
No 125719
著者(漢字) 西原,佑
著者(カナ) ニシハラ,タスク
標題(和) 高位設計に対する制御と演算の分離による形式的検証
標題(洋) Formal Verification of High-Level Design Based on Control/Data Separation
報告番号 125719
報告番号 甲25719
学位授与日 2010.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7252号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 電子工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 藤田,昌宏
 東京大学 教授 近山,隆
 東京大学 教授 相田,仁
 東京大学 教授 坂井,修一
 東京大学 准教授 中山,雅哉
 東京大学 准教授 五島,正裕
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

With the size increase of VLSI, currently, designs are firstly written in high-levels, such as system-level, behavioral level, or register transfer level (RTL). Then, incremental design refinements and syntheses are performed to the designs to translate or convert them into low levels. High-level designs are typically verified by simulation. However, since simulation can only check the patterns which are input, some design bugs in corner cases may not be detected with it. Then, formal verification technique which can perform exhaustive analysis is used as a complement of simulation for such a case.

Currently, two problems can be considered on high-level design formal verification. One is the performance of verification methods and tools. More efficient methods are always required since the computation amount of formal verification methods increases exponentially with the size of target designs, and large designs still cannot be fully verified. The other is the high-barrier to apply formal verification methods to actual designs. Though most formal verification methods target on simple representation such as finite state machine (FSM), the industry designs includes designs represented in various representations, such as SystemC and SpecC in system level, and Verilog-HDL and VHDL in register transfer level (RTL). Since those representations are complicated, they must be translated into more simple representations to apply formal verification methods. Moreover, some designs include not only hardware portions but also software portions. Such hardware/software co-designs are other examples that difficult to be verified formally.

Four methods are proposed in this thesis for those problems. The first two methods improve verification performance, and the other two methods related to the interface or preprocess of formal verification methods. The first two methods based on an approach which separates control and data portions in designs. Then, control portions and data portions can be analyzed separately, and word-level methods such as symbolic simulation can be applied effectively.

The first method proposed is an improvement of bounded model checking method by decomposing one large bounded model checking into small pieces. Model checking is a formal verification method which proves that a target design satisfies a property. Target designs are given as FSMs, and those states are traversed to check the reachability from the initial states to the states where the properties are violated. Even with symbolic model checking technique, typically designs include flip-flops up to 100 can be verified since the number of states in an FSM increases exponentially with the size of the target design. Bonded model checking is an extension of model checking. It limits the number of searched states by giving a fixed bound which is a maximum number of state transitions from the initial states. If the bound is small, even large designs can be verified since the number of searched states is exponential to the bound. However, verifications with large bounds are still difficult and deep bugs that exist in states far from the initial states cannot be detected by bounded model checking. The proposed method in this thesis is a heuristic to solve such a problem, and other heuristics and efficient methods, such as abstraction-refinement and incremental SAT solving, can be applied together with the proposed method.

The proposed method mainly consists of three steps. The first step applies bounded model checking without considering the initial states which means all states in the state space are considered as initial states. This can be realized by removing the initial state condition from the bounded model checking formula. If no property violations are found in this step, there are no states violating the property. Then the property is proved without applying the further steps. On the other hand, if a property violation is found, a counter example from a state to the state where the property is violated is generated. Though the final goal is to check the reachability from the initial states to the first state of the counter example, symbolic simulation is applied on the counter example as a preprocess step to enhance the performance. This symbolic simulation generates a condition to violate the property on the control path of the counter example. Since the generated condition corresponds to multiple states, the final step, the reachability checking from the initial states, can be much easier. This reachability analysis can be performed by replacing the property condition in bounded model checking with the generated condition. If the condition is reachable from the initial states, a counter example is generated. Such a counter example can be concatenated with the counter example generated at the first step after it is modified with the symbolic simulation result. Then a complete counter example from an initial state to a state where the property is violated is generated. On the other hand, if the condition is not reachable, the condition is proved unreachable from the initial states. In such a case, the initial state condition is refined not to include the unreachable condition. This corresponds to removing some states from the initial state space which initially covers all states. With the symbolic simulation step, multiple states instead of just a single state can be removed from the initial state condition. This refinement is applied iteratively until a complete counter example is found or no states remain in the initial state condition. Since the third step, reachability analysis from the initial states is also a bounded model checking, that step can be decomposed by applying this method recursively to realize arbitrary numbers of decompositions (levels). Experimental results showed that the proposed method can improve the performance of bounded model checking even with the simplest two-level method.

The second method proposed in this thesis improves equivalence checking between designs before and after behavioral optimization or high-level synthesis. Equivalence checking is another formal verification method which compares two designs and proves the equivalence between them. Conventional equivalence checkings in high-level are performed in bit-level where each signal or operation is handled as a bit-array or bit-wise operation. Then combinational or sequential equivalence checking methods for RTL and gate-level designs are applied. However, the computation amount of such bit-level analyses is too high to verify even middle size designs. To overcome such a problem, word-level techniques where each signal or operation in designs is handled as a symbol or symbolic expression are performed. This technique is called symbolic simulation. In symbolic simulation, identical symbols or symbolic expressions can be decided to be equivalent without interpreting their actual bit-level functions. Then large designs can be handled. However, computation amount or memory usage of symbolic simulation is doubled for each control conditional branch, and it also requires the guarantee that each pair of corresponding symbols or operators in two designs is equivalent in bit-level.

To solve those problems in symbolic simulation, the proposed method applies a preprocess that makes the data portions of the target designs identical. This is performed by tentatively synthesizing behavioral designs into virtual controllers and virtual datapaths. When the target designs are designs before and after high-level synthesis, the virtual datapath is identical to the datapath of the RTL design. On the other hand, when the target designs are designs before and after behavioral synthesis, an arbitrary datapath is given, and both the virtual datapath will be identical to the given datapath. NISC compiler can be used for these syntheses since NISC compiler can generate a set of control signals for an arbitrary datapath, and such a set of control signals can be directly translated into a control FSM. When datapaths of two designs are identical, the same control signals are guaranteed to be equivalent in bit-level. Then such control signals can be replaced with uninterpreted functions, and word-level equivalence checking techniques can be applied with bit-level accuracy.

In addition the proposed method verifies two designs with an identical datapath by a new word-level equivalence checking method. That method uses pre-defined rules of equivalence to propagate input equivalences which are given by users to outputs. If the output equivalences are proved, then the two designs are guaranteed to be equivalent. Since the rule based approach topologically traverses control FSMs, designs which include many conditional branches and loops can be verified faster than symbolic simulation based methods. The experimental results showed that the proposed rule-based method can actually be used as a complement of symbolic simulation methods.

The third method proposed in this thesis is a preprocess for hardware/software co-design. There are mainly three problems on formal verification of hardware/software co-design in lower level than system-level. The first is the size problem. Since hardware/software co-designs includes both hardware and software portions, sum of the hardware and software portions are larger than either the hardware or software portion. The second is the difference of hardware and software representations. Typically, software is written in a program code, and hardware is written in RTL. The third is the interaction between hardware and software portions. Such interactions are mainly done by memory-mapped I/O and interruption driven I/O. Both of them must be considered on formal verification.

The proposed method translates both hardware and software portions into a set of concurrent Finite State Machine with Datapaths (FSMDs). Since both the portions are translated into a same representation, the second problem is solved. After the translation, some simplification and state reduction techniques are applied to the FSMDs. The first one is the abstraction of the interaction between hardware and software portions. Each memory-mapped I/O transaction is replaced with an access to a shared variable. Interruption related portions are removed from the FSMD after the information of interruptions is stored. Then a reduction technique, sequentialization, is applied to the FSMDs. The sequentialization method converts concurrent FSMDs into a single sequential FSMD without changing the function of the design. The original sequentialization method was proposed for SpecC. The proposed method extends it, and can handle interruption relations. In the proposed method, synchronization or execution order relations among concurrent FSMDs include interruption relations are solved by decision procedure such as SMT solver. After the synchronization, the last reduction technique which merges control states which do not have data dependence each other. The experimental results showed that the proposed method could make formal verification more than 200 times faster.

The last method proposed in this thesis is a useful intermediate representation of high-level designs for verification. Front-end parts are important portion in formal verification tool implementation since formal verification techniques can only be applied to simple representations. Then formal verification unfriendly portions must be removed from the original representation. In the proposed intermediate representation ExSDG, such complicated syntax and structures are removed in preprocess steps. Since ExSDG has different versions correspond to untimed behavioral level, timed behavioral level, and register transfer level, respectively, various existing design representations, such as SystemC, SpecC, SystemVerilog, Verilog-HDL, and VHDL, can be directly translated into ExSDG. Then verification tool developers only have to deal with ExSDG to support those representations. In addition, System Dependence Graph (SDG) and Control Flow Graph (CFG) are integrated with Abstracted Syntax Tree (AST) in ExSDG, and users can directly access such information from the AST tree. SDG edges show dependency relations between two portions of a design. Related portions can be extracted by traversing SDG, and it can reduce computation amount of formal verification methods. Since similar method can be performed on net-list representation which is a common representation for verification and analysis of gate-level and RTL designs, SDG can be considered as a corresponding representation in high-level. Many researches use ExSDG as a tool implementation environment, and this fact shows the effectiveness of ExSDG.

With the four methods proposed in this thesis, formal verification in high-level can achieve more performance, wider range of designs can be verified with them, and tool implementation of them will be easier.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、Formal Verification of High-Level Design Based on Control/Data Separation(高位設計に対する制御と演算の分離による形式的検証手法)と題し、SoC(System on a Chip)や組込み機器設計に対する高位設計において、設計の正しさを数学的に証明する形式的検証技術に関し、設計対象の動作を制御部分と演算部分(データパス部分)に分離して効率的に解析する新規手法を利用することで、実用規模の高位設計の形式的検証を可能とする技術が示されており、英文で7章から構成されている。


第2章は、Preliminaries and Basic Notions(背景と基本技術)であり、高位設計における形式的検証技術の基本と、高位設計記述の計算機での表現やその解析技術に関し、現状技術の整理を行っている。本論文で示される形式的検証技術は、制御部分とデータ演算部分の分離を行いながら、モデルチェッキングと呼ばれる網羅的な設計解析を効率的に行う手法、ならびに設計記述を網羅的にシミュレーションし等価性も検証できる記号シミュレーションなどを基盤とし、それらの拡張や階層的な利用により実現されている。

第3章は、Multi-Level Bounded Model Checking(多段限定モデルチェッキング)であり、従来から提案されている限定モデルチェッキングを説明した後、その問題点を整理し、それを克服する多段限定モデルチェッキング手法を提案・評価し、その有効性を示している。通常のモデルチェッキングは初期状態からエラー(バグ)のある状態への状態遷移列全体を検索しているが、限定モデルチェッキングではその検索の際の状態遷移列の長さを制限することで検証を効率化し、より大規模な設計検証を可能としている。しかし、限定モデルチェッキングでは、解析の際の状態遷移列の長さを超える反例は原理的に見つからないため、複雑なバグは発見しにくい。そこで、状態遷移列の探索を1回だけでなく、複数回に分けて行うことで、より長い反例も見つかるようにした多段限定モデルチェッキング手法を提案・評価し、有効性を示している。単純に多段にするだけでは複数の探索した状態遷移列が接続せず、無駄な探索も多くなるため、探索された状態遷移列の最初と最後の状態を管理し、それらが連結するように探索法を変化させる手法などが導入されている。

第4章は、Equivalence Checking with Synthesizing Designs onto Identical Datapath(同一データパスへの合成を利用した等価性検証)であり、与えられた2つの設計記述を同一のデータパス上での実行シーケンスに変換することにより、2つの設計記述の等価性判定をそれらの制御部分のみの解析で実現できる手法を提案・評価し、その有効性が示されている。形式的検証手法では、解析すべき状態数が膨大となり検証できなくなる「状態爆発」と呼ばれる問題により、扱える設計規模が制限されている。特に設計のデータパス部分(演算を実行する部分)は、大きなレジスタなどの記憶素子や複雑な演算器があり、状態数が制御部に比較し圧倒的に大きい。そこで、与えられた2つの設計記述を同一のデータパス上での実行にマッピングする(コンパイル)することで、動作の等価性をデータパスへの制御信号のシーケンスの等価性に帰着させることができる。この考え方に立ち、既存のコンパイラ技術を利用して実際にコンパイルし、その結果から自動的に検証すべき制御シーケンスを生成する手法を新規の考案しており、例題での評価結果から、通常の等価性検証と比較し、大幅性能向上が示されている。

第5章は、Formal Verification of Hardware/Software Co-Design with Translation into FSMD(FSMDへの変換によるハードウェア・ソフトウェア協調設計の形式的検証)であり、ハードウェア・ソフトウェア協調設計に対しその通信部分も含めて検証を形式的に行う手法が示され、評価によりその有効性が実証されている。従来はハードウェア、ソフトウェアを別々に検証するものがほとんどであり、両者の通信部分も適切にモデル化しなければならないことから協調設計の形式的検証の提案はほとんどなかった。そこで、実際に広く利用されている通信部分の実装を基にそれをモデル化し、協調設計全体に対する検証モデルを自動的に生成する手法を新規に考案している。具体的には通信における同期を自動的に認識し、それをもとに協調設計記述の融合・簡単化を実現している。

第6章は、ExSDG: Design Representation for Efficient High-Level Design Verification(高位設計の効率的な検証のためのデータ構造:ExSDG)であり、前章までで示された検証手法を実装し、実際の設計記述に適用する上で、設計記述解析のための共通データ構造を提案し、前章までの提案手法を実装してその有効性を示している。従来からソフトウェア記述解析のためのデータ構造としてプログラムスライシングの分野でSystem Dependence Graph(SDG)が提案されており、デバッグなど各種解析に利用されている。ハードウェア高位設計記述を表現するには、SDGに対し、並列性やその同期メカニズム、ビットベクターなどのデータ構造、通信チャネルなども表現する必要がある。また、記号シミュレーションなどを実行するためには、因果関係のみでなく元の記述の情報も必要となるためAbstract Syntax Tree(AST)も必要となる。ExSDGはこれらを1つのデータ構造に融合したいもので、高位設計記述からExSDGを自動生成する手法が示されている。

第7章は、Conclusion and Future Work(結論と今後の課題)と題し、本論文の研究成果をまとめるとともに、今後の発展方向について議論している。



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