
No 126201
著者(漢字) 川本,裕輔
著者(カナ) カワモト,ユウスケ
標題(和) 暗号プロトコルの計算論的に健全な形式的モデル
標題(洋) Computationally Sound Formal Models for Cryptographic Protocols
報告番号 126201
報告番号 甲26201
学位授与日 2010.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第268号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 コンピュータ科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 米澤,明憲
 東京大学 教授 今井,浩
 東京大学 教授 宮野,悟
 東京大学 教授 高野,明彦
 電気通信大学 教授 太田,和夫
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Formal and computational approaches have developed independently to verify the security of cryptographic protocols. In the formal approach, messages are abstracted into symbolic expressions, and attackers are allowed to perform only a fixed set of algebraic operations on symbolic expressions. The protocol verification in the formal approach is simple to automate, while it might miss some attacks. In the computational approach, messages are bit strings and attackers are probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machines. Protocol verification in the computational approach does not miss any attacks, while it is very complex and error-prone, as it is based on the computational complexity theory.

In recent years, many researches have shown the computational soundness of the formal approach: formal verification of protocols does not miss any attacks, provided that the cryp-tographic primitives used in the protocols satisfy certain security properties based on the computational complexity theory.

The purpose of the thesis is to provide the formal models for analyzing protocols that employ cryptographic primitives with security properties weaker or more realistic than those assumed in the previous studies, and to show the computational soundness of the formal models. The contribution consists of the following three soundness results.

The first is a soundness result for equivalence properties in the presence of a restricted attacker. We provide a formal model for a rerandomizable public-key encryption scheme, and show the computational soundness of the pattern-equivalence in the formal model, which enables us to analyze a mixnet protocol. This is the first work that provides a computation-ally sound formal model for a rerandomizable encryption scheme, which satisfies a security property weaker than the IND-CCA2 security. To prove the soundness, we introduce a novel method of dealing with composed randomnesses in patterns.

The second is a soundness result for trace properties in the presence of a fully active attacker. We provide a formal model for a ring signature scheme, and show the mapping lemma for the model, which implies the soundness of trace properties. This is the first work that provides a computationally sound formal model for a ring signature scheme. The most important contribution is to introduce a deduction rule for the rerandomization of signatures, which gives more power to the attacker in the formal model, so that we obtain the soundness result.

The last is a soundness result for equivalence properties in the presence of a fully active attacker and an unbounded number of sessions. We provide the applied pi-calculus for a public-key encryption scheme, a ring signature scheme, and a hash function, and show the soundness of observational equivalence between two processes. With these cryptographic primitives, there has been no soundness result for equivalence properties in the presence of a fully active attacker. Unlike the previous studies on computational soundness, this work covers a larger class of protocols, including negative tests and nests of process replications. The most significant contribution is that the soundness proof does not use a computable parsing function from bit strings to terms. This is a major difference from all existing studies on computational soundness. It allows us to deal with more cryptographic primitives, for instance, a preimage-resistant and collision-resistant hash function, for which the soundness of process calculi cannot be obtained by a proof with a computable parsing function that has been used in previous studies. Furthermore, the new proof method enables us to deal with the case where each signature bit string for a message is not necessarily appended with the message.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する





第5章では、公開鍵暗号、リング署名、ハッシュ関数を扱えるapplied pi-calculusを与え、二つのプロセスの間の観測同値の健全性を示している。これらの暗号プリミティブに関して、能動的攻撃者と非有界個のセッションの下での等価性に対する健全性の結果を与えるのは、本研究が初めてである。最も重要な貢献は、先行研究と違って、計算可能パーズ関数を使わずに健全性を証明している点である。この新たな証明技法により、さらに多くの暗号プリミティブを扱えるようになっている。例えば、原像計算困難性と衝突計算困難性を満たすハッシュ関数や、元のメッセージを伴うとは限らないような署名ビット列が扱えるようになっている。第6章では、本論文によるパーズ関数を用いない証明技法と、先行研究によるパーズ関数を用いる証明技法を比較し、パーズ関数を用いる証明技法の限界を述べている。また、本論文では、計算量的健全性を得るために、記号的攻撃者のプロセスで使える関数記号や述語記号を追加したり、プロトコルのクラスに制限を加えたりしているが、これらが暗号プリミティブの計算量的安全性に対応していることが述べられている。第7章では、論文の内容をまとめ、将来の研究の方向性を示している。


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