facilitates developing QPNs at different phases of data collections and represents context specific issues derived from QPN. QPN is based on cognitive mapping technique, which aggregates diversified views or concepts of APs by developing causal relationships among concepts with qualitative probabilities.

The new methodology has been introduced in a large-scale infrastructure project, namely Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, Bangladesh to verify its applicability. The project will require 918.45 hectares of land for permanent acquisition and temporary requisition. About 20000 people need to be displaced from their own households and commercial business enterprise structures due to this acquisition and requisition of land.

Initially, diversified views of APs were gathered at an individual household level and then aggregated QPN was constructed. The aggregated QPN has been then validated structurally and qualitative probabilities for individual relationships have been incorporated into the network at the group level. After that the final QPN was constructed.

Scenario-base analyses for different combination of management options/interventions have been conducted which provide recommendations such as: ward-by-ward based resettlement sites will ensure a higher probability of no joblessness, no homelessness and better living environment in the resettlement site than union-based resettlement sites; the government-registered rate for land compensation will provide a higher probability of joblessness than the current market rate; if the APs are not allowed to reuse the materials of structures, then this will lead to a higher probability of homelessness than not.

Results derived from the scenario-base analyses not only provide better insight of the land acquisition and resettlement-related problems, but also indicate critical management options for achieving their objectives. In this respect, the main findings include: that allowing APs to reuse the material of structures is the critical factor for ensuring adequate reconstruction activities; a separate resettlement site of non-permanent residents is the critical factor for better living environment in the resettlement site of the East bank. In addition, the analyses have established some relationships in the QPN that vary with different locations. For example, in case of a mixed resettlement, both non-permanent and permanent residents will end up being allocated with smaller plot sizes than in case of a separate resettlement site. This state will be more likely to happen in the East bank than in the West Bank. Moreover, in case of a mixed resettlement site, social conflict will occur more likely than in case of a separate resettlement site. This state will be also more likely to happen in the East bank than in the West Bank. For another issues, a particular social group of APs, namely woman-headed households, have exhibited a preference for different arrangements than other groups of APs. From the viewpoint of woman-headed households, the effectiveness of compensation distribution will be more likely if the implementing agency is responsible for distributing compensation. However, from the majority viewpoint of other APs, The procedure for the distribution of compensation will be more effective if the local bank is responsible for distributing compensation to the APs.

Possible subjects for future research are twofold. First, the process of developing a QPN for AMRP could be automated in order to reduce processing time. Second, a longitudinal study could be carried out in order to evaluate the impact of the recommendations at the implementation and post implementation stage.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




提案された方法論は,本研究の関連研究として開発されたArgument Mapping for Resettlement Planning (AMRP)という手法を,質的推論手法のひとつである質的確率ネットワーク(Qualitative Probabilistic Networks: QPN)と統合したものである.AMRPは被影響住民の議論を,論点構造と地理的分布の双方から表示するものである.これによって,ある特定の論点-例えば補償費の支払い方法や代替地の区画など-が集中的に議論されている地域を明らかにしたり,ある特定の地域で交わされている議論が,全体の中にどのように位置づけられているかを分析したりすることができる.AMRPによって構築された問題の構造は,住民移転の際に講じられる各種の対策が,地域の生活再建に真に有効か否かを評価するための知識ベースとなる.ある対策が講じられた場合とそうでない場合の各々において,被影響住民の生活がどのように変化するかを表すのに本研究ではQPNを用いた.実際の住民移転で用いられることを想定し,各因果関係の言説を質的推論の形式で表現し,それらを因果ネットワークとして構築することによって,各施策の効果を評価することができる.




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