
No 125665
著者(漢字) 高,東
著者(カナ) コウ,ドンヒ
標題(和) 老朽埋設管の非開削更新における二層構造管のライニング挙動
標題(洋) Behavior of Flexible Liner in Buried Double-layered Pipe by Trenchless Renewal
報告番号 125665
報告番号 甲25665
学位授与日 2010.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7198号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 社会基盤学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 桑野,玲子
 東京大学 教授 東畑,郁生
 東京大学 教授 古関,潤一
 東京大学 准教授 内村,太郎
 東京大学 准教授 加藤,佳孝
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Causing some problems during the operation (i.e. traffic congestion, inconvenience in daily life, and waste of social cost by frequent road excavations and pavement works), open trench method which has been used for rehabilitation of deteriorated sewer pipe for long times is being replaced by trenchless rehabilitation methods. One of the most common techniques for trenchless renovation of deteriorated host pipes is the cured-in-place pipe method (CIPP) by direct casting a polymeric pipe lining against the wall of a deteriorated pipe. However its liner design has been conducted based on buckling equation by external hydrostatic pressure without considering soil load and traffic load because the behavior of liner in double-layered pipe subjected to cyclic loading (i.e. load transfer to CIPP liners, interactions with the host pipe and the surrounding soil, effect of deterioration of host pipe etc.) has not been fully understood yet.

In this thesis, a series of model tests to investigate the behavior of liner in buried double-layered pipe under cyclic loading have been conducted by using deteriorated host pipe model (i.e. a four-segment and a eight-segment model host pipe) which can deform or keep its shape during the test to model the effects of host pipe deterioration and PVC pipe as the CIPP liner. As a preliminary test of flexible liner, single flexible pipe tests which would be compared with result of double-layered pipe test were performed changing the backfill density. Distribution of acting stress on the CIPP liner was measured by eight internal two-way load cells installed in the PVC pipe, while the CIPP liner deformation was investigated by strain gauges attached in outer and inner surface of pipe and vertical and horizontal potential transducer. Effect of surrounding soil was investigated by tests with backfill soil of different densities. Cyclic load was applied through a rigid plate by stress control to the surface of model ground, so that the model ground was subjected to one dimensional compression. In order to validate effect of host pipe deterioration for more various types, a numerical analysis was conducted as well, and compared the behaviour of liner in each deterioration type. Host pipe coefficient obtained by model test, which meant the contribution of host pipe in load transfer to the liner was introduced. Finally new design approach supplementing the present design method of JIWET was proposed using host pipe coefficient.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、Behavior of Flexible Liner in Buried Double-layered Pipe by Trenchless Renewal(老朽埋設管の非開削更新における二層構造管のライニング挙動)と題した英文論文である。





第四章では、老朽管を模した外側模型管とライニングを模した内側模型管で構成される二層構造管の模型実験を実施した。外管にはヒューム管の損傷パターンとして最も典型的と考えられる4分割管および損傷が過度に進行した場合を想定した8分割管を用いた。実験の結果、二層構造管ではライニングの変形が外管によって全体的に拘束される一方で、ライニングの変形を抑制する働きをする側方からの地盤反力が直接伝わりにくいことがわかった。管頂部に作用する土圧への外管の寄与率をHost pipe coefficientと定義したところ、4分割管では地盤の密度によらず最大0.32程度であることがわかった。さらに、有限要素法による数値解析で模型実験を再現し、4分割以外の損傷パターンではHost pipe coefficientが総じて小さく、ライニング単体で埋設されている場合に比べて管頂部に作用する土圧は0.32以下となることが確認された。ただし、8分割パターンではHost pipe coefficientが1を超える値となる。





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