
No 127470
著者(漢字) 裘,知
著者(カナ) キュウ,チ
標題(和) 日本と中国の大都市における低所得者向けの公営住宅供給モデルに関する比較研究
標題(洋) Comparative Study on Public Housing Provision Model for Low Income Population in Metropolitan Areas between Japan and China
報告番号 127470
報告番号 甲27470
学位授与日 2011.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7556号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 建築学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 准教授 大月,敏雄
 東京大学 教授 西出,和彦
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 准教授 清家,剛
 東京大学 准教授 藤田,香織
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

Few countries have integrated into the world economy as fast or dramatically as China since 1980s. After the Reform and Open Policy carried out in the 1980s, a series of transformation have taken place not only in the economical, political areas, but also in the housing field, and a series of data like GDP, GNP or GOP publicized by government are so amazing and incredible. During the Reform, all the pubic houses completed before 1980s once provided by state-owned enterprises, were sold to tenants with government's subsidy; besides, the commercial housing came out. However, the wealth gap between the rich and poor has been worse and worse, and much more notable as time goes by.

So far, policy of public housing provision for low income population in China has been more than 10 years since it firstly came out in the 1990s. However, the effects are not as efficient as expected; the most notable evidence is that the low income population in metropolitan areas is still under serious residential conditions. Observing the public housing provision system in China participated by all necessary elements as other developed countries, the writer was confused by the contradiction be-tween prosperous image and actually inefficient effect of the system. Accordingly, to find out the crux of housing problem of low income population was the original motivation of the research. To interpret the whole research, the principle part is divided into five chapters listed as follow.

Chapter II -Feasibility of public housing provision security instrument in China

The chapter firstly establishes a comparison foundation model to observe objects with different housing security instruments on the basis of a common standard-the market economic mode operated by all objects. Moreover, the different types of market economy divided by government intervention level to the market are highly correlated with the government attitude towards selection of public housing security instruments as well. By observing components correlated with selection of housing security instrument, it shows that at the primary of economic development stage, the production method is more inclined to base on intensive labor force, and the orientation of housing security objects is usually focused on the low income labor force accordingly; accompanied with economic development and political consummation, when the financial ability achieved to a certain level, the public residential requirement would not be limited in a "shelter", but upgrade with more initiation for residential improvement. In this case, accompanied with less government intervention to the market, indirect housing security instruments with more flexibility would be carried out according to specific situation of one country.

Observing the correlated components in China, government intervention plays a fundamental role in operation and execution of national affairs; moreover, the economic development level is still at the stage of labor intensive type; the housing problem of low income population, especially the floating labor force in metropolitan area, is more urgent to be solved than ever before. Therefore, at the end of the chapter, the conclusion could be put forward that the direct public housing supply is the most appropriate and reasonable housing security instrument according to the current situation in China.

Chapter III-Comparability between Japan and China by similarity

The selection principle of the existing model of public housing provision is based on the observation of similarity compared with China, which is the verification of comparability with China.

There are 2 steps of the verification: the first step is to eliminate the improper objects by elimination method from the perspectives of government's task property, national dominant, economic development and ability, as well as urbanization mode and population trend. As Japan is the left case which has passed the above examinations, the second step is the verification of feasibility for performing as the existing model by observation of the similarities between Japan and China from the perspectives of corresponding relationship in economic scope, common characteristics of metropolitan area, as well as the functions played by the "World Factory".

Chapter IV-Referenceability of Japan's public housing supply policy & execution system

This chapter begins with discussion of comparability of the 2 countries in public housing supply policy and execution system based on the national law system, which is the "Civil Law System" in both China and Japan. Accordingly, the structure of the policy and law system performs as the "Top-down" hierarchy, which is the foundation and principle of the whole law system, including public housing supply system as well. Therefore, the 2 countries have got comparability in public housing supply policy and execution system, and that of Japan could be taken as reference for China.

After reviewing authority structure system in Japan, China, and some other countries, the thesis puts forward that a well-operated public housing supply system should perform as a cycle by the certain authority system, which are composed by policy establishment authority system, executive authority system, and the supervision authority system. After that, the thesis focuses on the feasibility of intermediary agency in the executive authority system, as well as the explicit and potential supervision function in the system. It could be concluded that: firstly, there should be an intermediary agency in the executive authority system in China as many European countries; while Japan is better to promote the function and development of NGO; secondly, due to the one-party political system in China, it has lacked the potential supervision power in a sense; therefore, to establish the similar supervision system as Japan is not enough for China, the supervision authority system in China should be endued with powerful compulsory and supervised authority, and isolated from the governmental system for the self-supervision of public housing supply by government.

Chapter V-Referenceability of Japan's public housing construction method and output

The discussion of comparability of the 2 countries in public housing construction begins with the analyzing the components correlated with the popularization of housing industrialization in Japan, which are the lack of skilled labor force; government assistance on R&D of industrialized housing construction technique; the developed manufacturing which promoted component mass-production; and the promoted function from popularized traditional detached housing at the very beginning which is easily constructed by industrialized method. Considering that of China, housing construction is mostly by concrete cast-in site method, and the components correlated with discrepancies against realization of housing industrialization are precisely opposite with that in Japan; which reflects that, it's unsubstantial to popularize housing industrialization in short-time in China.

On the basis of this principle, the thesis analyzes the specific reference method from 2 perspectives: one is the structural system and construction method; the other is the housing standardization. The discussion of the former one penetrates from comparing construction processes based on elements prefabrication in factory and concrete cast-in site; it finds that the structural frame and the joint details have not performed any obvious difference in technique level between Japan and China. However, China has still been in the attempt stage; the technique has not been popularized yet. The crux doesn't subject in the technique itself; but the requirement quantity and execution period which are affected by the operation mode of housing construction cycle. Moreover, the componentization is highly correlated with modularity of housing dimension, which is determined by design standardization; without that, mass production of prefabricated elements cannot be realized in extensive scope.

Chapter VI-Redefinition of low income population property in metropolitan area

This chapter is the reflection of existing policy and regulation on low income population, which is based on the household registration system in China. Through the comparison of low income population between Japan in the 1970s and current China from the perspectives of spatial distribution, property, and residential status, it could be found that:

There are 3 types of spatial distribution in common: public housing, decrepit traditional housing, and company housing /dormitory. Moreover, situation in China is more complicated that the low income population is distributed in urban blind area as well-which made them playing the double role of victims and initiators of the urban problems; and the acceptance level of "low rent & co-rent" type in current China is higher than that in Japan in the 1970s;

The career property of low income population in 2 groups are both inclined to physical labor, technician as well as staff in service; both the age structure and family structure in 2 groups per-form the miniaturized trend. For difference, the first is the correlation between state-owned enter-prise and low income in China; the second is the correlation between career and education background; and the last is the correlation between migration and low income.

For residential status, the thesis puts forward that it conflicts more in China than in Japan due to the more quality gap in China; and housing requirement of low income population in China is more sub-ordinate than that of Japan in the housing requirement hierarchy.

Based on the above analysis, the actual property of current low income population in China is de-ducted out by Principle Components Analysis Method in SPSS. In the end, the thesis reflects the whole public housing supply system to conform to the real security objects from the perspective of re-orientation of policy and construction.

The last part is the conclusion for summarization of the re-orientations from the perspectives of op-erator, constructor and user. Moreover, as the research is more inclined to comprehensive research on coordination and contradiction of the participants in the system, the correlation as well as the components which caused them would also be summarized in the final conclusion.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する






第5章から第7章は、「日中の公営住宅施策比較」という編を構成している。まず第5章では、公共住宅供給に関して、制度的側面からの比較を行っている。具体的に、日本と中国が戦後実施してきた住宅政策変遷のプロセスをたどり、それらの特色を民法体系・法制システム・行政システムとの関連において分析し、日本の住宅政策の特色をヒエラルキー型、中国のそれをインターセクション型と結論付け、ここに日中の住宅政策の特徴を示す新たな観点を提示している。さらに、日本の住宅政策実施過程における中間的機関(Intermediary Agency )に着目し、政策のフィードバック機能を担う重要なファクターとして抽出し、今後の中国の住宅施策における要点の一つとして指摘している。






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