
No 126369
著者(漢字) 佐藤,太一
著者(カナ) サトウ,タイチ
標題(和) 地球物理観測およびモデリングに基づく南西インド洋海嶺東経35-40度の断層活動とメルト供給量に関する研究
標題(洋) Faulting and melt supply at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian ridge 35-40E, based on geophysical mapping and modeling
報告番号 126369
報告番号 甲26369
学位授与日 2010.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5576号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 徳山,英一
 新潟大学 教授 宮下,純夫
 東京大学 教授 歌田,久司
 東京大学 教授 浦辺,徹郎
 国立極地研究所 准教授 野木,善史
 東京大学 准教授 沖野,郷子
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

It has been widely accepted for many years that the gross morphology of the mid-ocean ridge spreading centers varies with the spreading rate. Over the last decade, several exceptions to the spreading rate dependency have been reported. For example, oceanic core complexes where lower crust and/or upper mantle rocks are exposed along long-lived detachment faults are discovered along many ultraslow to intermediate spreading ridges. Ridges adjacent to hotspots show fast spreading type axial morphology and anomalous thick crust regardless of spreading rate. These observations suggest that the melt supply controls the morphology and structure of oceanic lithosphere. Another exception can be observed in ultraslow spreading ridge where the full spreading rate under 20mm/yr, which has remarkable features that have not been observed in other faster mid-ocean ridge. In the off-axis area of Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), the "smooth seafloor" with little or no axial volcanism was found and considered to form at minimal melt supply. On the other hand, large explosive volcanoes sometimes fill the axial valley, indicating focused melt supply. Although the magmatic activity is proportional to the spreading rate in general, so these findings suggest that a spreading rate is not only parameter to control the oceanic crustal formation. Numerical modeling can partly explain the variety of ridge process by changing melt supply rate, which is the rate of dike opening specified by the fraction of plate separation rate. However, the quantitative estimation of actual melt supply based on the field data and the investigation of its influence on the structure and tectonics have not been done so much.

The aim of this thesis is to understand how the variation of melt supply affects ridge structure using geophysical observations (bathymetry, geomagnetism and gravimetric). To tackle this theme, ultraslow spreading ridge is a suitable place because it has been suggested that unusual structure is mainly caused by the variation of melt supply under exceptionally slow spreading environment.

The survey area of this study is an about 300km length ridge portion of SWIR, 35-40°E located between Prince Edward fracture zone and Eric Simpson fracture zone. This segment is fully covered by prominent geoid high anomaly, and the Marion Island, the nearest the hotspot (37・51'E 46・52'S) from the ridge, is now located on 28 Ma crust about 250km south from the SWIR. In addition, low Na8.0 along the axis within the geoid high area has been reported. These facts suggest that the survey area might have been under relatively high melt supply environment in spite of its ultraslow spreading rate and that the area is a natural laboratory to observe the temporal and spatial variation of melt supply and their effect on mid-ocean ridge process.

New swath bathymetry, magnetic data and gravimetric data were acquired in 2008 and 2010 by scientists aboard R/V Hakuho-Maru (KH07-04, Leg2 and KH09-05, Leg4). Basement dredge, seismic survey and electromagnetic survey were also conducted during these cruises. Several long, flow-line parallel geophysical profiles were also acquired during the transit, so the bathymetry and magnetic data were used to estimate long term history of spreading rates. Based on the analysis of newly obtained geophysical data and the integration with model studies and previous datasets, I draw the following conclusions;

1) The survey area consists of three orthogonal spreading subsegments and two oblique spreading subsegments. Orthogonal spreading subsegments might have received more melt than oblique subsegments. Crustal thickness variation derived from gravity, magnetization intensity and seafloor morphology suggest that the melt supply rate is different in each subsegment and varies with time and space. The focused melt supply process has been occurred at least for 7 Myr.

2) The continuity of morphology and magnetic isochrones from western subsegment to oblique subsegment suggest that oblique spreading geometry is not a stable structure at least in the survey area. The current oblique subsegment could be orthogonal spreading segment around 3-4 Ma. Then the place of focused melt supply started to move westward, followed by the formation of oblique subsegment. The westward movement of focused melt upwelling also causes the V-shaped topographic high in off-axis area. Ridge obliquity could suppress the extracting melt to the surface and this effect may encourage the further melt focusing to the adjacent orthogonal subsegments.

3) Long term variation of spreading rate since 80 Ma is revealed by using transit line. The result suggests that the spreading rate has not been constant and the ultraslow spreading in this area might suddenly start at C6Bn.

4) Several observed seafloor morphology and structures resemble to what could be seen at hotspot affected ridges. Axial crustal thickening and axial morphological transition could be seen. A V-shaped topography pointing away from the hotspot is also recognizable but, the shape is irregular and it does not accompany with the elongation of volcanic subsegment. Petrological studies reported that basaltic rocks recovered from oblique subsegment contain more enriched trace elements than the other subsegment. This indicates high melt supply. but the geochemical signature could not be explained simply by mixing N-MORB and Marion hotspot trace element.

5) It is clear that the magmatic fraction derived from tectonic strains that are calculated from seafloor lineaments are different from what is used in the numerical modeling. The former contains lithospheric rheology but the latter does not. So these magmatic fractions cannot compare directly. In addition, seafloor morphology cannot explain the magmatic fraction alone. It is also clear that the axial lithospheric thickness relates fault spacing, under the condition of fixed magmatic fraction.

Seafloor morphological asymmetry at the segment end may be explained by the asymmetry of thermal structure between IC and OC, because the thermal structure can change the fault spacing and heave. But to confirm this explanation, precise measurement of seafloor lineaments is essential.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

平成22年8月9日、佐藤太一氏の博士論文Faulting and melt supply at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian ridge 35-40E, based on geophysical mapping and modeling(地球物理観測およびモデリングに基づく南西インド洋海嶺東経35-40度の断層活動とメルト供給量に関する研究)の審査を行った。





第四章では、観測で得られた地形・地磁気・重力データの解析結果について詳しい記載を行っている。海底地形の特徴から、研究海域が5つのセグメントに分かれていること、プレート運動方向に直交するセグメントと斜交するセグメントが存在することを示し、各セグメントの構造を詳細に記載した。地磁気データからは、海底の磁化強度分布および海洋底拡大速度を見積もり、セグメント毎に磁化強度分布が異なること、拡大速度は概ね均一でやや拡大非対称があることを明らかにした。重力データからは、残差マントルブーゲー異常を算出し、重力的に海洋性地殻の厚さ変化を見積もり、地殻の厚さが時空間的に変動していることをはっきりと示した。また、海底地形のリニアメントを抽出し、断層の間隔と高さを計測することにより、対象海域のTectonic strainを見積もった。

第五章では解析結果に基づき、以下の点について議論を行っている。まず、地形・地磁気・重力データそれぞれから得られた各セグメントおよび各時代の特徴は整合的であり、研究海域のメルト供給量は空間的には50km, 時間的には200万年程度のスケールで大きく変化していることを論じた。次に、本海域で発見された斜交拡大海嶺は、数百万年前は直交拡大海嶺であったことを示し、斜交拡大が安定した構造でなく一時的な構造であることを指摘した。斜交拡大の安定性に関する既存研究は少なく、これは重要な知見である。斜交拡大系の進化は、メルトの供給の変化が中央海嶺のセグメンテーションを変える可能性があることもあわせて論じられている。さらに、地形観測データから推定したTectonic strainから求めたmagmatic fraction Mと、既存の数値モデリングで用いられているパラメタMの比較をおこない、観測から求めたMと数値モデリングのMとは直接比較できないこと、海底地形・海洋性地殻の構造は拡大速度とMだけでは決まらず、拡大軸下のリソスフェアの構造、特に温度場がFault heaveとspacingにとって重要であることを示した。





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