
No 127256
著者(漢字) 辛,大允
著者(英字) SHIN,Dae yun
著者(カナ) シン,デユン
標題(和) 測位航法衛星信号を利用したバイスタティックリモートセンシングによる水陸分類に関する研究
標題(洋) A Study on Bi-static Remote Sensing using GNSS Signals to Classify Land and Sea Area
報告番号 127256
報告番号 甲27256
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(環境学)
学位記番号 博創域第703号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 社会文化環境学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 柴崎,亮介
 東京大学 教授 浅見,泰司
 東京大学 教授 有川,正介
 東京大学 准教授 竹内,渉
 東京大学 講師 鯉渕,幸生
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Due to an Increase in the demand of accurate positing and timing information anytime and everywhere. In the near future, GNSS constellation will increase the number of satellite to 30 or more, to monitor Asia region. These can be used as numerous signal sources for the use GNSS satellite based remote sensing applications. Bi-static remote sensing using GNSS reflections is a new application where GPS/GNSS signals are used for alternative purposes besides its main purpose of positioning, navigation and timing applications. This is good opportunity to discover novel technology in remote sensing.

The GNSS signals must be received and processed using a Bi-static configuration. This means the Transmitter and Receiver systems are not co-located, where the transmitted GNSS signal is reflected and scattered in a forward direction. Signals are transmitted over a wide area can be received with an unvarying signal receiving strength, regardless of global location.

The characteristics of reflected electromagnetic wave are affected by the object that reflects the signal. Bi-static scattering from the land is characterized by lower average return and lager variability of the signal compared to a signal from the sea surface. This takes place due to the large variations in the dielectric constant and surface roughness. In this aspect, reflection signal strength and characteristics are different between land and sea. The reflected signal characteristics are also affected by the polarization of the signal and the orientation of the antenna that receive the signal. GPS signal has right hand circular polarization. The polarization of the signal may change from right to left handed when the signal is reflected. A right hand circular polarization antenna is used to receive the direct signal and a left hand circular polarization antenna is used to receive the reflect signal. A comparative analysis of the left hand circular polarization signal is conducted with respect to right hand circular polarization signal to compute the code phase delay and signal amplitude. The difference in signal amplitude from the two antennas and code phase values are used as base information to develop algorithms to identify the characteristics of reflecting materials. Most of the previous work has concentrated on Bi-static radar using Global Positioning system signals to remotely sense the earth`s surface characteristics, such as surface roughness and height.

Lots of research and experiments have been conducted in this field such as ground, bridge, tower, aircraft, and space based experiments. I reviewed previous research in this area, to develop suitable methods of observation and analysis. As part of the development process I analysis to two sets of data, collected from two contrasting environments. The first data, collected from the 300m tower experiment [Masters 2004]. And the second from the UK-DMC experiment [Greason 2007].

The experimental basis for this research is conducted over varied terrain using Cessna aircraft platforms around Kobe area on 21st February 2009. These data were analyzed to investigate sensitivity to earth surface roughness and statistically compared between land and ocean reflections according to results of delay waveform and delay Doppler map. Also the reflected signal with various antenna orientations have been collected from ground based experiments to investigate signal characteristics with different polarization.

In this paper, various studies to extend the application of Global Positioning System(GPS) signal reflections have been described using both ground and aircraft data sets. The estimation of soil volumetric contents and calculation of signal to noise ratio extracted from aircraft data set have been plotted, while flying around the Kobe experimental area. Furthermore, using the space signal processing system based on software GPS Receiver has been demonstrated and estimated surface reflection points, Bi-static Radar Cross Section with demodulate signal correlation function. These estimation results were visualized on the Google map in order to easily compare them the actual physical area. Also the signal processing method has been improved to identify differences of surface types between land and sea.

The methods have been demonstrated using aircraft experimental observations collected over Kobe, Japan. The results indicate that GNSS multipath signal as a surface remote sensing system, presents significant discrimination between reflected objects with surface roughness and Dielectric properties. This system can be utilized to determine between land and sea as well as boundary of snow coverage and real-time monitoring spread at flooding and tsunami on a global scale.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

GPSに代表される測位衛星システム(GNSS:Global Navigation Satellite System)は地球をくまなく周回しながら、測位信号を絶えず地表面に向けて発信している。地球表面で反射される測位信号を受信・解析することで地球表面に関する情報を得ることができる。GPSに代表されるように測位信号はLバンドを利用しているため土壌水分の変化などについて反射波強度の感度が比較的高いことが知られており、土壌水分計測などに使える可能性があるほか、センシングシステムがGPS受信機のみで済むため非常に安価であり、軽量化・小型化しやすいこと、能動的なマイクロ波リモートセンシングシステムと異なり自ら信号を発信しないため、観測のステルス性に優れているなどの長所がある。しかも今後10年間で準天頂衛星、Galileo、コンパス、IRNSSなど多くの測位衛星システムが本格運用されGPSと併せて120機程度の測位衛星が測位信号を発信する予定であり、利用可能性は大きく膨らむと期待される。








第6章はデータ取得実験と実験データの解析であり、実験データを基に陸面と水面の判別を行う方法を開発・検証している。実験データは第3章で開発された受信システムを航空機に搭載して得られた神戸西部の陸面・海面データと、英国のDisaster Monitoring Constellation(DMC)を構成する衛星(高度680km)から得られた陸面・海面の衛星データを利用している。航空機データから、反射強度では陸面・海面の確実な識別は困難であること、陸面からの反射信号強度の短周期変動は海面に比べほぼ一貫して大きく識別に有効であることなどが示された。衛星データからも同様の結果が得られ、短周期変動がより頑健な識別指標であるという結論が得られた。また表面の粗度が大きくなると疑似距離の分布が広がる傾向があることがシミュレーションに基づく既存研究から示されていたが、そうした傾向は明確ではないことも示された。



なお、本論文の成果は柴崎亮介やDinesh Manandharらと共著で公表されているが、論文提出者が主体となって研究を実施しており、論文提出者の寄与は十分である。したがって、博士(環境学)の学位を授与できると認める。

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