
No 126383
著者(漢字) ,宇
著者(英字) Zhao,Yu
著者(カナ) ザオ,ユ
標題(和) 2004年10月23日新潟県中越地震における活褶曲地帯の地殻変動と浅層地形変動
標題(洋) Tectonic deformations and shallow soil deformations induced in the active folding zone in the Oct. 23rd 2004 Mid-Niigata Earthquake
報告番号 126383
報告番号 甲26383
学位授与日 2010.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7346号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 社会基盤学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 小長井,一男
 東京大学 教授 堀,宗朗
 東京大学 教授 古関,潤一
 東京大学 教授 目黒,公郎
 東京大学 准教授 竹内,渉
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

The main shock of the Chuetsu Earthquake jolted Mid Niigata Prefecture, central Japan at 17:56 JST on Saturday, October 23, 2004. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has named it "The Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake of 2004". Three M6 class aftershocks followed the main shock within one hour.

This event reportedly triggered and/or reactivated thousands of landslides, and the economic loss due to these landslides was initially estimated at 8 billion US dollars, making this one of the costliest landslide events in history (Kieffer et al., 2006). National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention of Japan (NIED here after) prepared a landslide map mainly from aerial photos and laser-scanned images taken on the second day after the main shock (Oyagi et al., 2008). A remarkable number of landslides make up an about 1km wide brush west of Kajigane syncline, on the other hand there is a "gap" in the vicinity of Kizawa hamlet at the southern end of this brush where landslides are remarkably sparse. Konagai et al (2009) surveyed this gap area, and reported that the concrete lining of Kizawa tunnel in this area suffered a serious cracking. Konagai et al (2009) indicated that a hidden shear plane in the soil was the possible cause of this cracking and the entire rock mass above the shear plane is considered to have slipped east to southeast gripping the southern part of the tunnel.

Since the tunnel is 7-8km away from the nearest recognized trace of the seismic fault, it is not very likely that the shear plane was a part of the fault rupture plane but a part of a hidden landslide's slip surface. This possibility caused a worry to villagers that the hidden landslide beneath them would be reactivated in snow melting times. To investigate the presence of the hidden slip surface, the author surveyed the area and found some traces including two wells dislocated in the deep interior of the soil. These clear traces of dislocation were found distributed roughly on a large plane with a strike in east-west direction and about 6 degrees dip to the south.

The discussion was also made by analyzing Digital Elevation Models from different times. In these days of highly developed remote-sensing technologies, changes in landforms can be detected by using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar technique. However, with the presence of thick vegetation and many landslides, the fringe pattern appeared in the C-band InSAR imagery of the target area was largely perturbed. Therefore Digital Elevation Models at different times were obtained and compared among each other. In either InSAR or DEM imagery analyses, they just provide us with changes in elevation or along the narrow effective waves transmitting and returning to the satellite. To discuss the above-mentioned issues, real soil particle movements in the Lagrangian coordinate system are to be obtained first. Secondly, they are to be separated into two major components caused by tectonic deformation and shallow surface deformations. Konagai et al., (2009) obtained Lagrangian components of tectonic displacement by assuming that tectonic displacements varies gently in space, and therefore three adjacent nodes of DEM would have the same Lagrangian displacements. If these three points undergo a rigid-body-translation movement, their Lagrangian components can be obtained by solving simultaneous equations for these three adjacent points. Though this method was successfully used to discuss tectonic deformations, which was considered to have been responsible for the flood in 2005 along Uono River, the method needed some improvements for both shallow and deep soil deformations. Firstly, the method was to be used on condition that soil mass covered by three adjacent points moved keeping their integrity. Therefore, points suffering large rotational movements and/or with ill-conditions for solving simultaneous equations were to be excluded. The excluded points were found to exhibit similar distribution patterns of "visible" landslides. Secondly, since differences in DEMs at different times are to be discussed, they need to be the same in their accuracies. However, the DEM before the earthquake was obtained from aerial photos, while those after the earthquake were from Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), whose imageries often contain high spatial frequency components. Moreover, there were clear man-made changes So the smoothing for LIDAR-described terrains has been done assuming an optimum plane that best fits 25 (5 times 5) nodes of DEM arranged in square in the least-square sense, and the center of the plane and the plane tangents at this point were assumed to represent the elevation and tangents for this Eulerian point, respectively. Even after this smoothing procedure, obtained Lagrangian displacement components often showed remarkable scatters. Therefore, the moving average method was used for overall features of both tectonic and shallow displacements. The window size is desirable to be larger than the largest hidden landslide in the target area for the discussion of tectonic deformations to minimize the effect of the hidden landslides, and was set at 1km considering that the largest landslide in this terrain cannot be larger than the half wave length of the active folding. The emerged image showed that there were two major clusters of large lateral components of tectonic deformation, the first one appeared as an about 1km-wide brush along Kajigane syncline and the other appeared severalkm northwest of it. Interestingly, major visible landslides were mostly found within these two clusters of lateral displacements. As the window size decreases, we will see more local deformations which may be largely affected by shallow soil movements. To exclude man-made changes such as road constructions and farmland consolidations, the window size was set at 200m, and the tectonic displacements were subtracted from the emerged image for discussing if there were some hidden landslides in the target area. As for Kizawa hamlet is concerned, obtained vectors showed down-slope movements, and they are consistent with observed traces of dislocations that were found in Kizawa tunnel and irrigation wells.

The method proposed in this paper has a great potential to be applied to the other areas for discussing post-earthquake geotechnical and land conservations. However more case studies will be necessary to determine appropriate window sizes for moving average smoothing.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




上記、振興調整費調査事業の一環として、被災地地形の詳細なディジタル標高モデル(以下DEM)が地震前(1975-1976)、そして地震翌日の2004年10月24日を含む6つの異なる時期で得られていたが、第3章ではこれらを比較し地形変動の様々な要因について議論できる解析手法の提示を行っている。現地ではInSAR画像も得られていたが、Cバンドでの撮影であったために植生や斜面崩壊の影響を強く受け、画像のフリンジが解析不可能であり、結果的にDEMを使わざるを得なかった事情がある。InSAR画像にしてもDEM画像にしても空間に視点を置いたEuler座標での地形(標高)変動の記述になるので、地盤災害や伏在する地すべりの可能性を議論するためにはLagrangian座標系での変動成分を抽出する必要がある。小長井・藤田ら(2009)は剛体的な地形が上昇・沈下あるいは併進を伴った動きを行う場合を想定し、近接するEuler座標上の3点の標高変動からこの3点に共通する地形変動のLagrangian座標成分を抽出する手法を提示し、地震の翌年に発生した魚野川中流域の冠水被害と地形変動の関連を議論している。論文提出者は基本的にこの手法を採用するとともに、(1)それぞれのDEMが異なる方法で得られているために生じる誤差を小さくすること、(2) 本手法の前提となっている剛体的な地形の上下動や併進運動が成立し難い箇所を除去すること、(3) 地域全体の地形変動を抽出するための移動平均法のウィンドウサイズが特徴的な褶曲周期や谷密度などを勘案して決められるべきことなどについて詳細な検討結果を提示し、この手法を潜在的な地盤の長期変動の議論に資する可能性を大きく広げている。




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