
No 125382
著者(漢字) 坂本,文子
著者(カナ) サカモト,アヤコ
標題(和) 現代クメール語における節連接
報告番号 125382
報告番号 甲25382
学位授与日 2009.10.15
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(文学)
学位記番号 博人社第723号
研究科 人文社会系研究科
専攻 基礎文化研究専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 角田,太作
 東京大学 教授 林,徹
 東京大学 准教授 大堀,壽夫
 東北大学 教授 堀江,薫
 東京外国語大学 教授 峰岸,真琴
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


This dissertation investigates the syntactic properties of clause linkage in Khmer complex sentences. Three questions are addressed:

(1) What kind of linkage relations are there in Khmer complex sentences?

(2) What kind of coreferential relations of noun phrases exist between clauses in complex sentences of Khmer?

(3) Which coreferential combinations appear in which juncture-nexus types? How is the interaction between the linkage relations and NP coreferentiality?

With regard to (1), this dissertation examined the linkage relations ("juncture-nexus types") of Khmer complex sentences in an effort to answer how linkages which appear similar to one another differ from one another. The classification of Khmer complex sentences was based on the syntactic criteria developed in Role and Reference Grammar ("RRG", Foley and Van Valin (1984), for instance). Although the criteria were basically following those of RRG, this dissertation insisted that it is necessary to sub-divide syntactic tests into two types, which were called in this dissertation the "middle position tests" and the "edge position tests". According to the results of both of these two tests, this dissertation found out that the juncture-nexus types of Khmer complex sentences showed different pictures from those of RRG; that is, the RRG's "three-phase nexus distinction, i.e., "coordination", "subordination", and "cosubordition, is insufficient, and it is necessary to introduce a new nexus type, i.e., "transordination."

With regard to (2), this dissertation examined coreferential relations of NPs in complex sentences of Khmer, with the aim to find out the holistic view of the system of coreferential relations Khmer. Although the previous studies mainly concentrate only on subject-subject coreferential combinations, this dissertation investigated 346 logically possible coreferential combinations. The examination was exhaustive and detailed, with a methodology originally developed in this dissertation. Among the 346 logically possible coreferential combinations, 54 coreferential combinations were actually observed in the corpus, which showed that the scope of the examination of previous studies had been so limited that they had missed the reality.

With regard to (3), this dissertation examined the interaction of (1) and (2), with the aim to find out what kind of coreferential combinations appear in which juncture-nexus types. It provided examples of each of the 54 coreferential combinations observed in the corpus, examined the distributions of the 54 coreferential combinations in the juncture-nexus types, and extracted their characteristics. The coreferential combinations are not distributed evenly, i.e., some are likely to appear in restricted kinds of juncture-nexus types, while others are likely to appear in unrestricted kinds of juncture-nexus types. This dissertation classified Khmer juncture-nexus types into three types in terms of the characteristics of coreferential combinations they permit.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、広義の機能主義的統語論の観点から現代クメール語におけるclause linkage(節の連接)を体系的に分析した研究である。第1章は本研究の目的、先行研究、用いた資料、資料を提供した話者を示す。第2章は、連接する節に現れる名詞句が同一指示であるかどうかによって、名詞句の組み合わせのパターンを列挙する。考察する名詞句は下記である。

(1) 自動詞節:S(自動詞主語)。

(2) 拡大自動詞節:S、E(受取人、受益者、行き先など)。

(3) 他動詞節:A(他動詞主語)、O(目的語)。

(4) 拡大他動詞節:A、O、E。


(5) (i) S=S、S=E、(ii) S≠S、S=E、(iii) S=S、S≠E、 (iv) S≠S、S≠E。

クメール語の節の連接は動詞連続という方法を用いる。クメール語に限らず、動詞連続の研究では、主に主語(SとA)の組み合わせだけを扱っていた。本章は、S、A、O、Eの全ての組み合わせを検討する。データ中の全例文を丹念に分類することにより、 (1)から(4)の名詞句の組み合わせとして可能な346通りのうち、資料に実際に表れた組み合わせは54通りだけであることを報告し、組み合わせに一定の傾向があることを指摘する。

第3章は、クメール語の節連接をRole and Reference Grammar(RRG)という文法理論の観点から考察する。RRGは、節の要素のレベルにnuclear(内核)、core(中核)、clause(節)を立てる。更に、節連接の種類にsubordination(従属)、coordination(等位)、cosubordination(連位)を立てていた。本章はクメール語の事実を基に、transordination(超越)という新しいタイプを設定する。



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