
No 126594
著者(漢字) 劉,建宏
著者(カナ) リュー,サイモン
標題(和) 中国における多国籍企業の研究開発戦略 : 日米企業の実証研究
標題(洋) Strategies of Multinational Enterprises on Research and Development Activities in China : A Case of Japanese and US Firms
報告番号 126594
報告番号 甲26594
学位授与日 2011.03.14
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(学術)
学位記番号 博工第7401号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 先端学際工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 馬場,靖憲
 東京大学 教授 元橋,一之
 東京大学 教授 高原,明生
 東京大学 准教授 鎗目,雅
 東京大学 特任講師 梶川,裕矢
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Since China's open-door policy in 1978 to welcome foreign direct investments (FDIs) and multinational enterprises (MNEs), its economy has been growing in a stunning speed. Led by governmental policy reforms, China has boosted its economy since the 1990s, and has been creating a research-and-development (R&D) competitive environment in the 2000s, transforming China to a knowledge economy as the next engine to retain continuous high economic growth. Foreign MNEs recently have been lured to implement R&D activities in China beyond labor-intensive manufacturing in utilizing China's abundant R&D resources. However, along with the economic growth, regional disparity becomes a challenge, and knowledge spillover is a potential risk to foreign MNEs. They need to face these factors and to implement relatively competitive strategy in order to ensure their success of R&D in China.

By statistical analysis and field survey of the US and Japanese firms that incorporate R&D activities in China, this study intends to present the China R&D environment, as an emerging economy, to foreign MNEs. Location strategy is no longer to select a cost competitive country in the national level, but to consider both pros and cons of domestic environments in the regional level, and to understand the influence of firm nature on decision making. This study based on existing literature of MNE's R&D internationalization proposes an innovative model by using patent data embedding knowledge flows to analyze corporate strategies of firms' R&D activities. In comparison of Japanese and US R&D activities, this study differentiates their corporate strategies. It expects to provide insights for the Chinese governments to build an attractive infrastructure of international R&D activities and for MNEs to create competitive strategies on R&D activities in China.

About the methodology, this study firstly reviews the China's R&D development, and the US and Japanese R&D activities in China. It designs knowledge flow as the essential element embedded in R&D activities to observe foreign MNEs' strategies. However, due to immeasurable property of knowledge flow, patent data that have been suggested to track knowledge flow is used for statistical analysis. Based on the selected patent data, the geographical distributions of R&D activities of the US and Japanese MNEs in China are examined. This study not only discusses the linkage of patent data and MNEs' location strategies on R&D activities, but also analyzes the location distributions of US and Japanese MNEs by using conditional logit regression. Finally, firm interviews with foreign MNEs are implemented to understand the first-hand R&D facts and to examine the statistical results.

In the analytical model, both location-level attributes (Innovation capability, industrial policy for foreign investment, availability of R&D personnel, salary level of R&D personnel, and market size) and firm-level characteristics (firm size and capital intensity) are designated for analysis on their location distribution. In the analysis, 183 sample firms (49 Japanese firms and 134 US firms in 688 patents) are selected from the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) database, and additional 184 Japanese sample firms (in 521 patents) are selected from the JPO (Japan Patent Office) database. Locational data are collected from the China Statistical Yearbooks, and firm-level data are collected from public information. Sample firms are divided by firm size and capital-intensity to estimate the impacts by selected location-specific factors. The comparison of location strategies of the US and Japanese MNEs presents another nature of firm-level characters as firm nationality.

The data show that the type of MNEs' R&D in China contains collaboration to academia and other firms beyond in-house R&D by their subsidiaries. Viewing the geographical distribution, MNEs' R&D activities tend to concentrate unevenly. US firms concentrate in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong. Beyond the same regions, Japanese firms also concentrate in Liaoning. Although Japanese firms show lower concentration compared to US firms, however, Japanese firms tend to cluster in the regions where Japanese firms have already been doing business.

In the statistical results, the findings are summarized about the similarities and differences on strategies of the US and Japanese firms. First, the tendency shows that larger firms in terms of firm size and capital-intensive firms prefer superior R&D personnel rather than smaller firms and non capital-intensive firms. Second, both the US and Japanese firms are significantly in proximity to locations with more R&D personnel and better quality of R&D personnel. Third, Japanese firms emphasize more on the higher availability of R&D personnel than US firms, whereas US firms emphasize more on the better quality of R&D personnel than Japanese firms.

According to the firm interviews, it is clarified that Japanese firms and US firms had implemented partially different strategies in the late 1990s when China was working on S&T policy reforms and before it became a member of World Trade Organization in 2001. Some of the reasons may be that Japanese firms faced loss of technology outflow and remained to concentrate more on obtaining R&D personnel; however, US firms started to establish large-scale R&D centers topping on the trend of China's industrial transformation, and emphasized more on collaborating with prestigious Chinese universities and recruiting superior R&D personnel.

In all, this study successfully presents China's R&D development and concludes foreign MNEs' (the US and Japanese firms) strategies on R&D activities in China with emphasis of knowledge flow and in the view from regional level. As implication, beyond the active regional policies in providing incentives to lure MNEs, the importance of availability of superior R&D personnel is highlighted by either cultivating talents in prestigious universities or recruiting from the world to academia regionally. With understanding of limitations in this study, hopefully, this study will provide insights for newcomers to enter the China market, and for Japanese firms to utilize Chinese talents for creating innovation in high-tech R&D as well as US firms do.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

21世紀を迎え、中国は研究開発に注力し知識経済への脱皮を本格化しており、世界の多国籍企業にとって中国の研究開発をいかに活用するかが、重要な戦略課題になっている。本論文は、企業の研究開発に関する国際化に関する理論(Gammeltoft, 2006; Gassmann and von Zedtwitz, 1999; Hatakeyama, 2009; Kuemmerle, 1999; Kumar, 2001; Cantwell and Janne, 1999; Kita, 2002; Patel, 1995; Daneils, 1997, etc.)に基づき、日米の多国籍企業がどのような要因に導かれて中国のそれぞれの地域(31省・市・自治区)において研究開発を展開するに至ったか、日米の特許データに基づくモデル推定と日米多国籍企業に対するインタビュー調査によって総合的に考察し、中国各省の政策と多国籍企業の戦略に対す含意を明らかにするものである。



第6章では、中国の各地域において企業の研究開発の国際化を推進した要因に関して日米企業を比較検討した。本研究が、企業の研究開発を誘引する地域特性として着目したのは、(i)イノベーション能力(ii)外資誘致策(iii)R&D要員のアベイラビリティー(iv)R&D要員のサラリー(v)市場規模からなる5要因であり、企業の(i)企業規模(ii)資本集約度という特性に着目し、それぞれの企業が、どのような誘因に導かれて中国の各地域において研究開発活動を展開したか、conditional logit regressionによってモデル推定を行った。分析の結果、日米多国籍企業の中国における地域別の研究開発には、以下のような特徴があることが判明した:日本、また、米国企業は等しく、より容易にR&D要員が確保でき、より上質なR&D要員が雇用できる地域を選好する;日本企業は米国企業と比較して、より容易にR&D要員を確保できることを重視する(限界効果:0.0006対0.0002、)のに対して、米国企業は、より上質のR&D要員を雇用することを重視する(限界効果:0.31対0.16);企業特性に関する傾向をみれば、大規模企業は小規模企業よりも比較して相対的に、サラリーが高く上質なR&D要員が多く賦存する地域を選好する。さらに、本研究は、米企業3社、日本企業3社に対する聞き取り調査を行った。両者を総合的に考察すると、日本企業がR&D要員を確保できる地域において現地に対する技術知識の流失に注意を払って国際化を展開しているのに対して、米国企業は、中国の一流研究大学と連携しR&Dセンターを設置するなど上質のR&D要員を積極的に雇用して国際化を展開し、国際化戦略に関して両者の差異が認められる。




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