
No 127479
著者(漢字) スックプロームサン,ブンシリ
著者(カナ) スックプロームサン,ブンシリ
標題(和) タイの都市基本計画策定における市民参加形成の実態 : バンコク市、チェンマイ市、ナーン市を事例として
標題(洋) Building Public Participation for Comprehensive Planning Process in Thailand : through the Case Studies on Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Nan
報告番号 127479
報告番号 甲27479
学位授与日 2011.09.27
学位種別 課程博士
学位種類 博士(工学)
学位記番号 博工第7565号
研究科 工学系研究科
専攻 都市工学専攻
論文審査委員 主査: 東京大学 教授 大方,潤一郎
 東京大学 教授 西村,幸夫
 東京大学 准教授 城所,哲夫
 東京大学 准教授 大月,敏雄
 東京大学 准教授 小泉,秀樹
内容要旨 要旨を表示する

In the context of planning, public participation is also an essential topic. With the rising global emphasis on collaborative planning, it has been recognized that public participation is essential in safeguarding success in working towards successful participation. Both internationally and locally, there are many studies focus on public involvement in the planning process, particularly, in the arena of land use planning. Nevertheless, public participation with a special focus on evaluation of effective public participation in planning process, especially in comprehensive planning of Thailand, is a rare study topic in the recent past. Take together; it is worthwhile to dedicate a research on studying effective public participation in comprehensive planning.

This purpose of the research study is to explore public participation in comprehensive plan in Thailand by evaluation comprehensive plan approach to public participation. The first objective is to explore public participation in comprehensive planning as it exists today in practice. The second objective is to develop the principles reflecting on characteristics of effective public participation in comprehensive planning process. The third objective is to evaluate the effective public participation approach in comprehensive planning process. And final objective is to investigate the adequacy of public participation efforts in planning process for improving participation approach. This study will contribute to the land use planning field including: first, the principles for effective public participation will be recognized and corroborated. This can contribute to further theoretical and practical knowledge about public participation in planning process in developing country. Second, the comparative analysis within Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Nan will provide the characteristics for effective public participation and make practical contribution to comprehensive planning in Thailand.

Case study methodology was used to gather information about the different planning initiative and conditional matrix methodology was used for the comparative analysis of the experiences of three cases located in Thailand. A sketch of public participation in Thailand is grounded from Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Nan, including (1) development of comprehensive plans; (2) planning process and participatory actions for producing the comprehensive plan; and (3) public participation and comprehensive planning process.

This thesis is an evaluation of comprehensive planning process. Seven principles of effective public participation are selected. These include: (1) efficacy; (2) accessibility; (3) education and empowerment; (4) comprehensibility; (5) continuity of participation; (6) impartiality; and (7) creating community organizations. The principles based on democratic principle were developed from the literature and field surveys for the analytical framework. The evaluation were based on a series of questionnaire surveys with 178 stakeholders selected from the areas conflict and in-depth interviews with 17 community representative and 7 government bodies who involved in comprehensive planning process. To understand the perception regarding to contribution of effective public participation in comprehensive planning process, a number of representatives at both the official and public were studies.

The research findings have demonstrated that the current practice of public participation in the comprehensive planning process in Thailand and the local practices of case studies were not performed in accordance to the principles of effective public participation. The three case studies of comprehensive planning practice illustrated a number of weaknesses in seven principles. They were identified that affected the operation of public participation in the planning system. These include the insignificant public impact on final decision, ineffective publicity and channels of planning process, improper communicative education and empowerment. It was further determined that the process was constrained by the deficiencies in the supply of information, insufficient time offered for participation and absence of partnership. In addition, public participation in comprehensive planning process failed to create dynamic participation culture and mobilize public participation in societal issues.

Regarding the weaknesses of the existing practice of public participation in comprehensive planning in Thailand, the characteristics of effective public participation were suggested and modified for analytical framework. Leading to some conclusions about efforts to incorporate effective participatory practices in Thailand were: first, planning procedures need to be developed for more effective public participation in comprehensive planning process. The planning process must rely on a cooperative planning and decision making, planners need to develop their capacity to design the process that involve all stakeholders through representative participation. Secondly, community planning organizations need to be crated and sustained to help citizens influence and aid planner in planning. Thirdly, long term commitment to educating the public on active public and planner involvement in which public need to educate and cultivate participatory planning was also suggested.

To address barriers to effective public participation in comprehensive planning, seven of recommendations were proposed. They were developed to contribute creating more effective public participation in Thailand. Seven outcome recommendations were (1) creating transparency of decision making process; (2) making equality for access to participate; (3) establishing civic education; (4) providing and sharing credible information; (5) promoting early and continuous public participation; (6) willing to share power with stakeholders; and (7) raising civic groups.

審査要旨 要旨を表示する


具体的には、まず、都市基本計画における市民参加を分析する枠組として、実効性(efficacy)、情報への近接性(accessibility)、住民の主体形成(education and empowerment)、参加の包括性(comprehensibility)、参加の継続性(continuity)、公平性(impartiality)、コミュニティ組織の形成(creating community organization) の7つの視点を、既存研究をふまえて整理した。




以上の検討から、以下の通りの知見を明らかにしている。タイ王国における都市基本計画に対する市民参加では、住民への情報提供の面では、バンコク市においては、プランナーが計画情報を分かり易いかたちで整理し提供することや、新聞社などマスコミを活用することで市民に広く計画の内容を周知すること、などが試みられていた。これらは、情報への近接性(accessibility)及び参加の包括性(comprehensibility)の観点から評価されるものであった。また、チェンマイ市、ナーン市においては、法制度上保障されている市民参加の手続以外にも、それに連続・継続させる形で市民の声を反映させるコミュニティベースの意向調整の試みが行なわれおり、このことが住民による市民参加の評価の向上にもつながっていた。こうした試みは、実効性(efficacy)、住民の主体形成(education and empowerment)、参加の継続性(continuity)、公平性(impartiality)、コミュニティ組織の形成(creating community organization)の観点から評価され得るものであることが明らかになった。







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