
No 126711
著者(漢字) 城谷,和代
著者(カナ) シロヤ,カズヨ
標題(和) 岩石中に生成する宇宙線照射生成核種を用いた南米アタカマ砂漠における乾燥化の研究
標題(洋) A study on aridification of the Atacama Desert, South America using in-situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides
報告番号 126711
報告番号 甲26711
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(理学)
学位記番号 博理第5656号
研究科 理学系研究科
専攻 地球惑星科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 多田,隆治
 東京大学 准教授 池田,安隆
 東京大学 教授 田近,英一
 東京大学 准教授 横山,祐典
 東京大学 教授 長尾,敬介
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In-situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating technique has developed over the last 20 years. TCNs accumulate with time in the upper several m of exposed surfaces due to interaction with secondary cosmic rays. TCN concentrations on a target surface allow us to estimate erosion rates and exposure ages of landforms directly. The detectable time ranges of TCNs depend on their half-lives. Therefore, TCNs with long-lives (10Be; 1.36 Myr and 26Al; 0.75 Myr) allow us to quantitatively understand landform evolution at mid-latitude areas at million-year time scale.

Today, deserts are distributed across all the three continental mid-latitude areas in the Southern Hemisphere (The South America, Africa and the Australian continents). Recent results of a study based on in-situ TCNs conducted at a mid-latitude Australian dune field and the Namib Desert, Africa indicate that the onset of enhanced aridity may have occurred at ~1 Ma, during the Mid Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT) with a gradual global cooling. However, it is not known whether aridification occurred though the mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere during the MPT.

The Atacama Desert in northern Chile, South America, located adjacent to the eastern Pacific, is one of the most hyper-arid areas in the world. At present, hyperaridity with less than 10mm precipitation per year is maintained in the Atacama Desert by the Andean rain shadow effect that prevents moisture from Amazon, and the strength of cold Humboldt Current along the Pacific coast. However, the timing of the present-day aridification of the Atacama Desert is poorly understood because previous studies using TCN dating method reported various ages due to older landforms such as alluvial fans reflecting older timings of aridification. It has not been decided which landforms should be selected to sample in order to determine the timing of the aridification.

In this study, in order to determine which landforms suitable are as an indicator of the timing of present-day aridification, landforms from large-hill scale (severalkm long) to small-hill scale (several hundred long) were investigated. Samples were collected from the summits, hillsides and bottoms of each site. This sampling strategy, in which samples are collected on several elevations and several landform settings such as flat or steep, has not been conducted before.

The results show that surface ages of the higher elevation sites are older than those of the lower elevation sites, at both the large-hill- and small-hill-scale. The surfaces of flat tops exhibit the oldest ages. Therefore, the flat landforms located at higher altitudes are the best geomorphological settings to determine the timing of the present-day aridification. The results reveal that the present-day aridification started at 0.88-1.24 Ma, which is deduced from the flat surfaces located at higher altitudes. This study represents the first reporting of the onset of the present-day aridification based on high accuracy measurements of TCNs in this study.

The result suggests that aridification in the mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere during the MPT with global cooling is a hemispheric event based on TCN dating. Together with other climatic proxy data reported previously from deep-sea sediment cores, aridification in the mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere during the MPT may have been controlled by the northward migration of ITCZ.

Finally, the results in this study confirmed that TCN dating is able to use as an indicator of determining timings of aridification on million-year time scale. Also, this study determined that the most suitable landforms for determination of present-day aridification timings are the flat surfaces located at higher altitudes.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


第1章では新生代、特に2.7Ma(Ma=百万年前)以降の北半球氷床の成立に伴って全球的寒冷化が起こり氷期間氷期サイクルが顕在化した時期に、南半球でどの様な変化が起こったのかを明らかにする事が、大気海洋システムと全球的気候変動との関係解明に繋がることを述べている。更に南半球中緯度高圧帯下に分布する3つの砂漠(オーストラリア大陸シンプソン砂漠、アフリカ大陸ナミブ砂漠、南米大陸アタカマ砂漠)の極乾燥化(年間降水量10mm以下)の開始年代について先行研究をレビューし、それがおよそ1Maに起こったMid-Pliocene Transition[MPT]と言われる北半球氷床拡大と氷期一間氷期サイクルの周期変化に関係している可能性を指摘し、しかし、アタカマ砂漠については、データが十分でないとしている。







なお、本論文の第3章の一部とAppendixの内容は横山祐典、松崎浩之との共同研究であり、第5章は横山祐典、松崎浩之、Eugenio E Veloso,Stephen Obrochtaとの共同研究であるが、論文提出者が主体となって分析および検証、考察を行ったもので、論文提出者の寄与が十分であると判断した。


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