
No 125336
著者(漢字) クリストファー サラザル,エスカニョ
著者(英字) Cristopher Salazar,ESCANO
著者(カナ) クリストファー サラザル,エスカニョ
標題(和) 麹菌Aspergillus oryzaeの隔壁孔制御に関する分子生物学的解析
標題(洋) A study on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in septal pore plugging in Aspergillus oryzae
報告番号 125336
報告番号 甲25336
学位授与日 2009.09.28
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(農学)
学位記番号 博農第3476号
研究科 農学生命科学研究科
専攻 応用生命工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 北本,勝ひこ
 東京大学 教授 依田,幸司
 東京大学 准教授 堀内,裕之
 東京大学 准教授 前田,達哉
 東京大学 准教授 有岡,学
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Filamentous ascomycetes are multicellular organisms that grow through polarized tip extension, resulting in tubular cells (hyphae) consisting of many compartments divided by septa. Neighboring compartments are interconnected via the septal pore, which allows the passage of cytoplasm and organelles between compartments. The intercellular communication via the septal pore may function to keep homeostasis as multicellular organisms. This characteristic is shared by higher eukaryotic organisms in gap junctions of animal cells and plasmodesmata of plant cells. However, the molecular mechanism regulating intercellular communication has not been intensively studied in filamentous ascomycetes.

In contrast, intercellular communication causes alarming risks when hyphae are lysed. To prevent this scenario, septal pores are plugged in response to hyphal injury, which is executed by a specialized organelle called the Woronin body. Although it was previously suggested that the Woronin body was an organelle derived from the peroxisome, the relationship between peroxisomal proliferation/division and Woronin body differentiation had not been extensively investigated.

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the molecular and cellular processes associated with the septal pore in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae. The specific objectives are to investigate the role of peroxisomal proliferation/division in Woronin body formation; to characterize a septal-pore localizing protein, AoSO; and to determine the effect of calcium on the localization process of the protein.

1. Functional characterization of the role of the AoPex11 proteins in a septal pore plugging organelle, Woronin body1)

I examined whether Pex11 required for peroxisomal proliferation participates in Woronin body formation in A. oryzae. A. oryzae contained two orthologous PEX11 genes that were designated as Aopex11 -1 and Aopex11 -2. Deletion of the Aopex11 genes revealed that only the △Aopex11-1 strain showed reduced growth and enlarged peroxisomes in the presence of oleic acid as sole carbon source, indicating a defect in peroxisomal function and proliferation. Disruption of the Aopex11 -1 gene impaired the Woronin body function, leading to excessive loss of the cytoplasm upon hyphal injury. Dual localization analysis of peroxisome and Woronin body protein AoHex1 demonstrated that Woronin bodies fail to fully differentiate from peroxisomes in the △Aopex11-1 strain. Furthermore, distribution of AoHex1 was found to be peripheral in the enlarged peroxisome or junctional in dumbbell-shaped peroxisomes. Electron microscopy of the △Aopex11-1 strain revealed the presence of Woronin bodies that remained associated with organelles resembling peroxisomes, which was supported from the sucrose gradient centrifugation confirming that the Woronin body protein AoHex1 overlapped with the density-shifted peroxisome in the △Aopex11-1 strain. In conclusion, the present study implicated the role of Pex11 for Woronin body differentiation for the first time.

2. Functional and localization analyses of a septal pore plugging protein, AoSO

I hypothesized that filamentous ascomycetes need to have an acute system regulating intercellular communication in response to sudden environmental changes to keep homeostasis in multicellular organisms. I focused on an A. oryzae protein (AoSO) homologous to the N crassa SO protein, which accumulates at the septal pore in aging. Cellular localization studies using EGFP showed that while the AoSO protein was not found at the septal pore during the growth in normal condition, but it was accumulated at the septal pore as a punctate dot under various stress conditions (high/low temperature, extreme acidic/alkaline pH, nitrogen/carbon starvation). This is the first observation showing that the AoSO protein is accumulated at the septal pore in response to specific stresses. Furthermore, it dissociated from the septal pore upon recovery from the stress, leading to a hypothesis that the AoSO protein may participate in regulation of intercellular communication in response to environmental stresses.

The △Aoso strain showed excessive loss of the cytoplasm during hyphal injury like the Woronin body-deficient strain (△Aohex1). This is consistent with the result that the AoSO protein was also accumulated at the septal pore during hyphal injury. Thus, the AoSO protein contributes to preventing cytoplasmic bleeding upon hyphal injury.

3. Effect of calcium on AoSO accumulation at the septal pore

Calcium plays an important role as an intracellular signaling molecule in animals, plants and fungi. In order to determine the effect of calcium on AoSO localization upon stress, pulse laser treatment was employed, in which the AoSO protein was accumulated as a punctate dot at the septa' pore when a part of hyphae near the septum was treated with pulse laser. When the concentration of extracellular calcium was increased, the accumulation of the AoSO protein at the septal pore upon the stress was hastened. Addition of calcium chelators (BAPTA-AM and EGTA) and cyclosporin A (calcineurin inhibitor) caused a delay in the accumulation of the AoSO protein at the septal pore. Absence of the stretch-activated calcium channel, AoMid1, also resulted in a delay in accumulation of the AoSO protein at the septal pore upon pulse laser stimulation. Furthermore, accumulation of the AoSO protein at the septal pore was apparent in the Woronin body-deficient strain (△Aohexl) although it was delayed, which was suppressed by increasing the concentration of extracellular calcium. These data suggested the involvement of calcium signaling pathway for the AoSO accumulation process at the septal pore.

1) C. S. Escano, P. R. Juvvadi, F. J. Jin, T. Takahashi, Y. Koyama, S. Yamashita, J. Maruyama, and K. Kitamoto (2009). Disruption of the Aopex11-1 gene involved in peroxisome proliferation leads to impaired Woronin body formation in Aspergillus oryzae. Eukaryotic Cell. 8:296-305.
審査要旨 要旨を表示する


隔壁孔を介した細胞間連絡は、ある細胞が損傷した場合、隣の細胞も溶菌に巻き込まれるリスクを伴うことでもある。Woronin bodyは、真正子嚢菌綱に分類される糸状菌に特異的に存在するオルガネラであり、細胞が損傷を受けたときに隣接する隔壁孔をふさぐことで溶菌の伝播を防ぐ役割をもつ。Woronin bodyはペルオキシソームから派生するオルガネラであることは示唆されてきたが、Woronin bodyの分化におけるペルオキシソームタンパク質の働きに関する詳細な研究はなかった。

本論文は、日本酒や味噌の製造や有用タンパク質生産に用いられている麹菌Aspergillus oryzaeを対象として、隔壁孔に関連するWoronin bodyとSOタンパク質について分子細胞生物学的に解析したものであり、3章からなる。

第1章では、Woronin bodyの分化におけるペルオキシソーム増殖因子Pex11の役割について解析を行った。麹菌には酵母PEX11遺伝子と相同性を有する遺伝子が2つ存在し(Aopex11-1、Aopex11-2)、これらの遺伝子について破壊株を作成した。その結果、Aopex11-1破壊株でペルオキシソーム機能の欠損が認められ、ペルオキシソームの数が減少した。さらに、Woronin bodyの機能が低下し、ペルオキシソーム膜に結合した未分化のWoronin bodyが観察された。以上の結果から、AoPex11-1がペルオキシソームの増殖とともに、Woronin bodyの分化にも関与することを明らかにした。

第2章では、アカパンカビのso遺伝子のホモログ、Aoso遺伝子をA. oryzaeから単離し解析を行った。AoSOタンパク質について局在解析を行い、各種ストレス条件下で隔壁孔に蓄積することを見出した。また、ストレスから菌体を解放すると隔壁孔に蓄積していたAoSOが消失することを明らかにした。これらの結果から、AoSOが環境に応じて隔壁孔を介した細胞間連絡を調節するという可能性を示した。




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