
No 126710
著者(漢字) 袁,潮霞
著者(カナ) ユェン,チョウシャア
標題(和) インド洋のダイポールモードがチベット高原の初冬の降雪に及ぼす影響の研究
標題(洋) A Study on the Influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode on the Snow Cover of the Tibetan Plateau in the Early Winter
報告番号 126710
報告番号 甲26710
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5655号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 安田,一郎
 東京大学 教授 山形,俊男
 東京大学 教授 日比谷,紀之
 東京大学 准教授 中村,尚
 海洋研究開発機構 プログラムディレクター 升本,順夫
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Using snow cover data derived from satellite observations, the interannual variation of EWTPSC (early winter (November-December) Tibetan Plateau snow cover) is investigated. Results show that the EWTPSC has a linear increasing trend from 1973 to 1999. The linearly detrended EWTPSC shows a significant positive correlation with the Tibetan Plateau snow cover from winter to the subsequent summer. Therefore, examining causes of the EWTPSC anomaly is an essential step toward understanding both winter and summer thermal conditions over the plateau and their influences on the Asian climate.

By the partial correlation and regression analyses, it is shown that the IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) rather than the ENSO (El Nifio/Southern Oscillation) has a positive influence on the EWTPSC. In the early winter of the pure positive IOD years with no co-occurrences of El Nitio, the dipole diabatic heating anomaly over the tropical Indian Ocean excites the baroclinic responses in the tropics. In the lower troposphere, a pair of stationary anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomalies straddle the equator as the stationary Rossby wave response to the negative (positive) heating anomaly. The anticyclonic anomaly over the Bay of Bengal induces the northward flow along its western edge, and carries extra moisture to the Indian subcontinent. Since both baroclinic and barotropic components of the zonal wind over the Arabian Peninsula increase dramatically in early winter, the energy of the baroclinic mode is converted to generate the barotropic mode. The resulting barotropic Rossby mode propagates northeastward, and induces a barotropic cyclonic anomaly north of India. This enables the moisture that has been already advected to the Indian subcontinent from the tropical Indian Ocean together with the moisture from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea to be transported cyclonically to the Tibetan Plateau. The convergence of moisture over the plateau increases the possibility of precipitation and snow cover, and explains the positive influence of IOD on the EWTPSC. The above atmospheric response to the IOD is seasonally dependent. In contrast to early winter, both barotropic and baroclinic components of the basic-state zonal wind over the Arabian Peninsula are weak in autumn (September-October). This is not favorable for generation of the barotropic mode and the consequent teleconnection. Therefore, the teleconnection starting from the Arabian Peninsula is not present at this time, even though the IOD-related diabatic heating anomaly in autumn is similar to that in early winter. The result is consistent with the partial correlation between IOD and the Tibetan Plateau snow cover after excluding the influence of ENSO; the partial correlation coefficient is -0.15 in September-October, but increases abruptly to 0.39 in November-December.

The AGCM of FrAM (Frontier Atmospheric General Circulation Model) quantitatively reproduces the observed circulation anomaly in early winter that is related to the IOD and explains the positive influence of IOD on the EWTPSC. In the sensitivity experiment P-IOD (N-IOD), the FrAM is forced by the SST climatology in all basins and the SST anomaly within the tropical Indian Ocean related to the pure positive (negative) IOD with no co-occurrence of El Nino (La Niiia). The P-IOD well simulates the enhanced (suppressed) convective activity over the western (eastern) tropical Indian Ocean, as indicated by the negative (positive) OLR anomaly there. This dipole convective anomaly generates the baroclinic atmospheric response in the tropics, the northeastward teleconnection from around the Arabian Peninsula, and the consequent barotropic cyclonic anomaly north of India, in a good consistence with the observations. Therefore, the extra moisture supply from the northern Indian Ocean to the Tibetan Plateau is also well simulated, confirming the positive influence of 10D on the EWTPSC. The observed seasonality of atmospheric response to the IOD-related diabatic heating is also seen in the P-IOD; no teleconnection from the Arabian Peninsula to the north of India is present in autumn of the P-IOD. The N-IOD also simulates the baroclinic responses in the tropics and the poleward teleconnection to mid-high latitudes. However, due to the northeastward shift of the simulated convective anomaly, the simulated teleconnection pattern is shifted northeastward compared with that in the P-IOD, and hence the expected lack of moisture supply to the Tibetan Plateau is thus not well reproduced in the N-IOD.

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