
No 126299
著者(漢字) 坂口,潤
著者(カナ) サカグチ,ジュン
標題(和) イネにおける空間的な葉脈パターン形成の分子機構の研究
標題(洋) Studies on the molecular mechanism of spatial vein pattern formation in rice
報告番号 126299
報告番号 甲26299
学位授与日 2010.06.18
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5571号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 生物科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 福田,裕穂
 東京大学 教授 米田,好文
 東京大学 教授 平野,博之
 東京大学 准教授 杉山,宗隆
 東京大学 准教授 澤,進一郎
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In higher plants, the vascular system plays a crucial role in transport of not only water and nutrients but also signal molecules. For this role, the vascular system forms a well-organized network through the plant body. The vascular pattern organization has been considered as a paradigm of tissue pattern formation in higher plants and then has been studied by a number of researchers. However, in comparison with studies of eudicot such as Arabidopsis thaliana, less is known about regulation of vascular pattern formation in monocots. In this thesis, therefore, I studied a regulation of leaf vascular pattern formation in monocots using rice as a model.

First, I observed in detail the process of vascular tissue development by making serial sections of the basal region of leaves from two monocotyledonous species, Oryza sativa (rice) and Zea mays (and maize). This observation revealed that the differentiation process in large vascular bundle (LV) was divided into six stages in rice and five stages in maize; I) emergence of procambium strands in the middle of three ground meristem cell layer and establishment of circular layer in outermost zone of procambium strand; II) emergence of protoxylem and phloem tissue according to the dorsoventral axis in leaves; III) differentiation of secondary protoxylem; and IV) emergence of two metaxylems adjacent to the circular layer between protoxylem vessels and phloem tissue. Although rice and maize showed similar differentiation process until stage IV, in stage V, the differentiation process in LV differed in rice and maize. In rice, ground meristem cells surrounding the circular layer started expanding and differentiating into vascular bundle sheath cells in stage V, and two sheath structures were established in stage VI. On the other hand, the circular layer in maize kept on expanding and turned into vascular bundle sheath in stage V. This difference in the differentiating process caused the structural differences in LV between rice and maize.

The differentiating process of small vascular bundle (SV) in rice and maize showed basically the same process as that of LV. From observation of differentiating commissural veins (CVs) in rice and maize, the initial position of CV was elucidated in longitudinal veins. In rice and maize, CV occurred in a circular layer cell that usually kept in touch with both a metaxylem cell and phloem tissue in stage V. This result suggested the relationship between the maturation of longitudinal veins and CV formation, in other words, the existence of cell-cell interaction in vascular pattern formation in monocotyledons.

Secondly, based on these observations, I screened mutants exhibiting altered vascular pattern in rice leaves and isolated eleven mutants. Of them, one mutant showed short CV intervals and in severe cases clustered CVs caused by excessive formation, and I named as commissural vein excessive1-1 (coe1-1). This novel phenotype was thought to provide us the advance of our knowledge in vascular pattern formation. Detailed observations in the cell length along the proximodistal axis revealed that short CV intervals in coe1-1 were independent from cell elongation in leaves. Because coe1-1 mutant indicated several phenotypes besides short CV intervals, causal gene of coe1-1 mutant was predicted to be a factor that would contribute to several signaling pathways. Positional cloning and genetic complementation revealed that Os08g0442700 was the COE1 gene and Os08g0442700 encoded a leucine rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK). PFG_2A-30259 and RMD_04Z11AQ65 had a T-DNA insertion in Os08g0442700 ORF, and both lines showed short CV intervals and clustered CVs like coe1-1 mutants. Therefore, PFG_2A-30259 and RMD_04Z11AQ65 were referred as coe1-2 and coe1-3, respectively. For proper evaluation of CV pattern formation, the intervals between two CV initiation points (CVIPs) were measured and were plotted on a histogram. In three wild-type backgrounds of coe1 mutant alleles, the distribution curve of CVIP distances were almost the same. All coe1 mutant alleles showed increase in short CVIP distances less than 50 μm although wild-type plants did not show such short CVIP distances. coe1-1, a weak mutant allele showed a shift of the distribution curve to a shorter position, but coe1-2 and coe1-3, strong mutant alleles lacked obvious peak in the distribution curve. These results suggested that COE1 would function in both regulation of CV intervals and suppression of clustered CV formation. Next, analysis of the effects of auxin signaling on CV formation revealed that CV intervals in wild-type plants widened in proportion to exogenous auxin levels. The coe1 mutants showed insensitivity to auxin signaling only in CV formation. This result suggested that COE1 would function in CV formation under auxin signaling pathway. On the other hand, PAT inhibitor applications to wild-type plants did not produce clustered CVs observed in the coe1 mutants.

Finally, I investigated the relationship between the coe1 mutants and brassinosteroid (BR) signaling. Under continuous darkness, the coe1 mutants showed reduced elongation in internodes and mesocotyl and this defect is known to be a typical BR-deficient phenotype. However, other BR-dependent events such as leaf elongation, root elongation, bending angle of lamina joint was normal. These results suggest that COE1 may partially function under the BR signaling pathway. In CVIP histogram analysis, the d61 mutant, which is defective in BR perception, showed extended CV intervals, suggesting, that perception of BR signaling may be related to CV pattern formation. Then, the wild-type and coe1-2, the strongest allele was treated with brassinolide (BL), an active BR, and brassinazole (BRZ), an inhibitor of BR biosynthesis. Exogenously applied BL and BRZ made CV intervals wider or narrower in wild-type, respectively. In contrast, coe1-2 showed insensitivity to both BL and BRZ. These results indicated that the CV intervals are regulated by BR thorough COE1. Interestingly, coe1-1, a weak mutant allele exhibited the BRZ-induced enhancement of clustered CV formation. This BRZ-induced enhancement of CV clustering was suppressed by simultaneous application of BL. These results suggest that clustered CV formation is also related to BR signaling. Taken altogether, my results indicate that COE1 regulates adequate CV intervals directly or indirectly through BR signaling.

In conclusion, CV formation was controlled through a novel receptor like kinase, COE1 under both auxin and BR signaling.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



続いて、論文提出者はイネの葉脈パターンに異常を示す変異体の探索を行った。その結果、連絡脈の形成間隔が変わる変異体を11ライン単離することに成功した。このうち、連絡脈の形成間隔が狭くなる表現型を示した変異体(連絡脈の密度が高まる表現型からcommissural vein excessive 1;coe1と名付けた)に着目し、研究を進めた。coe1変異体は、連絡脈の形成間隔が野生型の2/3程度に狭くなることに加え、10%程度の頻度で塊状の連絡脈を形成することを見いだした。この変異体の原因遺伝子を同定するために、ポジショナルクローニングを行い、Os08g0442700遺伝子上に1塩基置換を見出した。野生型のOs08g0442700遺伝子をcoe1変異体に導入することにより、その表現型が回復したことから、Os08g0442700遺伝子がcoe1変異の原因遺伝子であると確定した。Os08g0442700はロイシンの繰り返し配列をリガンド受容部にもつ膜貫通受容体キナーゼ(LRR-RLK)をコードしていた。遺伝学的な解析のために、この遺伝子の他のアリルをデータベースから探索した。その結果、COE1遺伝子にT-DNA挿入がされた2ラインを見いだした。これらを取り寄せて、その性質を調査した。その結果、連絡脈形成にcoe1変異体と同様の表現型を示したことから、これらをcoe1変異体のアリルとして解析を進めた。3ラインのcoe1変異体の塊状の連絡脈の形成頻度を比較した結果、初めに単離されたcoe1-1では10%弱だったのに対しT-DNA挿入されたcoe1-2、coe1-3は40%強という高い頻度を示すことを明らかにした。更にその形成距離の分布調査から、coe1-2、coe1-3では野生型やcoe1-1にみられる分布ピークが消失していることを明らかにした。この結果から連絡脈の形成位置の決定はCOE1を介した抑制的な制御機構が深く関わることを示した。次に植物ホルモンの一種であるオーキシンと連絡脈の形成間隔の関連について調査した。その結果、野生型のイネでは培地中のオーキシン濃度に比例して連絡脈の形成間隔が広がることを明らかにした。一方でcoe1変異体は連絡脈の形成間隔に関してオーキシンに非応答だったことからCOE1はオーキシンシグナルの下流で機能する可能性が示唆された。この成果は、葉脈パターン形成機構における抑制的な制御機構の存在を初めて具体的に提示したものであり、高く評価された。





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