
No 127421
著者(漢字) グーセワ,アンナ
著者(カナ) グーセワ,アンナ
標題(和) 都市化とセカンドハウスに関する研究 : 20世紀のモスクワ都市の郊外に おける別荘住宅地開発
標題(洋) Urbanization and Second Homes : A Study on Formation of Second Home Settlements in Moscow's suburbs in the Twentieth Century
報告番号 127421
報告番号 甲27421
学位授与日 2011.09.15
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7529号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 建築学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 村松,伸
 東京大学 教授 藤井,恵介
 東京大学 教授 沼野,充義
 東京大学 准教授 大月,敏雄
 東京大学 講師 太田,浩史
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

One of the central questions of urban studies is the problem of differences in definitions between urban and rural environments in that the definitions of towns and villages in different cultures and at different times can vary greatly. In the modern world, when more and more of the global population has become urbanized, such cases as the possession of a second home such as in the case of a Russian dacha, permits us to examine 'a state in between', which could provide valuable information on links between the urban and the rural environment, which would permit us not only to clarify the process of urbanization itself, but provide us with some alternative solutions for urban growth.

In the last twenty years, as Russia has shifted from being a socialist to the market economy, Moscow's population has increased by 20%. Although the city has experienced an unprecedented construction boom, the majority of the population is still unable to afford buy houses, because of the overpriced real-estate market in Moscow. As a result, more and more citizens of low- and mid-incomes are looking for places to live in the Moscow Province. Meanwhile, at least half of the Muscovite population has already developed tight and old bonds with regard to suburban housing in that they are owners of summerhouses. The total area given over to second homes and the plots of urbanites in the Moscow Province is more than twice the size of the city of Moscow. The problem is that second home settlements are not regarded as a part of the urbanization process, and are not included in the housing or environmental preservation discourse. The underestimation of its role in terms of urbanization makes it difficult to use dachas and garden settlements as one of the tools that could relieve the housing shortage and the environmental degradation problems in the Moscow urban region.

This work examines second home settlements as a part of the urbanization process of the Moscow region, rather than the phenomenon of recreational or touristic activities, as it seeks to address the question as to whether second home development could be used as a tool to remedy the housing shortage and environmental degradation problems caused by the intensification of construction in the Moscow Province.

For the purposes of this study, quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Data used in this research consists of two groups: raw data from fieldwork surveys conducted in Moscow environs, and data derived from statistical polls, historical maps, Master Plans, and other related documents. To evaluate the modifications in second-home settlements since the 1990s, survey were conducted in seven second-home developments. The qualitative questionnaires have been designed, and an open-ended interview method has been used. Building and plot measurements were conducted to obtain space organization specifications.

This work shows that while the dispersal of the second homes has occurred in line with the model of seasonal suburbanization proposed by Clout (1974), whereas the spread of residential areas increase along with the development of the transportation network, there are serious exceptions. In the Moscow region, the process of urbanization, which transforms seasonal settlements into permanent ones, is not always related to distance and transportation only. In addition, other factors have a significant impact on the level of urbanization.

It was found that the environmental situation is important - if the seasonal settlement, located close to the city can provide recreational space, it is estimated more highly in terms of its potential housing resources by urbanites, which keeps its seasonal character (even inside urbanized areas).

As a working hypothesis, it was proposed that the level of infrastructure could identify the level of urbanization and its potential for serving as a housing resource. The case-study's findings indicated that dacha-plot-dachas, which have a better infrastructural and services supply than garden-plot-dachas, could hardly be regarded as potential housing resources for mid-income urbanites. The purchasing of such a plot requires a great deal of money. Besides, any subdivisions in dacha-settlements (dated from 1930 in particular) have to be supervised by environmental controls to preserve the natural vegetation inside a shrinking Green Belt area. The value of such settlements as green preserved areas is underestimated unfortunately.

Garden associations, which were considered as poor in terms of infrastructure, show a tendency to the rapid improvement of basic infrastructural supply and living standards. With the construction of winter-pipes and the connection to public gas lines, garden associations will have the same level of basic infrastructure as dacha-plots. Because of the small plot size, garden associations and cooperatives serve as a second-home resource for citizens of low- and middle-income. The results of the survey in the fully developed garden association settlement reveals that most houses are of medium size and could be habitable in winter. The convenient location to transportation lines has already increased the number of all-year-round residents in such settlements.

To conclude, there are a few obstacles to transforming second-homes into a housing resource, the most important of which are legal regulations. While dacha-settlements are recognized legally as residential settlements, and could provide land and infrastructural resources for new housing, their natural vegetation deserves to be preserved from build-up developments. In contrast, garden-plot dachas with their medium size plots and vegetation planted by gardeners, could be regarded as a serious housing resource. However, legally they could not provide permanent housing as most of them are located on agricultural land. Besides, while many summer dwellers expressed the wish to move to their dacha for all year round occupation, daily traffic problems overweigh the merits of the garden and the natural environment.

The principal conclusion is that second-home settlements in the Moscow environs have, during all their history, served as a temporary escape from housing shortage problems for the ordinary citizen. They could now provide sufficient infrastructure and offer a sufficient quality of living standards to permanently remedy the housing shortage. But there are a few serious objections including traffic problems and the legal regulations in terms of land use.

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