
No 126485
著者(漢字) 佐久間,広展
著者(カナ) サクマ,ヒロノブ
標題(和) ペルム紀末-三畳紀前期における深海域の環境変動の高解像度復元および浅海域の環境変動との関連性 : P/T境界海洋無酸素事変の原因と結果への示唆
標題(洋) High-resolution reconstruction of the deep-water environment and its relation with shallow-water environment during the End-Permian to the Early Triassic : Implication for the cause and consequence of ocean anoxia at the P/T boundary
報告番号 126485
報告番号 甲26485
学位授与日 2010.10.29
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5585号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 茅根,創
 東京大学 教授 磯崎,行雄
 海洋研究開発機構 プログラムディレクター 大河内,直彦
 名古屋大学 教授 大路,樹生
 東京大学 教授 多田,隆治
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

High-resolution and nearly continuous lithostratigraphic reconstruction of pelagic sequence from the latest Permian to the Early Triassic was conducted for the first time based on the detailed geologic mapping and lithostratigraphic correlation in Ubara and Inuyama areas, southwestern to central Japan to establish the continuous lithostratigraphic sequence of pelagic sediments in superocean Panthalassa during the latest Permian and the Early Triassic.

For the reconstructed sequence, measurement of carbon isotopic ratio of organic carbon (δ13Corg) was carried out. In order to establish the higher-resolution age model for the reconstructed pelagic sequence of the uppermost Permian to the Lower Triassic, we correlated δ13Corg profiles in Ubara and Inuyama areas with high-resolution carbonate carbon isotopic ratio (δ13Ccarb) profiles of shallow marine carbonate sequences in South China based on the similarity in general variation patterns with age constraints given by radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy. The result demonstrates that positive and negative excursions in the δ13Corg profiles in both areas and δ13Ccarb profiles in south China are correlatable, thus providing high-resolution time scale for the pelagic sequence of Panthalassa. It is also worth to note that the age model for the Inuyama area suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rate during the late Smithian, which should have been caused by the increase in terrigenous input to the ocean.

Using continuously sampled slabs obtained from the reconstructed pelagic sequences in Ubara and Inuyama areas, we reconstructed changes in the bottom-water oxygenation condition in the deep-sea environment based on the degree of lamina preservation observed on soft X-ray radiographs so as to reveal the extent, duration, and periodicity of the anoxic condition. The observation revealed that anoxic condition of the bottom-water in Ubara area occurred periodically with the duration of 103-104 years and the repeated period of 103-104 years during the latest Changxingian to the earliest Griesbachian, corresponding to the time interval of 0.3-0.4Myr. In Inuyama area, repeated emergence of anoxic condition of the bottom-water with the duration of 104 years and the repeating period of 104 years occurred from the middle to late Smithian, corresponding to the time interval of approximately 0.2Myr.

The size frequency distribution of pyrite framboids was also examined using polished samples under a scanning electron microscope to identify the occurrence of small-sized (approximately 5 micrometer in general) pyrite framboids indicative of water column euxinia. Based on the identification of stratigraphic intervals with small framboidal pyrite, bottom-water euxinia occurred with the repeating intervals of 104-105 years from the latest Changxingian to the earliest Griesbachian in Ubara area, and with the repeating intervals of of 103-104 years from the the middle to late Smithian in Inuyama area. In Ubara area, sulfur isotopic composition of small framboidal pyrite was measured by NanoSIMS. The result showsδ34S value of approximately -23‰, which is obviously lighter than those of diagenetic pyrites (generally heavier than -15‰), confirming that small framboidal pyrite were formed under euxinic condition in the water-column.

The Co/Al2O3, V/ Al2O3, and Mo/ Al2O3, which tend to be high in sediments deposited under anoxic bottom water environment (Trivovillard et al., 2006), show high ratios in the upper part of the black shale unit in Ubara area and Co/Al2O3 and V/ Al2O3 exhibit high ratios in the lower part of the gray bedded argillaceous chert unit in Inuyama area. Although there are some scattering, these ratios tend to be high in intervals in the upper part of the black shale unit in Ubara area and the lower part of the gray bedded argillaceous chert unit in Inuyama area, which were identified as anoxic on the basis of LPI, confirming the validity of our reconstruction on variation of bottom water oxygenation level based on LPI and presence of small framboidal pyrite.

We conducted the correlation of environmental changes between deep-water of Panthalassa and shallow-water of Tethys using carbon isotope stratigraphy to explore the mechanism of anoxia and its linkage with the mass extinction. The result suggests that the horizon with small pyrite framboids and bioturbation, which is immediately above the laminated interval, in pelagic siliceous sequence of Central Japan seems to be correlated with the horizon interpreted as photic zone anoxia which is immediately followed by the horizon of mass extinction in the shallow carbonate sequence across the P/T boundary in South China. Whereas the horizon with small pyrite framboids and well-preserved lamination in pelagic siliceous sequence of Central Japan seems to be correlated with the horizon interpreted as cyanobacterial expansion in shallow water Tethys. These results suggest that the upwelling of anoxic deep-water could have caused the photic zone anoxia and mass extinction at least in the shallow-water at the P/T boundary, while cyanobacterial expansion at least in the shallow-water possibly contributed to euxinic condition in deep-water following the photic zone anoxia event. The result in Inuyama area also suggests that the laminated interval with small pyrite framboids in the middle Smithian seems to be correlated with immediately below the horizon which is interpreted as the occurrence of anoxia and faunal turnover of ammonoids from the upper Smithian to the Smithian/Spathian boundary in South China and India. These results imply that the anoxic/euxinic bottom-water in the pelagic deep-sea could have contributed to the occurrence of anoxia and faunal turnover in the shallow-water through the ocean circulation.

Figure. Temporal changes in bottom-water oxygenated condition in Ubara area and Inuyama area based on the lamina preservation index and the observation of small framboidal pyrite. Results of sulfur isotope analysis of small framboidal pyrite and diagenetic pyrite are also indicated.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




本委員会は、論文提出者に対し、平成22年6月26日に学位論文の内容および関連事項について口頭試験を行なった。そして、本研究によって、二畳紀末から三畳紀前期にかけてのパンサラッサ深海底堆積物について、i) ほとんど連続な岩相層序を世界で初めて構築したこと、ii) その岩相層序に基づいて底層水の酸化還元度の変動を復元した結果、P/T境界付近における海洋無酸素環境は、従来言われていた様に数百万年間あるいはそれ以上に渡って持続したものではなく、数万年程度の持続期間を持ち数万年から数十万年の間隔で繰り返したものであることを示したこと、iii) 特に三畳紀前期最初期と前期の中ごろに深層水の溶存酸素濃度が低下して海洋無酸素環境が生じやすい時期がそれぞれ百万年前後続き、その時に間欠的に無酸素環境が生じたこと、これらの時期が生物の大量絶滅が起こった時期と一致することを示したこと、iv) 前期の中ごろに無酸素環境が数万年スケールで繰り返した後に、恐らく風成塵起源の砕屑物の堆積速度が1桁増加したことを示したこと、を地球システム科学における重要な発見であると判断し、審査委員全員一致で合格と判定した。



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