
No 127261
著者(漢字) 石井,奈都
著者(カナ) イシイ,ナツ
標題(和) ヒト脳俯瞰データベース構築のための図分類とアノテーション手法の自動化
標題(洋) Automatic image classification and annotation methods towards development of comprehensive human brain database
報告番号 127261
報告番号 甲27261
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(科学)
学位記番号 博創域第708号
研究科 新領域創成科学研究科
専攻 情報生命科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 伊藤,啓
 東京大学 教授 高木,利久
 東京大学 教授 黒田,真也
 東京大学 教授 辻井,潤一
 東京大学 准教授 中谷,明弘
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Due to rapid progress in the development of neuroimaging technologies to analyze human brain activity, many neuroscience research articles are published each year. This phenomenon has created significant demand for a large-scale neuroscience database to store the information in these articles, particularly results regarding the relationship between brain region and function. However, manual curation is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming, and automatic information extraction program would be very useful.

The aim of this study is to develop a database system that can search and overview neuroscience research outcomes by extracting information from neuroscience research full-text articles.To this end, I decided to index neuroimaging figures in neuroscientific articles with important key terms (e.g. names of brain region, brain function, and task/stimuli given to subjects) from individual articles, because figures in articles usually represent primary research outcomes in a visually understandable way. Such a system would enable researchers to identify various brain regions related to a specific function, along with the tasks and modalities used in relevant studies.

In this thesis, methods for automatic figure classification and annotation are proposed to achieve the above mentioned database system. Regarding figure classification, I developed a text-based figure classification system to automatically select and classify figures of my interest (neuroimaging figures) according to the imaging modality used. This was achieved by Support Vector Machines using word vectors representing each figure in the data set, utilizing texts in figure legends and the main text of the articles. To make the best use of available texts, not only bag-of-words but also bi-grams of words were adopted as features to compose word vectors. This enabled the system to consider multi-word terms of great importance that are frequently used in neuroscience. The combination of bag-of-words and bi-gram features was quite powerful. As for figure annotation, I developed a key term extraction method to annotate each figure, based on the contents of an article that contains the figure. The methodology proposed in this study was based on graph-based ranking model, termed TextRank, which allows an unsupervised article-level key term extraction. To extract more specific terms to each article, I utilized the statistical information drawn from individual articles as well as other articles in the same and other domains. The method proposed in this thesis outperformed the original TextRank algorithm and other previous methods such as TF*IDF. Furthermore, I devised several means to improve the precision of my method. I introduced a new measure to quantify the degree to which a given word sequence is considered to be an actual and meaningful term. I also used the word frequency distributions in the article and articles in other domains to filter out "junk" terms. Finally, among extracted key terms for each article, I identified those representing names of brain regions using statistical information in the corpus so that the users of the database system can specify a region of his/her interest. As a consequence, a prototype database system that can search neuroimaging figure by key terms was implemented, based on these results.

I believe that a system capable of gathering and storing neuroscience research outcomes in an efficient manner will promote research in this area and benefit our understanding of the function of the human brain.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する



本研究は最初に、「ある画像がどういう実験の結果を示すものであるか」を正しく分類して記述する方法の開発を行った。脳画像の取得には主にMRI, fMRI, CT, MEG, EEG, PETの6種類の実験手法が用いられるが、これらで得られる画像は互いに似通っており、画像認識の方法だけでは正しく分類することができない。そのため、関連するテキストを解析してクラス分類することが不可欠である。本研究では、テキスト中の単語をベクトルで表し、サポートベクターマシンを用いて機械学習を行った。従来発表されてきた手法では、この際に個々の単語の集合 (bag of words)のみを利用していたが、本研究では2単語の組 (bigram)を考慮に入れることで特徴を効果的に抽出し、高い精度の多クラス分類を実現した。さらに、従来の研究ではテキストとしてそれぞれの画像に付せられた解説文 (figure legend)のみを利用するものが多かったが、本研究では解説文のみを用いた場合に加え、解説文と表題・要旨を用いた場合、さらに解説文・表題・要旨と本文を用いた場合を比較し、後者ほど精度が向上することを見いだした。







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