
No 127265
著者(漢字) 樂,詠
著者(カナ) ガク,エイコウ
標題(和) 光路の統計的サンプリングに基づく大域照明計算の高速化に関する研究
標題(洋) A Study on Acceleration of Global Illumination Calculation Based on Stochastic Light-Path Sampling
報告番号 127265
報告番号 甲27265
学位授与日 2011.03.24
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(情報理工学)
学位記番号 博情第303号
研究科 情報理工学系研究科
専攻 コンピュータ科学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 池内,克史
 東京大学 准教授 高橋,成雄
 東京大学 准教授 五十嵐,健夫
 東京大学 准教授 苗村,健
 東邦大学 教授 新谷,幹夫
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Global illumination is very important for photo-realistic image synthesis in 3D computer graphics. Recently, the need to compute global illumination is increasing in many applications, such as film industry, lighting design and games. During the computation of global illumination, many light paths are sampled in a stochastic manner, taking into account reflections on object surfaces and scattering within participating media, such as smokes. The contributions of these light paths are then integrated to produce the final image. Thus, the computation of global illumination is very complex and it has been one of the most important research topics in the computer graphics field to accelerate the computation of global illumination. The methods to compute global illumination can be roughly categorized into two groups: methods with and without participating media in consideration. In case without consideration of participating media, there is no need to compute the scattering and absorption of light due to participating media, thus the computation of global illumination becomes much simple. Furthermore, computing global illumination at interactive frame rates is becoming realized these years by limiting the objects in the scene to be fixed, and has discovered many applications in film industry, lighting design and games. However, it is still a challenging problem to compute the global illumination inside an architectural scene since the occlusion due to the walls is complex, and the types of light sources that previous methods can handle are limited. On the other hand, in case with consideration of participating media, the computation becomes complex when the participating media are inhomogeneous. There has never been a method to render images in an accurate and fast manner with the presence of inhomogeneous participating media.

This dissertation first deals with the case without participating media in consideration. Algorithms are proposed for global illumination calculation inside an architectural scene at interactive frame rates by limiting the objects in the scene to be fixed. The proposed method can handle various lighting conditions, i.e., the case when the scene is lit by local light sources (e.g., area light sources), and the case when the scene is lit by an environment light source (e.g., sky light source) through the windows. Then, this dissertation deals with the case considering participating media, and an algorithm that is accurate and one to two orders of magnitude faster than previous methods is proposed.

To compute the global illumination inside an architectural scene which is lit by local light sources, such as area light sources, the proposed method is developed based on photon mapping method and two algorithms to accelerate the calculation are proposed. The first one is a novel radiance estimation algorithm using a hierarchical grid. The second one is the ray reusing algorithm under the constraint that the input scene is static. By using the proposed method, the computation time can be shortened in several orders of magnitude. An application to real-time lighting design is shown.

When computing the global illumination inside an architectural scene which is lit by an environment light source, it is difficult to compute the light paths which start from outside (e.g., sky) and reach inside the architecture since the occlusion is quite complex due to the walls. In the proposed method, light paths are split into two groups: 1) the light paths starting from outside and reaching a portal (e.g. a window or an abat-jour); 2) the light paths starting from a portal and reaching inside the architecture. An algorithm is proposed to compute these light paths in a statistically correct way. Furthermore, the light transfer between a portal and a point inside the architecture is represented as functions, and the high frequency and low frequency portions are represented using different basis functions, in order for fast lighting calculation. Using the proposed method, the viewpoint and the light sources can be manipulated in real-time.

To compute global illumination with consideration of participating media, an unbiased and fast algorithm is proposed to generate successive scattering events. During preprocessing, the proposed method partitions the analytical region (or the bounding box) of the media into sub-spaces (partitions) according to the special variation of the mean free path in the media. The partitioning is represented as a kd-tree. During rendering, the locations of the scattering events are determined adaptively using the kd-tree. A key contribution of the proposed method is an automatic partitioning scheme based on a cost model for evaluating the sampling efficiency. The proposed method is one to two orders of magnitude faster in rendering speed than the previous methods for highly inhomogeneous media.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する

本論文は、「A Study on Acceleration of Global Illumination Calculation Based on Stochastic Light-Path Sampling (光路の統計的サンプリングに基づく大域照明計算の高速化に関する研究)」と題され全体で6章となり、英文で記されている。

三次元シーンの写実的なレンダリングのためには、シーン中における光の伝達を物理ベースにシミュレーションし, 大域的な照明分布を計算する必要がある。光伝達計算には、物体表面での相互反射やや煙などのような関与媒質中における光の散乱や減衰を考慮する必要があるため、複雑な計算を要し、計算時間が膨大となる。本論文は、この光伝達計算の高速化のための種々の手法を提案したものである。


第二章は、「Related Work(関連研究)」と題され、大域照明研究の流れや最近の手法と提案手法の関連について記している。

第三章は、「Interactive Rendering System for Local Light Sources (局所光源のためのインターラクティブレンダリングシステム)」と題され、様々な光源を扱える実時間計算法について記している。建物の内部の壁や物体による複雑な相互反射を考慮しつつ、点光源, スポットライト, 面光源などのローカル光源によってそれらが照らされる場合に、フォトンマップ法とファイナルギャザリング法をベースに、光路の部分計算を事前に行うことで、実時間で計算する手法を提案している。

第四章は、「Interactive Rendering System for Environment Light Sources (環境光源のためのインターラクティブレンダリングシステム)」と題され、前章と同様の建物の内部という設定において、窓などを通ってシーンが天空光源などの環境光源によって照らされ、これらの環境光源が動的に変化する場合の計算方法を記している。ここでの手法は、前章の手法が主に空間から物理面までの計算を高速化するものであったのに対し、光伝達の基底関数を利用し、環境光源から空間までの計算の高速化をはかっている。

第五章は、「Unbiased and Efficient Technique for Rendering Inhomogeneous Participating Media (不均質媒体のための非偏重で効率的な手法)」と題されている。シーン中に関与媒質が存在する場合に、正確性を保ちながら, 従来に比べて一桁から二桁の高速化に光伝達を計算する手法を記している。従来法においては, 自由行程(連続する散乱点間の距離)を決定するプロセスがボトルネックであり, 従来は不正確な方法か正確ではあるものの非効率な方法しかなかった. 本章の手法は、光路の統計的サンプリングをモンテカルロ法に基づいてこれを実現したとしている。

第六章は、「Conclusion and Future Work (結論と展望)」と題され、手法のまとめと残された問題に関して記している。



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