
No 126624
著者(漢字) 大木,良子
著者(カナ) オオキ,リョウコ
標題(和) 垂直構造と競争政策 : 排他的取引とライセンス契約に関する考察
標題(洋) Vertical Structure and Competition Policy : Essays on Exclusive Dealing and License Contract
報告番号 126624
報告番号 甲26624
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(経済学)
学位記番号 博経第297号
研究科 大学院経済学研究科
専攻 金融システム専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 柳川,範之
 東京大学 教授 伊藤,元重
 東京大学 准教授 大橋,弘
 東京大学 教授 佐々木,彈
 東京大学 教授 大湾,秀雄
内容要旨 要旨を表示する


Until 1980's, the economic analysis of competition policy focused on a vertical structure consisted with manufacturers and buyers, who are consumers themselves. Recently, downstream firms or distributors are considered explicitly in-between manufacturers and consumers. The recent research on the manufacturer-distributor structure conveys important implications for competition policy. Furthermore, over the last few decades, distributors or platforms, which connect upstream manufacturers and consumers are playing important roles in many industries, with the rapid progress in information technology and with globalization in many markets. Such trend enhances the revision of regulations and theoretical analysis.

We can observe a variety of vertical structures in the real world: regarding contractual arrangement between upstream and downstream firms, such as pricing scheme (which includes not only wholesale pricing but also license pricing), resale price maintenance, slotting allowance, quantity discounts, franchising contract: regarding organizational structure, such as vertical separation, and vertical integration. We can find numerous issues on these variant of vertical structure and competition policy that remain to be examined. In this dissertation, we try to investigate in two of them: exclusive dealing contract and licensing contract.

Exclusive Dealing Contract

In Chapter 2, 3, and 4, we investigate exclusive dealing contract and its effect on entry and competition. Whether or not exclusive dealing contracts prevent competition or entry is one of the main issues in the economic literature on vertical restraints. There are two aspects of exclusive dealing contract: the anti-competitive aspect and pro-competitive aspect. In this thesis, we focus on the former one.

First, we briefly consider the anti-competitive aspect of exclusive dealing contracts and the economic literature on this topic. As a starting point, we should refer the Chicago Critique that suggests any exclusive contract made with anti-competitive intention would never be profitable for the party who initiates the exclusive contract. Chicago School shows that in order to induce all distributors to sign the exclusive dealing contracts the incumbent manufacturer should offer compensation to each distributor. The accumulated amount of compensation is always exceeds the monopoly profit that the incumbent may obtain when it can deter the entrant. This argument implies that if exclusive dealing contracts are observed at work, these contracts should increase welfare, so that the contracts are profitable. The Chicago School claims that any intervention on such exclusive dealing contracts harms competition.

In recent years, however, many economic researchers have shown that the Chicago Critique is a special case. Accumulated economic research contributes to clarify the criteria for judgment whether exclusive contracts are anti-competitive or pro-competitive. This phenomenon is observed in the reports of U.S. Antitrust Modernization Commission.

As some examples in the real world suggest exclusive dealing contract may be motivated by the desire to restore a market power of an incumbent that is threatened by an entrant. Such exclusionary contract is employed so that it reduces the entrant's expected profit, and ultimately it induces a potential entrant to give up entry. In other words, exclusive dealing contracts signed by two parties have negative externality on other parties. Moreover, the externality makes it profitable to sign the exclusive dealing contracts. This is the anti-competitive aspect of exclusive dealing contracts. Following Whinston (2006), we classify anti-competitive exclusive dealing into two groups of models: first-mover model and competing for exclusivity model.

Recently, exclusive dealing contracts offered by manufacturers to distributors, not final consumers, are considered in the literature. It is shown that in the slightly differentiated market, the incumbent manufacturer can make all distributors accept the exclusive dealing contract by offering zero-amount of compensation. This is the competitive effect of downstream market. Since the competition among distributors is severe, the benefit of rejecting the exclusive dealing contract is very low, even if a distributor becomes the only one free distributor and purchases the entrant's inputs. This means that though the mechanism of effect of the exclusive dealing contract changes when buyers are distributors, not consumers, the result remains unchanged: the efficient entry is deterred by exclusive dealing contract.

The existing literature summarized above examines the cases where the incumbent manufacturer faces a potential efficient entrant. On the other hand, Chapter 2, 3 and 4 consider the case where an incumbent distributor offers exclusive dealing contracts to manufacturers in order to prevent an efficient entrant distributor. Such distributor's foreclosure activity is realistic and important for considering competition policies. The European Commission is working for a revise of Block Exemption Regulation and Guidelines on supply and distribution agreements (vertical restraints) concerning the increased buyer power of large retailers. According to the proposed revised regulation, `the Commission proposes that for a vertical agreement to benefit from the block exemption, not only the supplier's market share (as is currently the case) but also the buyer's market share should not exceed 30%.' It implies the European Commission is now concerning that distributors would soften competition by restricting supplier's deal.

In Chapter 2, we consider a situation in which an incumbent distributor tries to deter an entry of efficient distributor by exclusive dealing contracts with manufacturers. The existing models where an incumbent manufacturer offers exclusive dealing contracts show that the incumbent manufacturer can make all distributors sign the exclusive contracts with zero up-front payment when the competition among distributors is intense. In contrast, we show that in order to make all manufacturers sign the exclusive dealing contracts, the incumbent should offer a certain amount of up-front payment. Furthermore, the incumbent distributor cannot exclude an efficient entrant distributor when competition among manufacturers is intense, i.e., when the number of manufactures large. Especially when the wholesale contract is in the two-part tariff form, the entry always occurs at the equilibrium. Our result shows that which sector of the market initiates the exclusive dealing contracts matters.

In Chapter 3, we generalize the decision process of wholesale price and show that the bargaining power of distributors crucially determines whether exclusion of an efficient entrant distributor occurs or not. We introduce bargaining model between the distributors and manufacturers, when they decide wholesale prices. The traditional literature focusing solely on exclusive dealing contracts offered by incumbent manufacturers derives multiple equilibria in price competition models with homogenous goods. In contrast, our model generates unique equilibrium, wherein an efficient entrant must be excluded as long as distributors have sufficient bargaining power. We also introduce an entrant in the manufacturing side, and show that the upstream entry may promote exclusion of the efficient entry by an exclusive dealing contract.

In Chapter 4, we examine the effects of exclusive dealing contracts offered by an incumbent distributor to an incumbent manufacturer with entrants in both manufacturing and distribution sectors. It is well-known that a potential entry threat is welfare increasing under homogenous price competition, even though the potential entrant is less productive. This paper reexamines this intuition by employing the model above. We show that the entry threat of a less-productive manufacturer is welfare decreasing when there is an exclusive dealing contract between the incumbent manufacturer and distributor. The exclusive dealing contract offered by the incumbent distributor is a key element. In the existing literature, an exclusive dealing contract functions not only as an entry-deterrence device but also as a rent-extraction device by setting an appropriate level of liquidation damage. Hence, even in our model, without an entrant in the manufacturing sector, an efficient transaction (incumbent manufacturer trades with the entrant distributor) is realized even under the exclusive dealing contract. With the possibility of entry into the manufacturing sector, however, this mechanism does not function properly. If the cost of the new manufacturer is uncertain, the incumbent distributor cannot set an appropriate level of liquidation damage to extract all rents realized by the efficient players. Thus, there is a possibility that the inefficient entrant in the manufacturing sector replaces the efficient incumbent and trades with the new efficient distributor. This trade decreases the total welfare.

Licensing Contract

Once a firm succeeds to develop innovative technology, it will be secured by patent. There are two ways to exploit the value of patent: the patent holder can use the patent exclusively: the patent holder can sell and transfer its technology to other firms under licensing.

In the literature regarding patent licensing, the vertical structure is consisted as follows: the upstream firm is a license holder and the downstream firm is a licensee. We investigate the contractual arrangement between a license holder and a licensee and try to incorporate issues of entry in this thesis.

An upstream firm, i.e., a license holder gains profit through licensing of its patent. The commonly used schemes are unit royalty, a fixed fee, or a combination of a fixed fee and unit royalty. A license holder chooses an optimal scheme that maximizes his profit. There are two types of vertical organization of a license holder: one is a license holder that is an independent research laboratory that has no production facility; the other is a license holder that produces and competes in the market as well. The former is called outsider (or external) license holders, and the latter is called insider (or incumbent) license holders.

In the model of outsider license holder, an independent research laboratory or technology intensive venture company, invents a cost-reducing innovation and sells a license of the technology. Licensees have production facilities and can access obsolete technology. Thus, if a downstream firm cannot buy a license of new technology, it competes in the market with its own technology. In this case, the patent has no value without licensing. In outsider license holder model, the value of a patent and the optimal licensing scheme has been a great concern of economists. They have focused the optimal license scheme and the relationship between the optimal scheme and competitiveness of the market. Licensing schemes are a unit royalty scheme, fixed fee scheme, and auction. On the other hand, in the model of the insider license holder which is a vertically integrated license holder, the optimal license strategy becomes more complex. First of all, the incentive of insider license holders to sell its license to rivals is not clear very much. Since downstream competition destroys industry profit, the value of patent license may decrease. In other words, the literature on insider license holders investigates how license can raise the industry profit. Recently, several articles develop analysis on license schemes in the more complicated vertical structure, such as strategic delegation, a pure licensee that has no technology, and endogenously determined structure which a license holder becomes an insider or outsider.

Obviously, in both cases of the outsider, and insider license holder, the licensing schemes affect on competition in the retail market. Thus, some of licensing schemes or conditions, such as exclusivity of license and discriminatory license, are controversial from the antitrust authority's perspective. In many countries, antitrust authorities issue guideline of licensing contracts. However, intellectual property rights should be protected in order to provide incentive of R&D investment, even if such protection ensures a license holder to obtain monopoly profit. When patent is protected properly, a firm has incentive to invest to develop a new technology. There is a trade-off between ex ante efficiency and ex post efficiency.

There are two legal approaches regarding this trade-off: one is the optimal design of patent law: the other is the intervention on patent law by competition policy. We focus on the latter approach. It has been arguable whether or not policymakers should regulate licensing schemes. In many countries, the balance between patent protection and competition policy is discussed.

In Chapter 5 and 6, we investigate the relation between licensing scheme and competition policy. In Chapter 5, we investigate the optimal license scheme with an outsider license holder, when the number of licensees is determined endogenously. We consider free entry of licensee and derive the optimal licensing scheme for a license holder. It is shown that regardless of the number of licensees, the license holder can obtain monopoly profit. Thus, if licensees are under free entry, then any regulation on licensing is unnecessary. In our model, we generalize license scheme and demand function: a two-part tariff scheme, i.e., a combination of a fixed fee and a unit royalty and general demand function. We show that if the marginal cost of production is constant, then a fixed fee is sufficient for the license holder to obtain monopoly profit. Moreover, under free entry of licensees, the license holder can obtain monopoly profit with any combination of a positive fixed fee and a unit royalty, which satisfies a certain condition. Furthermore, as a discussion we consider the case where a fixed fee is regulated to a certain level. We show that the optimal unit royalty makes the license holder obtain monopoly profit even in this case. Our result suggests that if licensees are in the market under free entry, the license holder does not have to offer exclusive license contracts or discriminatory royalty in order to maximize its profit.

In Chapter 6, we examine a case where an outsider license holder and an independent licensee who has no alternative technology. If the old license holder is vertically integrated, it may deter the efficient entry of its rival. Furthermore, we consider a case where the old license holder spins off its manufacturing division as a subsidiary. In that case the old license holder may deter the innovative entrant more easily than when it is integrated. This is because the old license holder discriminates license contracts between its subsidiary and the outside independent licensee. In addition, the contract for the subsidiary is known by its competitor, the independent licensee. Then, the incumbent offer subsidy to its subsidiary and make it look competitive. Such contract works as a commitment device. Our result has an implication to these arguments on whether discriminatory license contracts are legal or illegal. Particularly, we consider that patent law may protect intellectual property that is obsolete as well. It may lead the result wherein patent licensing contracts prevent an efficient entry or make it difficult.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する




第2章 流通業者による排他的取引契約

第3章 排他的取引契約と流通業者のマーケットパワー

第4章 排他的取引契約と非効率的参入

第5章 内生的参入とライセンス契約

第6章 ライセンス契約と参入




第2章 流通業者による排他的取引契約

第2章~第4章においては、排他的取引契約の問題が議論されている。排他的取引契約(Exclusive Dealing Contracts)の問題は比較的古くから検討されてきた、産業組織論および競争政策上の重要な研究課題である。この分野の伝統的文献においては、売り手(生産者)と買い手(消費者)との間で結ばれる排他的取引契約の問題が扱われており、それによってより効率的な売り手の参入が阻止される可能性があるかが議論されてきた。





そしてこの結論は、卸売り価格がLinear(単位あたりの金額だけを決める)な場合より、Two-Part Tariff(単位当たりの金額と固定料金との組み合わせ)である場合のほうがより顕著となる。その場合には生産者1社あたりに必要な補償額が大きすぎるため、たとえ生産者が1社のみであっても、排他的取引契約は成立せず、効率性が阻害されることはない。

既存の排他的取引契約の文献においてもTwo-Part Tariffの可能性が検討されている。しかし、その場合には参入阻止がよりしやすくなるという結論を導いており、やはり流通事業者が排他的取引契約を行おうとする場合には、既存研究とは異なった含意をもってくることが示されている。

第3章 排他的取引契約と流通業者のマーケットパワー

第3章でも第2章と同じように、流通事業者が生産者に対して、排他的取引契約をオファーするケースが議論されている。ただし、第2章では既存研究に沿った形で、Sequential Bertrandモデルが仮定されていたのに対して、ここでは卸売価格が生産者と流通業者との間の交渉によって決まる状況を分析している。第2章で卸売価格決定の際に、Two-Part Tariffが使えるか使えないかが結果に影響することが示されていることから、生産者と流通業者との交渉の際に、どちらに交渉力があるかが、排他的取引契約の有効性に影響を与えることが推測できる。この第3章では、このような交渉によって卸売価格が決まるモデルを用いて、大きくわけて三つの結果を導出している。




第4章 排他的取引契約と非効率的参入

次の第4章では、排他的取引契約が、契約内で決められた違約金(Liquidated Damage)を支払うことで破棄することができるケースについて分析している。今までの章では、排他的取引契約は破棄できない契約と仮定されていた。それに対して、この章では違約金を支払うことで契約を一方的に破棄することができる場合の排他的取引契約の与える影響を検討している。この場合、排他的取引契約を結んだとしても、破棄すれば新規参入は可能になり、社会的な効率性は保たれる。むしろ、既存流通業者にとっても、排他的取引契約が破棄されて高い違約金を得たほうが得である場合も考えられる。そのため、契約が破棄出来ない今までの章とは異なった性質を持っている。




第5章 内生的参入とライセンス契約


第5章では、そのようなライセンス契約問題の中でも、潜在的なライセンシーが、内生的参入(Free Entry)の環境下にある場合の最適なライセンス契約が検討されている。この時、固定料金かTwo-Part Tariff(単位当たりロイヤルティと固定料金の組み合わせ)かに関わらず、条件を満たすすべてのライセンススキームによって、ライセンスホルダーが独占利潤を達成できることが第5章では示されている。つまり、ライセンシー間の競争度合い(ライセンシーの数)がどのようなものであっても、常にライセンスホルダーは独占利潤を得ることができる。この点は、数学的構造は比較的単純なものであるが、既存研究で分析されているライセンシーの数が外生的に決定される場合とは大きく異なる結果となっている。この結果は、ライセンス契約に対する規制(排他的なライセンス供与、差別ロイヤルティの禁止、固定料金への上限の設定など)は、最終消費者市場における価格に影響を与えないことを示しており、競争政策上の含意もあると考えられる

第6章 ライセンス契約と参入





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