
No 125287
著者(漢字) 金,哲永
著者(カナ) キム,チュルヨン
標題(和) 地区レベルの都市整備における住民参加都市設計のための住民協定制度の活用方案に関する研究
標題(洋) A Study on the Residents Participated Urban Design and Planning with Resident Agreement
報告番号 125287
報告番号 甲25287
学位授与日 2009.09.28
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7131号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大方,潤一郎
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 准教授 窪田,亜矢
 東京大学 准教授 大月,敏雄
 東京大学 准教授 小泉,秀樹
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Existing cities could accomplish a quantitative growth based on urban development focusing on the development of new districts(or towns), but resulted in the drop in the quality of urbanites' lives due to the impairment of natural environment and the loss of local characteristics as a result of paying insufficient attention to the qualitative aspect of already developed urban districts. Thus, urban districts of metropolises like Seoul requires a new urban development paradigm that can cope with the status in which quantitative expansion can hardly be continued.

The paradigm of urban development can be divided into two parts: products(結果物) of urban development and the process(過程) of making these products. First, it is products, which mean importance of improvement and maintenance by making the best use of these physical means as existing physical, social and economic infrastructure facilities as urban policy changes toward stable growth and sustainable development. Second, as a process, there is growing recognition that residents should participate in urban design process with the change of social circumstances and political conditions. In sum, a new paradigm of urban development can be found in urban improvement which considers regional characteristics with transferring of regulation to private part(民間部門) and resident participation(住民參與) in urban planning through resident consciousness's improving.

Thus, this study was carried out with the focus on how to utilize Resident Agreement(住民協定) as a method of achieving resident participation in urban improvement at a district level so as to cope effectively with changes in diversified urban conditions and the urban area environment. Resident Agreement were first adopted in Seoul in 2000, using Noyu Street in Gwangjin-gu as a pilot district of the District Unit Plan for Environmental Improvement, followed by commercial districts near Sungshin Women's University and Ewha Woman's University, and special tourist zones in Itaewon Street and Myung-dong. Unlike past urban planning practices in which residents' participation was perfunctorily made, these districts set out matters needed for improvement and maintenance of district environment as promises (defined as "resident agreements") and utilized them as means of urban improvement, thus laying the basis for resident-participated urban management plans.

However, It was shown that the cities with developed areas or that are undergoing such development are limited in conserving and improving the environment through the cases study of Korea. As a responsive measure to the urban environment this is both swift and flexible to the continuously changing circumstances, Machizukuri Agreement in Japan shall be discussed in this thesis, in comparisons to the current Resident Agreement Program in Korea.

Machizukuri Agreement Scheme in Japan does not carry any legal basis or bindings, nor does it have any means to guarantee effectiveness. In order to complement these systematic shortcomings, the scheme is run in conjunction with district plans for conservation and improvement of the district environment, and the number of such cases is increasing.

Yokohama City amongst others in Japan was subject to a meticulous plan for residential area development in response to the exponential growth in population during the post war era. Government led architectural agreements were actively arranged and settled consequently, and when the time for the renewal of the agreements arrived they were either renewed or transferred to district plans. Currently, expedited measures to establish district policies of architectural agreements or district plans are actively pursued to preemptively prevent disputes caused by large scale development including apartment housing. Consequently, the city boasts the most number of architectural agreements being signed among all local governments in Japan, and the number of district plans being accepted upon resident proposals is reaching 18 districts by January 2009. Furthermore, 「Regional Machizukuri Ordinance」 was passed in February 2005 to support individual Machizukuri activities led by those residents that are environmentally aware. Having legal foundation through the ordinance allowed the environment conservation and improvement Machizukuri activities to work alongside with the local government administration.

Yokohama city is, as illustrated above, where Machizukuri activities by the residents and relative administrative supports are the most vigorous among others. Moreover, the city advocated the improvement and maintenance of the environment through the designation of Guidance Districts (mandated in 1972 enforcing mandatory resident meetings prior to applying for architectural agreement) as the predecessor of Machizukuri Agreement(まちづくり協定). Thus, the details and the operational structure of Machizukuri Agreement in Yokohama city shall be delved into in this paper. Also, the prospect of conducting government-mandated District Plan in conjunction with the scheme will be investigated.

Therefore, the chief purpose of the study was to propose an improved method to help with urban management plans through Resident Agreement and residents'participation in the newly adopted District Unit Plan, in addition to exploring the significance and possibility of jointly utilizing the District Unit Plan as one of the diversified ways of using Resident Agreement by understanding the status and role of resident participation and agreements in the District Unit Plan.

Based on these background and purpose, this study is composed of the following seven chapters based on such a scope and method of research: Foreword (Chapter 1); Theoretic Research (Chapter 2); Issue Identification (Chapter 3); Study of Cases in Korea (Chapter 4); Study of Cases in Japan (Chapter 5 and 6); Conclusion (Chapter 7). Major contents of each chapter are as follows:

Chapter 1 introduced the background, purpose, scope and methods adopted of the study, together with relevant study trends to explain the need of the study.

Chapter 2 covered theoretical arrangement concerning the proceeding of the study focused on literature on resident participation and urban design participated in by local residents, in addition to getting a grasp of the reality of the country's urban improvement and touching on the need for resident participation by fixing a new urban improvement paradigm.

Chapter 3 reviewed various systems relating to urban improvement participated in by local residents as an approach to solutions to problems. It checked out the status of resident participation in the District Unit Plan adopted as a new method of urban improvement, in addition to the background of the adoption of resident agreements as a way of urban design participated in by local residents. It also gave basic information required for the study of cases in Korea.

Chapter 4 has been composed of case studies concerning selected districts based on basic information collected in Chapter 3. The case studies are carried out of districts where resident agreements were made based on pre-fixed basic directions and the analysis framework. It also checks how resident agreements were made, what contents they carry and how they are operated.

Chapter 5 checked out the District Plan system and other systems relating to Machizukuri agreements carried out in Japanese cities that show a higher level of resident participation and use the Machizukuri agreement system more effectively than other cities, along with how the systems have developed. In Chapter 5, diversified methods were used, including relevant literature, questionnaires, onsite surveys and interviews in an effort to understand the status of the use of the District Plan and the Machizukuri agreement system in the work of urban improvement.

Chapter 6 contains an in-depth study of several selected districts based on the case studies made in Chapter 5. The analysis of the characteristics of regulations, methods of their operations and the reality of operation concerning Machizukuri agreements and other systems similar to them will help offer proposals concerning efficient utilization of resident agreements in Korea.

As the conclusion of the study, Chapter 7 summarized the result of the study, shedding light on: the role of resident agreements in Korea in urban improvement made at a district level and their problems; characteristics of resident agreements relating to Machizukuri and ways of systematic utilization of them through case studies of practices in Japan; ways of efficient use of resident agreements in Korea, methods of provision of support to such a system and need for systematic improvement of them.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




ついで、日本において住民協定制度の運用実績が最も多い自治体の一つである神奈川県横浜市をとりあげて、事例調査を行った。まず、横浜市において住民協定が制定されている全34 地区を対象に、アンケート調査によって、協定の締結経緯、内容、運用上の課題について、全体的状況を明らかにしている。その結果、横浜市においては、多様な地区において住民協定が用いられており、また住民協定が導入された経緯・背景、締結内容および協定が果たしている役割も地区の状況・特性に応じて異なるものであること、一方で、協定を運用する住民組織がすべての地区において存在しており、自治会や商店会組織などと連携をはかりながら協定の運営に関わっていることなどを明らかにしている。その上で、典型的な4地区について、協定を運営している住民組織のリーダーに対してインタビュー調査を行った。これにより、住民協定は、住民組織による開発事業に関する地区の情報収集や、開発計画への協議を通じた積極的な働きかけがあってはじめて効力を有していること、そして市条例にもとづく事業者への行政指導と市による住民組織への支援が有効であったことを明らかにしている。



審査の結果、法定制度の地区計画制度に加えて住民協定制度に代表される法的拘束力が弱い計画制度が、韓国や日本のようにベースとなる土地利用規制の緩い国では重要であり、これに対して、本研究は、今後の日本と韓国において、住民協定制度をどのように発展させるべきか? について新たな有用な知見を多く含んでいることが確認された。



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